internet down

Started by talos, Jun 16, 2020, 08:33:14

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Been noticing a lot of outages just lately , not usually a problem but they are becoming more frequent of late.
They are not long in fact sometimes very short, but annoying nevertheless . Is it just me or is it happening to others in the same way, and if it is just me where do I look for a fault?
>:( ??? ??? ???


Are the outages at regular times, Bob?  And are they actual disconnections rather than a brief "freeze"?  I've been getting a few freezes recently but I put it down to the extra traffic going through the BT networks due to everyone being at home.

If you think you have an internal problem, then I think the first step would be to try a different router and see if the problem persists.  You could ring IDNet and ask them to check the line, but I suspect that they will ask you to do the same, unless they can see any obvious problems.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks Simon

No not regular in fact very random, they don't last more than 1-2 min each time , I've logged some to try and find a pattern but there is none. They could be down to BT I suppose working on the line somewhere because there are a lot of their vans about , in fact thinking about it I cant remember one happening in the evening out of working hours.
I think I may have answered my own question  ::)

Anyway thanks for the suggestions
Keep well


Rain or thunderstorms in your area?


Rain yes, though not a lot , no thunder or lightning . Seems we have got away with it  8-) for now.