Plusnet drops it's pants and 'assumes the position' !?

Started by Scott, Jul 20, 2006, 14:43:11

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Marco Potesta (if that IS his real name !?) has just committed what appears to be commercial suicide on behalf of Plusnet on the AG forums. This little missive is his response to continuing complaints and attacks on Plusnet's ongoing perceived poor performance...I do hope he's not expecting a bonus this year ?!?!?  ;D ;D

[edit]Bill !!!!! Have you been in there noising up the PN'ers ;D ;D[/edit]
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


Do they never learn?

That thread makes great reading - especially the one from 'Gerald Ratner'  ;D

It's a shame I haven't got time to read it all :(  Maybe someone will publish it as an ebook.


 Pure class!   :laugh:

Simon (pr100) in top form again I see. Top bloke :)


Quote from: Scott on Jul 20, 2006, 14:43:11
[edit]Bill !!!!! Have you been in there noising up the PN'ers ;D ;D[/edit]

[innocent look=on]

Who, me?

[innocent look=off]
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Bill on Jul 21, 2006, 20:49:24
[innocent look=on]
Who, me?
[innocent look=off]

Good man ! Jesus they're a bunch of poe-faced, miserable gets in there aren't they though ?
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


Quote from: Scott on Jul 21, 2006, 20:55:29
Jesus they're a bunch of poe-faced, miserable gets in there aren't they though ?

I suppose a lot are... but if I'd been messed about the way they have by Plusnet, I suspect my sense of humour might be a touch lacking  :(

I really don't understand why so many of them stay, I was away from Metronet as soon as PN's intentions became clear after the takeover...
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


 Can`t believe I was suckered into signing up to a deal which meant I was paying £29.99 a month where others, on an identical service were only paying £21.50  >:

Luckily, only went on for 2 months until pr100 enlightened me (and many other, Kudos man) to the deception.

How many punters do Plusnet have now? Gotta be well over 150,000 and they can`t all go to AG, how many are still paying near 40 quid for broadband they might never get? Throttled and shaped "broadband" too ;)




BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


If you are unfortunate enough to have shares in this ISP (and I use the term loosely), SELL! SELL! SELL!



Quote from: William on Jul 25, 2006, 18:56:54
If you are unfortunate enough to have shares in this ISP (and I use the term loosely), SELL! SELL! SELL!

Methinks it's a teensy bit late for that William.

Anyone not used to the financial markets...graph line going down = baaaad  :laugh: And in combination with that trade volumes have fallen away to next to nothing...sure sign no-one wants to touch 'em...unclean ! They are wide open for being swallowed up...mark my words !
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls



Quote from: Jeff on Jul 25, 2006, 23:32:31
That`s maybe what they want Scott ;)

Interestingly (well it is in my wee world) most everyone in the market with cash in their pockets seems to be using it to bolster their product line and fight off the free broadband landgrab going on atm.
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


Then again, just spied PNs new product line ... pretty cr*p huh? ;)



Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls



Quote from: Bill on Jul 21, 2006, 22:02:40

I suppose a lot are... but if I'd been messed about the way they have by Plusnet, I suspect my sense of humour might be a touch lacking  :(

I really don't understand why so many of them stay, I was away from Metronet as soon as PN's intentions became clear after the takeover...

I am a VERY patient and tolerant person but even I have my limits. This is why, after nearly four years with Plusnet, I have migrated to IDnet (due on 1st Sept).

The first few years were fine and you could even speak to a person after less than an hour of waiting on the phone. Sadly though, in recent times, Plusnet customer service has become a joke.


Quote from: ebbwvale on Aug 30, 2006, 01:43:36
The first few years were fine and you could even speak to a person after less than an hour of waiting on the phone. Sadly though, in recent times, Plusnet customer service has become a joke.

Precisely the reason I'm here after many years happy service at F2S(haft)  :'(
Still their loss, my gain...'s great in here !
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


In a way we must give Marco Potesta some credit.

Plusnet obviously have had similar problems as Pipex have experienced over the last 4 months or so but Pipex have not faced up to their failings and inefficiency in any way shape or form.

At least Mr Potesta has shown some guts and aired the Plusnet side of the story (maybe not too diplomatically) but up front none the less.

Pipex have kept their customers (me being one of them) almost totally in the dark about events over this extended period. Not even a basic email explaining the problems they are encountering, if they had done that maybe they would have saved hours of frustration experienced by their customers let alone the stress and frustration placed on their customer services.

Perhaps if the Managing Director, or similar, of Pipex had emulated Mr Potesta's attempt at 'putting the record straight' I for one would have given the company some credit but to just stumble on over a lengthy period was/is complete and utter business madness.


I suppose so Quandam...from your extreme position of having been kept in the dark @ Pipex something like MP's rant must seem like a refreshingly open customer communication.

I came from F2S and was equally frustrated before leaving...but I just read his post in open-mouthed astonishment. It's nothing short of a (none too diplomatic)...'if you've left and didn't like us then shut up about've never been with us then shut up as well !'

AG's all about free an open airing of views, opinions (and scuttlebutt if truth be told !) so he's completely entitled to hold that are ex-customers both gruntled and disgruntled  :P

To come in there, wave his title around then tell everyone they can "stuff it up their jumper..." well...I hope there's bu@@er all in his xmas bonus and I'd be asking very serious questions about his customer-facing skills if I was investing in them.
Member of the IDNet Mafia
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