High latency between 8.30-11.00pm

Started by lozcart, Aug 17, 2022, 15:36:24

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Hi all I hope you have been keeping well, my internet with Idnet has been fine for many years hence my lack of posting. However since 31st July between the hours of 8.30-11pm my latency has slowly increased and I've noticed high pings and a big drop in download speed. I've tried a reconnection by turning the router/modem off and on but it's still the same, I've reported it to idnet and send them the following screen grabs. Has anyone any ideas on why this suddenly happened.

post pictures


Hi Loz, good to hear from you.

With no technical expertise on these matters, I just wonder if it's a coincidence that your issues came about just as the school holidays started?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Thanks Simon you could be on to something with the school holidays, however I've not experienced anything like this before.

I've read the thread Postal, thanks, and emailed support asking if I was transferred to Zens backhaul on or around 30th July as this could be the reason for the problem.


An update on my high latency issue, Idnet support have been helpful and proactive, I've had a Openreach engineer visit a week or so ago he checked everything including the equipment in the house but found nothing and stated the line was perfect, he put the latency rise down to congestion when my routing leaves the exchange and uses the ISP network.

Support has raised the issue with their supplier again last week and asked for a engineer to contact me, I've not heard from anyone however, on Friday evening I noticed the rise is latency was getting significantly less, then on Saturday evening it was back to how it was a month or so ago and again is looking good tonight so something must have changed. I'll update you if I hear what was done. Below is my graph for Saturday.