Switch to SOGEA

Started by robinc, Jul 02, 2022, 06:08:28

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We don't use our land line any more. It therefore seems largely pointless to be paying £138.60 for the privilege of having it - especially when it's going to go anyway in the next couple of years.

On chatting with support it seems that doing this will be easy - my connection will then be switched over to SOGEA.

Generally a bit miffed - a few weeks back the pole carrying the OpenReach connectors was destroyed by a vehicle. They have finished all the work putting it back in place including reconnecting everyone. But I've lost 25% of my download speed. Tough - it's UP TO 40meg. Had been getting 40meg since 2017 but not any more.....  :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
If we tell people their brain is an app - they might actually start to use it.


I've just moved house to a property already cabled for FTTP. So the land line has gone and an I now have an 80/20 service giving me 74.44/21.44 which is double what I had at my last place (with 80/20 FTTC connection) on the downstream plus a significantly reduced latency.

So a far better service at a significantly reduced cost for the loss of a land line on which we were only ever called by scammers and the mother-in-law. What's not to like :evil:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.