new member router question

Started by soulwarfare, Jul 24, 2006, 13:11:38

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Hi there just joined IDnet on thurs,migrated in from Pipex.
I know Im still in the training period for my line but Ive yet to
see speeds over 2mb.Ive been using the old speedtouch 330
modem that I was given by Pipex(Ive upgraded the drivers)
I have just bought a new router
which was delivered this morning,will this make a big difference
to my speed? so far my connection has been solid
no disconnections no big drops in speed,I just seem to be stuck on
a solid 2mb.
cheers Ian


If you have bought the router just to try and get a better speed send it back and get a refund.
I have a old alcatel frog i have as a back up and i can the same speeds on it as i can with my modem/router.
You just have to be patient mate and wait for the 10 period to end.


to be honest Im more than happy with the speed, I was only on the 1 meg at Pipex
so Im already noticeing a big speed increase,but if I could squeeze another meg out of my connection,
id be over the moon.


I usually get around 4500Kbps but Ive just checked and I'm only getting the result below, i guess its because the schools are on holiday.
You will just have to be patient m8 and wait until the 10 days is up.

Downstream 3,827.4 Kbps ( = 3.7 Mbps )   
Upstream ......375.8 Kbps ( = 0.4 Mbps )   


To be clear, are we talking sync speed or throughput here?

Sync speed is what your advertised line rate from the modem/router is ie ... what linespeed you are connected and throughput is what download speeds you can acheive.

Thing is with MaxDSL, BT need to "train" your line and you may be synced far higher than what you are actually receiving as throughput, temporarily

Read our FAQ which Scott explains far better than my mutterings ;)

Edit: Link repaired