Thinking of joining idnet

Started by jockwav, Dec 28, 2007, 16:03:16

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Entanet,s offices are closed until wednesday,ho-hum. ;D ??? ::)

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


I moved from Entanet a couple of weeks ago. Entanet are great, but I didn't like the slowdown in the evenings, which is mainly the time when I use the Internet. IDNet are noticeably quicker and I couldn't be happier. I can't see myself changing again.

It's a shame Vivaciti don't have a MAC request feature in their control panel; I know both ADSL24 and UKFSN do (and probably others), which means that the MAC is displayed within about half an hour of requesting it. But it doesn't really matter; things don't really get going again until the new year. :)

old Bill

I may well come back to Idnet in the next month. One word of warning I have  started using the BBC Iplayer. So if I come back I hope there is plenty of bandwith spare. >:D


I will just have to hang on for a little while. :argh: :beer1:

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


Quote from: jockwav on Dec 31, 2007, 22:01:01
I will just have to hang on for a little while. :argh: :beer1:

It's a shame the reseller you are with doesn't support the full set of features Enta make available as I believe MAC generation can be done automatically via an API. Nevertheless, the wait is certainly worth it. ;D


Got my mac which is valid until 1/2/08.
But i now have to work out my billing dates and where i stand with any payments that entanet may take from me first. :yes: :thup:

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


You have 30 days, from requesting the MAC, to use it, but you don't actually have to migrate in 30 days. Have a word with IDNet (0800 0267237) and they will be able to give you advice on the best date to opt for. Bear in mind that, regardless of actual migration date, your billing date will reflect when you join, but your usage in the first month will be that of the package you sign to. In other words, if you join late in the month, you will have 5GB or 30GB (or more) to use between migration and the last day of the month.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks Rik,i understand what your saying but i need to see where i stand in regards to what i might have left to pay on entanet account to see the best time to do it. :solved: :happy:

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


It's probably best to migrate at the end of the code's life.  Most ISPs take the 30 days as notice and will charge you until it runs out anyway.  Mine did but I couldn't wait and I signed up straight away anyway.


Good point, Ann. The issue of a MAC should not lead to automatic cessation of the current ADSL service, but I know of ISPs who do such things. Jock, once you have migrated, make sure you let them know the date on which you left.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks guys,i will get it sorted within the next few weeks. :solved: :ty:

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


How come entanet are saying idnet,got this email from them.

   Can I ask what company you are looking to migrate to as we do not only sell connection through Enta, and there may be other options open to you for different providers.

We currently sell connection from Griffin, Enta and IDNet, amongst others.

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


I'd ask them to explain, Jock. IDNet are nothing to do with Enta.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


A better idea,i dont answer them. ;D :solved: :rofl2:

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


Am I right in thinking you're with an Enta-reseller? It's possible, in which case, that they are also an IDNet-reseller. Me, I prefer to go straight to source though (I've never quite understood reseller deals, except as a cheap way to become an ISP).

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes i am with vivaciti (enta reseller),i would never go back to entanet,too many heavy downloaders on there and i am not that impressed with their support. :o

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


You'll like the support here - if you ever need it. :) I'm not kidding when I say that either, I've never needed to contact them about about my own line, and I suspect the majority of members would say the same.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thats really good to know thanks Rik. ;D :beer1:

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


Same here Rik, 14 months, never spoken to support once, never had the need.
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


Quote from: Rik on Jan 03, 2008, 14:53:59
Am I right in thinking you're with an Enta-reseller? It's possible, in which case, that they are also an IDNet-reseller. Me, I prefer to go straight to source though (I've never quite understood reseller deals, except as a cheap way to become an ISP).
Entanet don't sell ADSL connections directly to the end user, so it's necessary to go through a reseller. But otherwise, I agree with you, in that I don't see the point of them.  :laugh:


Will be sending my mac to idnet next week. :yes: :banana2:

IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


We'll look forward to seeing you in happy land. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


IDNET----Uhuhuh TCB
Moving to corfu march 2011


I've just migrated to ID Net; best ISP I've ever dealt with - no contest really  ;D


Hey Jockwave, Thank you very much. TCB
Mr Music Man.