Your thoughts on IDNET

Started by Ted, Oct 05, 2007, 22:52:35

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Hi to all
just found out (must be the last to know) that f2s has been bought by Tiscali (spit). Obviously looking for a new ISP. I've been hearing good things about IDNET and thought i'd drop by and ask the people here what they think? Can't think of a better place or people to ask.

if this isn't the appropriate forum would someone please move it for me. cheers
There's no place like


For me...its the only choice of isp.

Good service

Good pings

Good speed

And more

It all adds up  :laugh:

Have a karma for dropping by


Well thanks, getting a warm tingly feeling already ;D Couple more recommendations like that and i'll probably be dropping by permanently.
Kind of already made my mind up, just wanted to check out with the people here.
There's no place like


Welcome xild, I'm ex f2s and there are several others here too, all escapees from Tiscali. If you're looking for an ISP like f2s used to be in the good old days before Pipex and Tiscali, you've just found it.  ;D


Welcome to the forum!

I agree with mrapoc!

If you have a look round the forum, you'll find plenty of posts praising IDNet!

Here's a couple to get you started...
link 1
link 2


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Xild, and

You'll rarely find anything but praise here for IDNet, and even if there is the odd problem (no one's perfect), it's dealt with swiftly and smoothly.  The management team are friendly and accessible, listen to customer feedback, and will always happily help you out.  I came here a few weeks ago from Pipex (also bought out by Tiscali), and haven't looked back.  If you join IDNet, you won't regret it.

Oh, and there's a very friendly forum too!  ;D
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I've been here nearly 2 years, ex F2S I have no intention of moving in the near future, IDNet are simply the BEST ISP money can pay for

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I migrated from Orange, my line is faster, I have full access to BBC content, no call centers and when you do call IDNet you get a knowledgeable friendly person on the line, good pings, great friendly forum and help here, best move I made and I can enjoy the net again without traffic shaping and throttling etc, you would not regret the move  :)
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Wot everyone else said.  I migrated from Tiswas (double spit!).
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Agreed, been here 11 months now, never a single problem...fantastic ISP. ;)
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


Hi xild,

I'm a newbie with IDNet (been less than a week at the time of posting here), and I have to reflect the previous posts.  I, too am an ex-f2s subscriber, and I've tried one or two others along the way.  ::)
IDNet 'does exactly what it says on the label' - i.e. fast and reliable, with excellent tech support (got my one and only problem sorted inside 20 minutes!).
Best of all, you can currently get your first month free, so you can try it out without spending anything!   ;D

Good luck with the decision - hope to see you here (full-time) soon.

Your ability to bang your head against reality in the hope that reality will crack first is impressive, but futile!


Hello Xild,

Welcome to the forum! This is the best place ever, you won't regret your choice! ;D

From another ex-f2s escapee.


What everyone else said. I came here from Nildram 11 months ago, and have never looked back.

Welcome to the forum. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Been here nearly 2 years as well.  IDNet must be one of the best on the market.  Bring your sense of humour to this forum though.  Everyone is very helpful and kind >:D  If you can't get an answer to things here then IDNET has free CS and Support to get you sorted as quickly as possible.
Alf :)


I left BT and IDNET could not be more different, IDNET are a totally awesome ISP with a rock solid connections always at top speed.

Get your life back, join IDNET................





If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
Henry David Thoreau


Forgot to wish you a warm welcome..  ;)
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


In the words of Tina Turner - Simply the best

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My thoughts on IDNet...  well I've only been with them a month but the connection is faster and more stable than I had with my last ISP.  Early evening with Eclipse was just awful and was slowly getting worse.  Couldn't do youtube or anything like that as it was back like the dial up days with the stop and start viewing.  Can't cope with that when you're supposed to be on an 8mb max connection.


Wow, just got in from work and checked the post. Looks like i'm gonna be an IDNETer.
I'll get my mac code in the next couple of days and let you all know my migration date.
Thanks guys thats just what i wanted to hear. It doesn't cost a lot more and does look like a good package.
Be seeing you all soon.

There's no place like


Even more impressive, Ted, is that you catch us on a day when the mail server has decided to fry a couple of disks, and no-one is getting upset because the MD has been in to tell us what ha happened and what's being done about it. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


AaaHhhh, fried disks. Goes nice with silicon chips. There's nothing like a nice warm email sizzeling in your inbox
There's no place like


another ex F2Ser here, best move I ever made coming to IDNET 14 months ago, and reading about todays escapade with Trevor the mail server in the forum has had me in stitches at times.


Quote from: Rik on Oct 06, 2007, 16:50:52
MD has been in to tell us what ha happened and what's being done about it. :)

your keyboard got a stammer Rik?


Quote from: xild on Oct 06, 2007, 17:18:48
AaaHhhh, fried disks. Goes nice with silicon chips. There's nothing like a nice warm email sizzeling in your inbox

I see you've got the feel of the forum already.  ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I escaped from talktalk...i do not wish to talk about those bad times.

Trevor is a right rebel at times  >:D