Zen Price Reduction

Started by sparky, Mar 26, 2019, 17:50:25

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I've been with IDNET for more years than I can remember now and never really considered switching as I appreciate the quality of service etc. I have over the years, checked up on Zen's pricing, as maybe the only ISP that I would consider switching to. But now this:-

"Rochdale-based ISP Zen Internet has informed us that both their new and existing customers can now benefit after they cut the price of their FTTC based Unlimited Fibre 1 (35Mbps average speed) and phone plan from £37 to £29.99 per month, which will be maintained as its new standard pricing."

If I take a the line rental as included and add a phone package, that now represents a saving of about £7 a month on what I pay idnet, (currently paying £45.60 for line, broadband and unlimited call package, with 2Mbs upload) also my upload speeds would increase from 2Mbs to 6Mbs. It'll be interesting to see if IDNET do anything similar with the lower speed fibre pricing, if not I am going to be very tempted.


Zen used to be good, but I'm hearing that quality has gone downhill recently.


I understand there was an Openreach price cut in 40/10 FTTC from 1st April and I've been waiting to see if Idnet would reflect it in their pricing. I'm also tempted by Zen, esp as I've been suffering from unexplained dropouts every few weeks since November, after years of total reliability.

News article from last December:
"As expected Openreach (BT) has today confirmed that the wholesale price of their 40Mbps (10Mbps upload) Fibre-to-the-Cabinet (FTTC / VDSL2) broadband tier will drop by -£8.08 (-11.6%) from 1st April 2019."


I would be very interested if IDNet cut the prices for FTTC as I am still on ADSL2+. Their customer service is still second to none so I would not want to move away from them.


I think historically they have passed any reductions of wholesale prices on to customers, by way of better value packages.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'm also on ADSL2+ and would move to 40/10 FTTC if pricing was similar. Don't need the extra speed but might benefit from a more reliable connection. I have been really impressed with Idnet's customer service over the years so would be reluctant to leave.


40/10? Luxury! Anything better than 4/0.8 would be great.


It's a difficult one. I've never really had to use IDNet's customer services, so although reputation is all I have to go on; the "problems" with my connection (dropouts/latency/packet loss/slowing speeds) are all down to the local network. With new people moving in locally it looks like my connection is zapped - having lost 10Mbps on downloads (a third of my speeds) over the last few months. Nothing IDNet or any other ISP can do about it. Streaming is now dodgy.

So what matters other than going for the cheapest price, quite frankly? I don't think feeding my ego is worth the extra expense. I think I just have to learn some patience and for me at least the internet hasn't changed (and probably won't change in my lifetime)  from the old "you'll get what you're given" days, despite all the marketing noise that comes from the politicians downwards. Like everything else on earth, broadband at the end of the day is a finite shared resource, and it's different for everyone. Some people have more than others. That's life.

(and yes I did contact IdNet to be told "it all looks fine". I had guessed that!)


Quote from: Clive on Apr 03, 2019, 10:43:33
I would be very interested if IDNet cut the prices for FTTC as I am still on ADSL2+. Their customer service is still second to none so I would not want to move away from them.

I'm on ADSL 2+ and hang off a Market 1 exchange (HCA). What I get from IDNet for £33.60 a month would cost me £59.59 a month at Zen.

No contest really....


Quote from: JohnH on Apr 13, 2019, 08:25:30
I'm on ADSL 2+ and hang off a Market 1 exchange (HCA). What I get from IDNet for £33.60 a month would cost me £59.59 a month at Zen.

No contest really....



Been a Zen customer myself for a number of years and can happily vouch for them.

Had their LLU ADSL which was good and went Fibre To The Premises with them last year, price was due to go up by 7 quid as I came off the Openreach imposed minimum term but just rang and asked and they capped it for another 12 months.


I have to say IDnet have been very good for me, the customer service has been second to none ( despite some of my rather simpleton questions ) . The advertising on TV with lower prices do look very appealing but I always try to read between the lines and check out the small print, you can always find a bug if you look hard enough. I'm not technically minded so if the system "works " as  it always seems to why change  :dunno: