Pings update - *at my end*

Started by AvengerUK, Aug 14, 2006, 00:48:37

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Hi all,

Just woundering what the situation with the ping buisness is? - Mines got worse over the last 24 hours (alot worse, more often and over 300ms rather than 200!)

- I hate to moan about issues like this, but im more fussed about pings over anything else!



You have probably already done this but last time it happened to me i was told to unplug my router for 30 mins and it did the trick.

Have you tried it without the filter and also with the modem plugged directly to the master socket if you haven't already done so?

I have just tried a few to the same game server and i am seeing the odd big ping , i don't know if this is a problem , my connection seems fine.
Something i have noticed recently is my pings seem to have increased by approx 15 as i always got pings under 50 usually 40 - 45 but now its always over 50  :'(

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

  1     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  2    51 ms    51 ms    50 ms
  3    50 ms    53 ms    49 ms
  4    52 ms    52 ms    49 ms
  5    47 ms    51 ms    52 ms
  6    53 ms    48 ms    50 ms
  7    49 ms    54 ms    56 ms
  8    51 ms    55 ms    50 ms
9    54 ms    70 ms    62 ms

  1     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  2    48 ms    52 ms    58 ms
  3    50 ms    49 ms    51 ms
  4    50 ms    52 ms    54 ms
  5    51 ms    49 ms    49 ms
  6    52 ms    53 ms    52 ms
  7    49 ms    49 ms    50 ms
  8    54 ms    53 ms    52 ms
  9    56 ms    54 ms    55 ms

  1     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  2    49 ms    47 ms    49 ms
  3   328 ms   340 ms   291 ms
  4    48 ms    54 ms    57 ms
  5    55 ms    49 ms    55 ms
  6    59 ms    54 ms    55 ms
  7    65 ms    59 ms    71 ms
  8    54 ms    50 ms    50 ms
  9    56 ms    58 ms    52 ms

  1     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  2    48 ms    49 ms    49 ms
  3    59 ms    49 ms    50 ms
  4    52 ms    59 ms    51 ms
  5    52 ms    55 ms    51 ms
  6    49 ms    49 ms    49 ms
  7    50 ms    52 ms    64 ms
  8    50 ms    49 ms    49 ms
  9    50 ms    50 ms    52 ms

  1     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  2    59 ms    48 ms    49 ms
  3    50 ms    52 ms    50 ms
  4    56 ms    52 ms    49 ms
  5    80 ms   220 ms    52 ms
  6    48 ms    49 ms    50 ms
  7    49 ms    47 ms    48 ms
  8    49 ms    49 ms    49 ms
  9    50 ms    52 ms    52 ms

  1     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  2    52 ms    57 ms    47 ms
  3    55 ms    54 ms    49 ms
  4    49 ms    51 ms    50 ms
  5    50 ms    51 ms    48 ms
  6    52 ms    56 ms    49 ms
  7    50 ms    52 ms    49 ms
  8    54 ms    53 ms    53 ms
  9    50 ms    50 ms    53 ms


Yes i did all that!

The problem seems to get worse at peak times aswell...which is worrying me slightly, its the exact same route the last ISP i was with went down! (it carried on to get worse)

As you can see...alot of ping spikes increasing into the busy periods - exactly the same as my last ISP :(


Sounds like it could be problem at your exchange Aveneger if it's peaking the same as last ISP.

Like barmy animations? Visit


Quote from: cosmicdance on Aug 15, 2006, 19:25:20
Sounds like it could be problem at your exchange Aveneger if it's peaking the same as last ISP.


Nope its not that - was fine once i switched until this recent ping issue :)


things seem to have improved for me  :) ul



For about 2 weeks now my pings have been 50-100ms in UK servers its really shocking as I used to get amazing pings with IDNet when I was in my 10day training period but when I came off this period the pings went up and I got random disconnects

When I was with plusnet I didn't have high pings and I didn't get disconnects which is odd I know

IDNet told me that BT have changed my SNR but my router says other wise (no change in SNR)

BT have also turned interleaving on so this is what must be causing the ping increase but why the disconnects?

Miriam Hyett is waiting for BT's response/resolution

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     5 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms []
  2    47 ms    47 ms    45 ms []
  3    48 ms    46 ms    51 ms []
  4    48 ms    47 ms    47 ms []
  5    48 ms    47 ms    48 ms []

Trace complete.


Venge, if a BT exchange has massive VP capacity, users notice very little change in thier level of service ... regardless of ISP I might add, unless ISPs backbone is congested which these days shouldn`t happen ... unless you`re Plusnet of course.

If however VP capacity is low, users can notice a hell of a difference from one minute to the next ... I kid ye not. My exchange has been drifting into red amber and green for a year now and I too experience shifts in QOS.

Thankfully, these are few and far between now but one year ago, I was with Plusnet, poor throughput on 2Mbit, migrated to f2s (bad move) and one month later to IDNet. I can catagorically state that there was absolutely no difference between any ISPs linestat-wise.

The only difference was that Miriam at IDNet hounded BT to furnish us with a response as to why they had neglected to maintain the level of service that IDNet as a wholesale buyer expected and myself as an ADSL consumer expected. Unfortunately, we hit a brick wall and was told by BT Wholesale to mind our own business in short ... I`m not pullin` yer plonker, I saw the emails ;)

To sum up ... poor pings/throughput down to 4 things:

Poor user setup
Poor BT exchange capacity
Poor ISP

I`ve made my mind up where the problem is ;)


At almost exactly 65 second intervals? And always to the same server ( And not just IDNet- see what karvala has to say in this thread, 4th post.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Here`s mine for that same address now:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff>tracert

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     3 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  mygateway.ar7 []
  2    35 ms    34 ms    34 ms []
  3    50 ms    65 ms    63 ms []
  4    99 ms    94 ms    84 ms []
  5    35 ms    35 ms    36 ms []
  6    35 ms    35 ms    34 ms
  7    36 ms    36 ms    37 ms
  8    36 ms    35 ms    34 ms []
  9    36 ms    35 ms    35 ms []

Trace complete.


Just had a PM from Tim- seems it isn't affecting everybody anyway, so you may be one of the lucky ones.

Try ping -t > c:\pings.txt

and leave it running for 5 minutes or so. A lot of us are seeing a burst of pings up around 300mS every 65 seconds, which I suspect is actually 65,536mS :D

Seems like it might be a hardware problem, but they're trying a few more tests to make sure before swapping out.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 396, Received = 396, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 32ms, Maximum = 356ms, Average = 46ms

Couple of peaks, not concerned ;)


Quote from: Jeff on Aug 18, 2006, 23:50:24Couple of peaks, not concerned ;)

You're not a games player though, are you?  ;) There's at least one over on AG who's thinking of quitting IDNet because of the high pings, and no way am I going to recommend them to anyone who wants good games performance. >:(

Quote from: Jeff on Aug 18, 2006, 23:50:24
    Minimum = 32ms, Maximum = 356ms, Average = 46ms

That's a medium horrific minimum....

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 38, Received = 38, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 12ms, Maximum =  15ms, Average =  13ms
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


QuoteYou're not a games player though, are you?

Yes I am ... never had one dropout!

IDNet may have a problem with certain individuals I dunno and I trust them to get it sorted if there really is a problem ;)


Quote from: Jeff on Aug 19, 2006, 00:24:17if there really is a problem ;)

Oh yes, there's a problem...
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


As far as I know, only two people have reported a problem over there and the same number of people here and one of those is the same person. ;)

Given the number of IDNet subscribers, I hardly see it as a chance to ostracise an up to now first class ISP now Bill, does it? :)


Quote from: Jeff on Aug 19, 2006, 00:33:13I hardly see it as a chance to ostracise an up to now first class ISP now Bill, does it? :)

Ostracise means "to expel"- see for yourself  :P

I'm not overly criticising them, but nor am I going to believe the sun shines out of their corporate a*se when they have a genuine problem... they're good, but not perfect.

Tim seems to think it's enough of a problem to chase and correct, that's good enough for me.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Jeff on Aug 19, 2006, 00:24:17
QuoteYou're not a games player though, are you?

Yes I am ... never had one dropout!

IDNet may have a problem with certain individuals I dunno and I trust them to get it sorted if there really is a problem ;)

Depends which problem you're referring to.  If you mean the telehouse-gw problem, there are certainly more than two people on each board that have reported it.  Furthermore, it's not a problem IDNet have particularly with their own members; it's a problem the particular router in question has with seemingly anyone from any ISP who pings it.

If you're referring to a different problem, then fair enough.


Quote from: Bill on Aug 18, 2006, 23:23:42
Just had a PM from Tim- seems it isn't affecting everybody anyway, so you may be one of the lucky ones.

Try ping -t > c:\pings.txt

and leave it running for 5 minutes or so. A lot of us are seeing a burst of pings up around 300mS every 65 seconds, which I suspect is actually 65,536mS :D

Seems like it might be a hardware problem, but they're trying a few more tests to make sure before swapping out.

Hardware problem sounds the most likely scenario if there's nothing external (in or out) appearing in the logs that could be responsible, which presumably there isn't.  I entirely agree about the 65,536. :)

Just done simultaneous pings from two different ISPs (neither being IDNet), and got the usual spike pattern, synchronised on the two as well, so it's definitely caused by that router in some way.


Quoteand no way am I going to recommend them to anyone

I don`t think I took the word out of context Bill  :P  :P

QuoteTim seems to think it's enough of a problem to chase and correct, that's good enough for me

Yet you yourself don`t have the problem Bill? One wonders what the catalyst is for your endeavours ... are you a trouble maker my old friend??  :laugh:


Quotebut nor am I going to believe the sun shines out of their corporate a*se when they have a genuine problem

We have the answer! That`s the most negative statement I`ve seen you make all the time I`ve known you ... what`s the real prob m8, we won`t tell Uncle Seb or Uncle Mr Saff ;)


QuoteDepends which problem you're referring to.  If you mean the telehouse-gw problem, there are certainly more than two people on each board that have reported it.  Furthermore, it's not a problem IDNet have particularly with their own members; it's a problem the particular router in question has with seemingly anyone from any ISP who pings it.

Then for God`s sake, someone tell US about it!


Majority don`t see a problem that I know of


All gamers are depressed

Please, tell all affected to come here. Contrary to others beliefs, I will fight in thier corner! This is why IDNetters is independant! :)


Quote from: Jeff on Aug 19, 2006, 01:02:38
QuoteDepends which problem you're referring to.  If you mean the telehouse-gw problem, there are certainly more than two people on each board that have reported it.  Furthermore, it's not a problem IDNet have particularly with their own members; it's a problem the particular router in question has with seemingly anyone from any ISP who pings it.

Then for God`s sake, someone tell US about it!


Majority don`t see a problem that I know of


All gamers are depressed

Please, tell all affected to come here. Contrary to others beliefs, I will fight in thier corner! This is why IDNetters is independant! :)

I think we need to distinguish clearly between two things: (1) the technical issue, of whether or not the router is causing spikes, and (2) the practical issue of whether or not it affects what you're doing.

I've not seen any evidence yet that someone is *not* experiencing (1).  What I have seen, and you're in fact a good example, are people who *are* experiencing (1) (the spikes you mentioned, and shown in your maximum ping), but who are understandably not concerned about it because it doesn't affect what they're doing, i.e. they're not experiencing (2).

I'm also not in the (2) camp as it happens (I'm just curious as much as anything), and I've still been quite happy to recommend IDNet to people in the meantime, as I'm confident it'll be fixed even for people who might experience usage problems, but it's important to distinguish between it not affecting us, and it not existing. ;)


Quote from: Jeff on Aug 19, 2006, 00:57:28
Quoteand no way am I going to recommend them to anyone

I don`t think I took the word out of context Bill  :P  :P

Well, those you did... what I actually said was

no way am I going to recommend them to anyone who wants good games performance.

Quote from: Jeff on Aug 19, 2006, 00:57:28Yet you yourself don`t have the problem Bill?

I don't have a problem because I don't play games, but I certainly see the effect- as I said earlier "...some of us...", and I think my posts in AG indicate the same.

Quote from: Jeff on Aug 19, 2006, 00:57:28are you a trouble maker my old friend??

Of course I am, but only on Free Chat, not here  ;D

Quote from: Jeff on Aug 19, 2006, 00:57:28what`s the real prob m8,

I don't have a problem, but let me tell you something... you came here from (I think??) F2S, and from what I've seen of them I can understand why you look at IDNet through such rose-coloured specs. I came from MetroNet, and if I had to compare IDNet and MetroNet (pre-Plusnet takeover) then MetroNet would get it by a short head...

They're a commercial operation, not a charity, me old mate...
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


QuoteI think we need to distinguish clearly between two things: (1) the technical issue, of whether or not the router is causing spikes, and (2) the practical issue of whether or not it affects what you're doing.

I've not seen any evidence yet that someone is *not* experiencing (1).  What I have seen, and you're in fact a good example, are people who *are* experiencing (1) (the spikes you mentioned, and shown in your maximum ping), but who are understandably not concerned about it because it doesn't affect what they're doing, i.e. they're not experiencing (2).

I'm also not in the (2) camp as it happens (I'm just curious as much as anything), and I've still been quite happy to recommend IDNet to people in the meantime, as I'm confident it'll be fixed even for people who might experience usage problems, but it's important to distinguish between it not affecting us, and it not existing.

I`m in on it now, let`s see what happens. If there really is a problem, I`m not letting Simon go on holiday again ;)

Bill, shut up ;) We never see you here for weeks and now you`re gettin` on me tits.  :D Nah, don`t shut up, I`m just kiddin` m8.

FWIW, Plusnet post "The Bother" were by far a better ISP than IDNet. They were also cheaper too and I do not look at IDNet thru rose tinted specs ... but I don`t have a reason to give them grief neither. They have done exactly what I require and for that, I will advocate them. If they f*** up, I will be the first to <topic no longer available> ;)