Poor coverage with Billion 8800

Started by Noelle, Nov 01, 2021, 15:37:12

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Last year, I switched from an FTTC to an FTTP connection without changing my Billion router.

My wifi coverage used to go to the end of the garden, now it doesn't cover the garden at all - whether with the 5Ghz band or 2.4.

My house is rather small but as soon as we're more than 4 yards from the router, we're losing the wifi.

IDNet didn't have an explanation except to change the Billion router which is only 2 years old.

Any thoughts? Thanks a lot!


I suspect they've already suggested the easy options
Router position
Router uptime - I use DSL Stats http://dslstats.me.uk/ to see what goes on in the Billion

However, probably the best thing I can suggest is a Wifi strength app on a mobile. It will give you a good idea of what is happening and where.

Do you have any form of wifi enhancer or boosters for different parts of the house?
If we tell people their brain is an app - they might actually start to use it.


Thanks a lot for your answer.

My neighbours have Sky and Virgin and I receive their signal stronger than mine in most rooms.

I shouldn't have to do all this step to have a proper wifi.

Maybe Idnet is not for me anymore.


Noelle, have you tried changing the WiFi channels on your Router? could be other WiFi users around you using the same channel causing interference and weakening your signal. If you use an Andriod phone I would recommend you download Netgear WiFi Analyser app. from the Play store. This will tell you your signal strength and what other WiFi networks are in the area and which Channel they are on.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'm on iPhone. I have no clue how to change channels, update the firmware.

I've been with Idnet since 2008 because back then, only Idnet could offer a weak ADSL signal but I'm not someone having a router expertise.

I'm unable to do the tasks mentionned in your reply.


Make sure you have your router password.
Go to the wifi connection settings on your iPhone.
Tap on your Billion connection then tap Forget This Network
Then wait for the phone to find your Billion again, tap it and enter the router password.

It may also help to have a friend connect their phone and to double check to see if they see the same problem.

It does seem unlikely that switching to FTTP would affect your wifi in any way. Again I assume iDnet have already asked you to reseat all the connections, leave the router powered down overnight and so on.

The other thing you could do is to ask iDnet to look at the amount of traffic on your connection just in case someone has acquired your router password and is monopolising your wifi - I know it is unlikely but it may be worth checking.
If we tell people their brain is an app - they might actually start to use it.


Quote from: Noelle on Nov 02, 2021, 15:16:57
I'm on iPhone. I have no clue how to change channels, update the firmware.

I've been with Idnet since 2008 because back then, only Idnet could offer a weak ADSL signal but I'm not someone having a router expertise.

I'm unable to do the tasks mentionned in your reply.
I have to say if you dint know how to update your routers firmware and its not automatic you could be putting your home network in danger, I take it you update your iPhones firmware when new updates are pushed out? Maybe get a relative round who can help you as security is very important and regular router updates are vital. Many routers have auto updates, but find out if yours does, Google is your friend. Also its worth reading and having a go with someone there to guide you, we all had to learn to do these things ourselves and its not as hard as it sounds believe me, updating is very simple also, try reading up on it and then have a friend show you how its done and have a go maybe while they help you, its important your phone computer and router are always up to date for your safety.

Routers age, the power supplies grow old and also neighbours Wi-Fi can interfere with yours, try a different router (always good to have a spare) as yours may be simply getting old if it is a older unit, I'm sure people on here with Billion routers would be able to help. FTTP will have no effect on your wifi but if you are getting much higher speeds it may be worth investing in a AX router as new devices use Wi-Fi 6 which can make use of the faster speeds of FTTP compared with older AC routers, what kind of router is your billion? (model number) maybe that would help as someone could look up if it has auto firmware updates on it. Take care.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Another way you could change channels without getting into your router is by downloading  nirsoft wifi channel monitor but you would have to do it on a laptop as it's not available on the iPhone.  It's very easy to use. 


Quote from: Clive on Nov 08, 2021, 10:28:00
Another way you could change channels without getting into your router is by downloading  nirsoft wifi channel monitor but you would have to do it on a laptop as it's not available on the iPhone.  It's very easy to use. 
Surely you would have to change the channel yourself or does it do something naughty like force a change? If the billion has PMF (protected management frames) then that should stop that working.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Thanks to you all but my router is simply dying and I have ordered a new one.


Quote from: Gary on Nov 09, 2021, 13:43:44
Surely you would have to change the channel yourself or does it do something naughty like force a change? If the billion has PMF (protected management frames) then that should stop that working.

Yes, you had to change the channel yourself but the software made it very easy to do. 

QuoteThanks to you all but my router is simply dying and I have ordered a new one.

Good call.  If problems persist, have a chat to IDNet support who are usually very helpful. 


Thread resurrection alert  :)

There are some up to date posts on the forum here where Simon and I have been deliberating on upgrading to FTTP and whether this or that router would benefit us.  Included in the conversations are also the pros and cons of ATA's to aid us with the forthcoming move to VOIP. Obviously there's the question of getting a router with FXS phone ports built in but there aren't many of them on the market at the moment.

I, too, have a two year old Billion router - a BIPAC 8800 AXL R2.  It works well enough  (although not offering a particularly wide range of wi fi)  but I haven't done any manual updates ... to be honest I didn't know you had to,  It might update automatically ... I don't know and don't know how to check.

Simon spoke about an ASUS RT AX 59U device for around £100 as well as a TP Link AX1880 VX 230V for around £60 and I made reference to a Techniclour DGA4134 for around £100.
The ASUS has no FXS analogue phone ports so an ATA would have to be used with it if existing analogue phones are to be kept in use - but the other two do have an FXS port (the Technicolour has TWO!)

Personally I have decided I to have my FTTP with either Idnet (I've been with them since 2008) ... or move to Andrews and Arnold (A&A)   If I stay with Idnet they offer a choice of router and offer two ATA's too. If I moved to Andrews and Arnold they only offer two routers, the better specified one being the Technicolour.  They offer one Grandstream one FXS port ATA.

I'm really unsure about routers - A new router might work better than my Billion device. From what I read on the net in reviews and forum comments I suspect ASUS is a better regarded manufacturer than TP Link or Technicolour. Then there's the question of using a router plus an ATA OR seeking a suitably well regarded router with FXS ports incorporated  in them. (there aren't many!)

If anyone has experience of any of the above I'd be grateful to hear their thoughts.



I can see the OP is no longer active. Perhaps they movewd away from Idnet?  But if anyone else has advice I'm all ears.


Quote from: stan on Jan 28, 2024, 13:06:28I, too, have a two year old Billion router - a BIPAC 8800 AXL R2.  It works well enough  (although not offering a particularly wide range of wi fi)  but I haven't done any manual updates ... to be honest I didn't know you had to,  It might update automatically ... I don't know and don't know how to check.

See https://www.idnetters.co.uk/forums/index.php/topic,34056.0.html.  This is the latest firmware update published by Billion.  Given its age it looks as if Billion have stopped maintaining the firmware for the router.

To be honest I am a little surprised that IDNet just wash their hands of things once they have supplied the user with a router rather than having some sort of firmware update process (even if it is just a note to let you know that an update is available).


I must have had my Billion router for 6 years and never updated it.  My new ZYXEL router lasted just 6 weeks before packing in.  On my second one now. 


Ok: Thanks for resurrecting my question. So, I have an ASUS with a TPS router installed by a professional. I have a very unstable WiFi and extremely limited. IDNet told me they were interference since I got the FTTP. I discovered that there's no interference at all. To be 100% I did a video and sent it to an expert in cybersecurity in India: he told me that there were no interference at all but the router seemed blocked on purpose by IDNet or else.
Then, I discovered that they're currently redoing the FTTP network in my town because there's so much content in the U.K. or especially in Kent that they have to improve it because the demand was higher then expected which seems accurate to me. In sport for instance, the world feed is based in the U.K. and sends back to the rest of the world. Now and then, I have the feeling the U.K. is the only country in the world who has a proper democracy respecting the freedom of speech, of choice while the EU is censoring content with the DSA and DMA. My brother needs a VIP hiding the ip address to watch Russian TV. I tried from my mobile and could watch everything. I was simply banned from watching the commercials because I had rejected all cookies. I'm a woman and IDNet thinks I'm stupid in IT: I'm not. I simply don't know how to change channels because I never received the instructions of the routers sent by IDNet.


Hi Noelle,

Are you asking how to change the WiFi channel on an Asus router?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


No, I'm waiting for the FTTP network to be redone in my town/area and then I'll change my router and package. For now, I have noticed that the wifi is more stable than it used to be and it covers now my entire house. I check now and then at different hours in different rooms and I'll switch when necessary. I have an ASUS with automatic updates. I reboot it now and then. As long as I have enough wifi to work from home and stream all the content I want properly, I couldn't care less about updating and changing routers like I did in 2020 and 2021. For me, I think they did a poor FTTP during the lockdown and they have to redo it. Same for 5G: they cannot manage to put it because there's no hills or high buildings in my area. It's completely stupid to do the AI summit while my hospital has no wifi. Rishi should put his IT priority in order  :laugh:


Quote from: Noelle on Jan 29, 2024, 13:52:57
Then, I discovered that they're currently redoing the FTTP network in my town because there's so much content in the U.K. or especially in Kent that they have to improve it because the demand was higher then expected which seems accurate to me.

I live in Kent and we've started to notice a lot of buffering, particularly at peak times. That said speed tests carried out during those times indicate nothing wrong :dunno:

I really need to get a Thinkbroadband BQM working but my RT-AX53U won't play ball.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I did tests and I have for instance 500mbts download near the router but only 50 in my office.
I think there's a massive problem in Kent and not only for IT and 5G: I spent a part of the day chatting about politics to prevent Farage from lying as usual. You can find me on X, Meta or else. I think it's time to do a group of people good in IT, politics while excluding the idiots whether they're political affiliation. I'm with sas too: Surfers against sewage. Andy Cotton put a post on instagram while I was watching him in Nazaré Portugal towing a French surfer.


Quote from: Noelle on Jan 29, 2024, 19:10:23
I did tests and I have for instance 500mbts download near the router but only 50 in my office.

Just for clarity, that issue is something entirely within the internal household network and absolutely nothing to do with anything external in any FTTP network or whatever.  Lots of factors affect WiFi within the house (structure of internal walls, suitability of router etc. etc.) but that is entirely the province of the resident to sort.  You can connect by wire, add wireless access points, change the router, knock down internal walls or whatever but that is nothing to do with any wider network issues.


Quote from: stan on Jan 28, 2024, 13:06:28
Thread resurrection alert  :)


I, too, have a two year old Billion router - a BIPAC 8800 AXL R2.  It works well enough  (although not offering a particularly wide range of wi fi)  but I haven't done any manual updates ... to be honest I didn't know you had to,  It might update automatically ... I don't know and don't know how to check.

.......... as a TP Link AX1880 VX 230V for around £60 and I made reference to a Techniclour DGA4134 for around £100.

I'm really unsure about routers - A new router might work better than my Billion device. From what I read on the net in reviews and forum comments I suspect ASUS is a better regarded manufacturer than TP Link or Technicolour. Then there's the question of using a router plus an ATA OR seeking a suitably well regarded router with FXS ports incorporated  in them. (there aren't many!)

If anyone has experience of any of the above I'd be grateful to hear their thoughts.


Our old broadband (IDnet for ages) was copper ADSL, 14Mb/s download, with a Billion 8800NL R2, around 7 or 8 years old.  Never been updated.

Our new is FTTP.  We took the TP-Link VX 230V, in part as "new router" would be setup for fibre, and in part as it has the VOIP adaptor at a good price (so its cheaper than using the old router and a stand-alone VOIP adaptor).    Once setup the VOIP is fine, its plumbed into our old PSTN extensions around the house (disconnecting first the external BT copper line).

The WiFi coverage is very good.   My phone scanning App reports 300Mb/s(*) on WiFi, with drops in some parts of the house to about 70Mb/s (fairly big house, lots of walls, foil insulation, etc..).   This is achieved with two WiFi access points;  the primary router one, and a (some years old) TP-Link ethernet-over-mains connection to a second access point in the diagonally opposite corner of the house.  Both access points have same SSID/password combinations,  so hand-over as one walks between them is seemless.   

It is a substantial improvement on the Wifi coverage we had from the Billion 8800NL.  The phone scanner app shows more active channels in the new setup to achieve the reported bandwidth.     
We had considered putting the new router in the centre of the house, with an ethernet cable from there to the FTTP box, and then retire the ethernet-over-mains.   But the local electricians haven't come back with an estimate for pulling the ethernet cable through the cable ducts in the house.  As it is currently working very well, I'm not likely to take that option. 

(* obviously ??  this is the internal house network speed.  External speed is limited by the approx 110Mb/s+20Mb/s of the FTTP product. )

Hope that helps.



My Billion 8800 R2 improved reliability hugely after i updated the firmware a couple of years back. However it is inherently poor at wifi coverage - always has been.

Having tried a few powerline type options in the end I got a cheapo 3 unit Tenda mesh kit off Amazon and it works brilliantly!
If we tell people their brain is an app - they might actually start to use it.


Quote from: robinc on Feb 03, 2024, 06:26:31
My Billion 8800 R2 improved reliability hugely after i updated the firmware a couple of years back. However it is inherently poor at wifi coverage - always has been.

Having tried a few powerline type options in the end I got a cheapo 3 unit Tenda mesh kit off Amazon and it works brilliantly!

As I metioned, I have the Billion 8800 AXL R2 and having nothing to compare it to so don't really know how good or poor the wi fi is.  If I do move to another provider and have the Technicolour 4134 router from them (which is looking likely) then I'll know if it improves the (slightly patchy) wi fi coverage in the upstairs room where I have a TV and use wi fi for catch up TV.

Running  an ethernet cable to that room is doable albeit a bit of a chore. Probably best to see how the new router performs before installing the ethernet cable. An alternative that was suggested is the BT \Whole Home white discs.  I'd never heard of them and know less than nothing about them.