Email status - Sunday, October 7, 2007

Started by Gary, Oct 07, 2007, 08:39:40

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Well my email is up and running as of 08:39am as I sup a hot  :coffee: :) :) well done Simon
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


No email from yesterday though.  I suppose that really did get lost.


 :thup:  My e-mail is up & running this morning. Clever Trevor.



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Quote from: tortoise on Oct 07, 2007, 08:42:58
I suppose that really did get lost.

Anything that was in your mailbox, but hadn't been read, up till about 11am yesterday will have gone, Ann.

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Mine is now OK - well done to Simon and his team.   :ty:

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Can anyone confirm the status of their web space and blog space please, also the webmail interface?

I have mail, webmail and web space, but my blog is down still.

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Quote from: Rik on Oct 07, 2007, 09:12:43
Can anyone confirm the status of their web space and blog space please, also the webmail interface?

Rik, my web space and webmail are fine can't comment on blog space as I haven't set mine up yet.

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That would limit your ability to check, Ray.  ;D Thanks for that.

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My Blog is up and running, but I to have no webspace so cannot comment on that Rik ::)
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


So it is, a bit slow, but we got there. I'm getting a 404 error on mine. :(

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My email is slow as Brian from the magic Roundabout, sending three lines of text took almost a minute, but at least it sent it  :)
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


My Blog is ok but web space not there yet. :'( Thanks to Simon and team for working on their weekend off. ;D
Alf :)


Mail services are up and running but with reduced spam filtering and lower performance as the temporary stand-in server (you won't be surprised to learn that its name is Clunker) is a lower spec than Trevor. But we think that performance should be adequate once the backlog of queued mail has cleared. We'll check the blog space now.

A big thank you to Martin for working so hard on a Sat night and Sun morning to transfer these services over.

Tomorrow will begin the examination of Trevors disks to see if anything can be salvaged before he is re-built.



My email isn't working. It's sending now but I sent test emails from idnetfreemail addresses to the ones and they haven't arrived. That was almost an hour ago.


Thanks for that, Simon and thanks to you and Martin for putting in so much time over the weekend.

If you can recover data from the disks, will you just feed it back into the system?

Clunker. I like that name. :) It does seem glacial on sending right now, but the POP side seems OK. Does it have a twin called Thumper by any chance? :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: 1234 on Oct 07, 2007, 09:46:45
My email isn't working. It's sending now but I sent test emails from idnetfreemail addresses to the ones and they haven't arrived. That was almost an hour ago.

There will be delays as all yesterday's queued mail is cleared.

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Thanks. Haven't had any mail through either, it's probably lost now.


Anything in your mailbox up till about 11am yesterday will have gone, I'm afraid. :(

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Thanks for you hard Work Simon, much appreciated, can see why "Clunker" got its name  :D but its good to have email up and running, Hope you have a more relaxing weekend now and that Trevor gets back online soon ;D
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I'm off to the hills with my Mountain Bike now  :)



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Thanks SImon and extend my thanks to Martin as well.  My web site is not working but my blog site is.
Alf :)



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You know what they say about opposites.... ;D
Alf :)



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I,m going now to try out my new Kubuntu disk.
Alf :)


I didn't know you were a frisbee fan, Alf. :)

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I have just received some emails from yesterday, and I can access my webspace via FTP, but I can't actually access my website from my browser.  Getting "Document contains no data" error message.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: simon on Oct 07, 2007, 09:42:57(you won't be surprised to learn that its name is Clunker)


I had to set up a temporary domain controller once... I dug out an old 486, and called it Methusalah. It caused a bit of amusement  ;)
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: simon on Oct 07, 2007, 10:07:59
I'm off to the hills with my Mountain Bike now  :)Enjoy, you deserve it.


Quote from: Si6776 on Oct 07, 2007, 11:07:48
I have just received some emails from yesterday, and I can access my webspace via FTP, but I can't actually access my website from my browser.  Getting "Document contains no data" error message.

I can access via FTP and from the browser. It seems like there's some loose ends at the moment. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Webmail isn't workng - 404

Can't check POP3, I'm not at home until tomorrow.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Bill on Oct 07, 2007, 11:15:28
I had to set up a temporary domain controller once... I dug out an old 486, and called it Methusalah. It caused a bit of amusement  ;)

It's when you call it Desperation that the eyebrows start to raise, Bill. :)

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Quote from: Bill on Oct 07, 2007, 11:18:05
Webmail isn't workng - 404

Web and pop are fine here, Bill, but I can't get to my blog, 404, but can my webspace. Alf, otoh, can't get to his webspace, but can his blog.

I think things need shaking down a bit more.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Oct 07, 2007, 11:27:24
Web and pop are fine here, Bill, but I can't get to my blog, 404, but can my webspace. Alf, otoh, can't get to his webspace, but can his blog.

I think things need shaking down a bit more.
That is odd, I get the 404 on your blog but mine is fine, and we set them both up the same day as well,  :-\
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Rik on Oct 07, 2007, 11:27:24
Web and pop are fine here

Haven't set up web/blog, so can't contribute to that debate  :P
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


You could do it now, Bill, and tell us if there's a problem with setup. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Bill on Oct 07, 2007, 11:18:05

Webmail isn't workng - 404

Can't check POP3, I'm not at home until tomorrow.
No problem with Webmail here Bill :-\
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I thought I just posted something, but it doesn't appear to have worked, so I'll try again.

Although I understand that all messages stored on the server have gone, I don't understand why they have disappeared from Outlook Express too - although l've set up my mail account as an IMAP one, I've marked the inbox for offline viewing, which should mean the messages are stored on my hard drive as well as on the server.

I've just checked my webmail, and there are now only five folders there:  Sent Items is gone.

More worryingly, when I tried to send a test message from Outlook Express, I was told my mailbox doesn't exist.  I've tried synchonising folders a few times, but get the same message.

Can anyone help?


Quote from: Rik on Oct 07, 2007, 11:36:40
You could do it now, Bill, and tell us if there's a problem with setup. ;)

No time at the moment, I'm at Sally's with guests arriving shortly...

A thought- I'm not on my IDNet line atm but on Sally's TalkTalk connection, could it be a DNS propagation problem?
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


I think it could, Bill. Certainly the FTP server can only be accessed from IDNet IP addresses. Thinking some more, though, it shouldn't affect webmail as that would render it useless. :(

I'll add it to my report!

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Well, I'm certainly not going to hold my breath waiting for TalkTalk to catch up  :P  >:(
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Rik on Oct 07, 2007, 11:36:40
You could do it now, Bill, and tell us if there's a problem with setup. ;)

looks like there is, Rik, just tried to set mine up and got the following error when I clicked the continue set up button: -

Not Found

The requested URL /wp-admin/install.php was not found on this server.

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I have two .com email accounts, one is working, slowly, but the other account is not accessible either using POP3 or on webmail, I get "login failed".


I'd suggest dropping support an email (or calling them tomorrow), Steve, as a general report from me on an issue like this may leave unanswered questions.

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that was a song in Bltz, so perhaps you could serenade each other  ;D


Quote from: Rik on Oct 07, 2007, 12:58:26
I'd suggest dropping support an email (or calling them tomorrow), Steve, as a general report from me on an issue like this may leave unanswered questions.

Thanks Rik, I will probalby leave it for a few days and see if it reappears, I think that they may well be inundated tomorrow.


I suspect you are right, Steve. :) With a password issue, though, which is what I suspect may be happening, they'll need to kick the tyres for you.

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Surely all these 'test' emails people are sending to themselves, are only helping to clog things up, and making a bad situation worse!!  ::)

"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


It's always a problem in this situation, Mo, just as people will tend to poll the server more frequently to try to get their mail.

I've actually switched everything over to my domain (hosted at 1&1) since yesterday, to try and reduce the load as far as possible.

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