Slow download speeds?

Started by wolf, Sep 04, 2006, 18:13:56

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I've been a happy IDNetter for a good few months now and I've been very impressed at the high download speeds during peak times (and throughout all times of the day).

However tonight I'm trying to download an Ubuntu ISO yet the speed is much lower than normal. I normally average around 550k/sec yet my current average is around 130k - 200k. I've tried different sites and files but the same low speed occurs. It can't be contention because IDNet state that "bandwidth investment exceeds customer demand" so must be something else.

Is anyone else experiencing problems? I've reset my router a number of times and rebooted my computer to no avail.

Many thanks for your help!


try downloading something really popular like openoffice ( or summit like that!) and see if the same slow speeds occur  ;)


Must have been a glitch - the same file (large DVD) is now downloading at 530k!!



Exchange convention is a major cause of this; I experience it regularly.  For example, when things are quiet I can consistently download at over 850KB/s, and sometimes this is also the case at peak times, but other times (like now in fact), I may find it peaks at just 250-350KB/s, i.e. much lower.  It's almost certainly due to other local users (of all ISPs) being active at this time.