Hi new customer here... few concerns though.

Started by Richdog, Jul 23, 2006, 11:13:43

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 Fingers crossed Rich :\

Reason why so many had mentioned about the 10 day Rambo training is simply because BT themselves will fail to acknowledge any sort of fault during this period. Usually, the majority of folk notice instant good throughput comparative of their sync. and within the 30% FTR but alas, there are one or two that have problems. Anyone with throughput problems must indeed perform a BT Speedtest to rule out IDNet congestion which in turn will allow IDNet to progress this as a fault to BT :)


Ahh I see.  Well, I did two speed test last night and both were sub- 400kbps, did one this morning and it was just over 400kbps.  Been emailing that nice chap Si who is hopefully going to do all he can to get me a decent connection.

Just cross my fingers and pray... if I can't get them to do anything what the chuff am I going to have to do... go back to IPstream ADSL or something?  I know IDNet do that so maybe all isn't lost...
Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX


Rich, was it a BT Speedtest you did? I will say this tho mate, IDNet don`t, afaihk suffer any form of network congestion and if your throughput is poor even if BT confirm that your line is up and running to the Max (pardon the pun ;)), if exchange congention is to blame then there ain`t anything anyone can do until BT add some more capacity at your exchange :\


Rich's problem is that his profile is set way lower than his sync rate, which appears to be stable. Therefore his throughput is limited at the BRAS.

While BT will recognise this situation as an 'anomoly' there is not, as yet, any procedure that BT have for fixing this (fairly common) problem. Miriam is pursuing Rich's case with BT but it rather depends on making contact with a BT person who is sympathetic AND who is able take action.


Simon, is there any literature anywhere for referral? I`ve just mentioned to someone over at AG that they too may have the infamous BRAS profile syndrome ;)

Maybe something we can add to our faq, even if it`s penned by a kind gaffer at IDNet? ;)


Well after some correspondence with the gentleman that is Simon, I was then scooped up by Miriam and held in tender loving arms while she whispered sweet sweet words about my ADSL connection.  Ahem.

Basically, after sopeaking to the BT ADSL MAX guru he says that providing my router stays at a stable 2.1MB for 3 days then my BRAS profile should adapt to match it, so all is not lost and hopefully by the time I come back from France (leaving on thursday for a week) I should be on a 1.6MB download profile.

Fingers, toes and tadgers are being crossed! :D

Also just wanted to say that Simon was answering emails to me at close to 10pm at night... which while I find utterly and stunningly  phenomenal in terms of service, I must insist that he get a bloomin social life or get down to the pub!  If you sit there answering emails all night mate you'll eventually go insane, leave it till the morning! :police: :D
Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX


Hi Jeff

There is no literature because the situation should not occur. The DLM should ensure that the througput profile 'shadows' the line sync rate - if even with a 3-day lag.

I'll try to draft a paragraph or two for the FAQ.




Well, I have returned from the drivers hell that is Franceonly to find that... yep... my connection is still at a dreadful 0.5MB.  My connextion was stable before I went on holiday... not a hiccup... so I have no idea what the chuff is going on now.  I sent Miriam an email so hopefully she can shed some light on the situation.  One really unhappy IDNetter here... :(
Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX


Rich, do a BT Speedtest when your IDNet throughput is pants, post back m8 :)


Quote from: Jeff on Aug 11, 2006, 20:26:21
Rich, do a BT Speedtest when your IDNet throughput is pants, post back m8 :)

Done it about 3x today mate, it ranges from 300-480k.

EDIT - Just did one for you mate, 430kbps. :(
Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX


Exchange contention ... tough luck Bud ;)

At least IDNet will have a bit leverage now with BT`s new 30% FTR ruling on Max products ... simple, you can report it is a line fault. Do it ... and report back here with details of how BT didn`t wanna know ;)


Quote from: Jeff on Aug 12, 2006, 02:22:36
Exchange contention ... tough luck Bud ;)

At least IDNet will have a bit leverage now with BT`s new 30% FTR ruling on Max products ... simple, you can report it is a line fault. Do it ... and report back here with details of how BT didn`t wanna know ;)

Sad thing is I used to work for BT faults a few years ago... so I know i'm buggered. ;D
Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX


Aghh anyone know where I can get an IDC insertion tool from without having to order off the internet?  Homebase do one?
Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX


Well, some interesting developments today.  Dad tried to do all the stuff with the faceplates but wasn't quite successful.  However, after fiddling with thre wires my synch speed has leapt from 2.2MB to a whopping 3.6MB... though my SNR is still the same.

Will hopefully try and sort it tommorrow... would disconnecting the ringwire help too?
Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX


Your SNR is still the same because when you sync increased it used up some of the SNR.

With the ringwire, some people have said that it has improved their connection but some not.


Quote from: Richdog on Aug 12, 2006, 20:31:34
Well, some interesting developments today.  Dad tried to do all the stuff with the faceplates but wasn't quite successful.  However, after fiddling with thre wires my synch speed has leapt from 2.2MB to a whopping 3.6MB... though my SNR is still the same.

Will hopefully try and sort it tommorrow... would disconnecting the ringwire help too?

*quickly orders a faceplate* ;) - do you have a linky to follow? (ie the one u got)


Quote from: AvengerUK on Aug 12, 2006, 21:42:07
Quote from: Richdog on Aug 12, 2006, 20:31:34
Well, some interesting developments today.  Dad tried to do all the stuff with the faceplates but wasn't quite successful.  However, after fiddling with thre wires my synch speed has leapt from 2.2MB to a whopping 3.6MB... though my SNR is still the same.

Will hopefully try and sort it tommorrow... would disconnecting the ringwire help too?

*quickly orders a faceplate* ;) - do you have a linky to follow? (ie the one u got)

It's the one form ADSL Nation mate the XTE2005.  Thing is though it's not currently connected lol... the connection is as it was before I bought the faceplate, the only thing thats changed is my dad has fiddles with the wiring in each extension box (ie: took wires out and put em back in).

Will try the ringwire tommorrow as well as connect the faceplate to see if it improves my SNR...
Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX


So, basically, you messed around with the wires in your current faceplate (remove and replace the wires) - and your going to take out the ringwire to see if it helps? - Whats a ringwire?, im thinking of trying this myself but i dont have the faintist idea of what im doing :/


Here you go mate  ;)

I've read comments over the last few months about people suffering with low SNR on their ADSL line. Some people have reported success by removing the ringwire from their BT master socket. I've never tried this idea before because I'd heard that the only real benefit was on the older styled star (or spur) telephone system. Since I live in a fairly new house I discounted the idea.
BT's web site has always said I should be able to get in excess of 3Mb on my ADSL line but I've only ever managed half that. Anyway, this weekend I decided to give it a go. I removed the orange ringwire from the master socket and all telephone extension points in the house. You don't need the ringwire since the dangly ADSL filters I've got plugged in around the house generate the ring for you.

With the ringwire attached my router used to sync at 2336, with the ringwire removed it now syncs at 3776. Quite an improvement eh. This should result in my stable rate increasing from 1.5 to 3.0Mb - in other words a doubling of my potential download speeds


Quote from: AvengerUK on Aug 13, 2006, 12:44:08
So, basically, you messed around with the wires in your current faceplate (remove and replace the wires) - and your going to take out the ringwire to see if it helps? - Whats a ringwire?, im thinking of trying this myself but i dont have the faintist idea of what im doing :/

The tragedy is that today IU learnt my ringwire was already disconnected at the main socket... my SNR is still a shocking 6 average despite this... unless i'm missing something.  My main socket is an old non-NTE5-stylee piece of junk too. :(

See this incredibly detailed guide for more answers on the ruingwire mate http://www.readman.dsl.pipex.com/other/UKphonecatwiring.htm :)
Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX



Belkin 7633 ADSL Router
IDNet Home MAX


Im going to have a fiddle tonight!

Oh, and are there any risks to this? Im aware that you cant replace anything/remove anything of BT's - but apart from that...anything else? lol
