Another one bites the dust...

Started by Bill, Sep 08, 2006, 19:56:15

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Seems like BlueLeaf has gone tits up....

Here and a bit towards the end of this thread
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Never heard of them Bill ,were they a decent size  ISP & how long had they been going?


I think they were fairly small, but they don't appear to have been a reseller from what I can gather...

edit- Oops, looks like they were a reseller, but dunno who the provider was....

No idea how long they've been going though.

Just had a thought- maybe we should have a separate (sub) forum for "ISPs gone south" announcements, it could get quite busy in the coming months :-[
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Bill on Sep 09, 2006, 09:42:21
it could get quite busy in the coming months :-[

Bill can you explain?


With Sky and TalkTalk dishing out free BB with the cornflakes, it's likely a lot of smaller (and maybe some bigger) ISPs are gonna go under. IMO...
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


I see what you mean.

To be honest if Sky Broadband ever get their act sorted and their equipment into my exchange,i will be very tempted to take up the offer.

At the moment i am happy here but £18 for 4 channel packages and free broadband is very tempting.

It Will be interesting to see what the ISP's come up with to keep their existing customers and how are they going to attract new customers?


Quote from: maxping on Sep 10, 2006, 10:34:46To be honest if Sky Broadband ever get their act sorted and their equipment into my exchange,i will be very tempted to take up the offer.

I'd suggest a read of their FUP first, especially the last section (What can we do?) and the last paragraph:

You expressly authorise Sky to use your personal data and other account information in connection with any investigation carried out by Sky in accordance with this AUP, including by disclosing it to any third party authority that Sky considers has a legitimate interest in any such investigation or its outcome.

Quote from: maxping on Sep 10, 2006, 10:34:46
It Will be interesting to see what the ISP's come up with to keep their existing customers and how are they going to attract new customers?

From general comments I've seen about Sky, and some of the reaction their on their AG Forum, a halfway decent CS would make a lot of difference :D
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6



You expressly authorise Sky to use your personal data and other account information in connection with any investigation carried out by Sky in accordance with this AUP, including by disclosing it to any third party authority that Sky considers has a legitimate interest in any such investigation or its outcome.

I have  Sky but only with the freeview card, i have never checked my contract but i bet something like the above was in the small print.

What does it mean when where it says "investigation carried out"  does it mean they will give your info to anyone or just to people if there is a problem?

What is the worst that could come of this , are we talking your email in-box full every day or something more serious?


It looks, or is designed to look, like an anti-piracy clause, and effectively means if someone like the BPI come along and demand user details, Sky will hand them over.  The way it's worded, though, leaves it wide open to abuse.


So if you did a bit of dodgy P2P and they asked Sky for details they would just hand them over unlike the recent ISP that refused to give customers details without a court order?


It appears to basically give them the right to give your data and any account information over to anyone they feel the need too should you be in breech of their AUP. What constitutes breeching the AUP is another matter.

An example could be... if you were believed to be downloading music illegally, Sky could decide this is against its AUP and report it to the BPI/RIAA and hand data over to them that could be used against you in court. That is of course assuming downloading music illegally is in breech of the Sky AUP.



It might have been less objectionable if, instead of: any third party authority that Sky considers has a legitimate interest in any such investigation or its outcome....

it had said something like: any legally authorised third party that has a legitimate interest....

BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Mr Saffron as ever posts wise words on the continuing BlueLeaf debacle
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...aaaannnddd...Elvis has definitely left the building !
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