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Started by Rik, Jan 07, 2008, 17:55:19

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Thanks, Dean. I'll tack this onto the sticky. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Rik maybe an idea to delete all posts like this one that are not full of anything useful from the sticky.

then the sticky actually gives just good links and none of the cr**.

makes reading easier for the newbie


I'll produce a 'clean' sticky in due course, Dean - I've just been letting it grow for a while first. :)

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Thanks to Merlin for this.

I've found a way to open it easily. follow this:-

lay the router down on its side, with the front nearest to you, and the badge (2wire or BT ) to the left of you,if its to the right, turn it over.

If you've got that correct,to read the writing ,power,ethernet,wireless etc,
you should have to tilt your head to the left.

With a thin bladed knife, insert it between the black plastic light guard, and the silver surround

Now the tricky bit, gently prise the black plastic light guard towards you, until you can see two silver tags, while keeping the black plastic bit pulled forward, gently ease the silver surround upwards, until the silver tags clear the black plastic light guard. (If it will not move up, it's because you have not pulled the black plastic forward enough.)

Gently work that opening around the two sides of the router, until the whole of that side comes off

I've just read that through and it looks really complicated, but its not really, just looks it.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Great post, karmic, in fact. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Not sure if this has been posted before, but here is a 2wire FAQ

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Good link, Glenn.  :thumb:

Is it just me, or does DSL Reports look dataed, as a site, these days?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Some info of my 2700 if it helps or not...

Assembly No:- 4201-003003-006
Hardware No:- 2701-100588-005

Interesting to me as on this link, it doesn't have this combination down. :)  It does not list a Hardware number beginning 2701 just 2700.

Running the SBC Firmware v4.25.19.  No DNS entries required either for this to work. 



Excellent guide,  Les

Thanks for that

Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: LesD on Jun 20, 2008, 23:31:34
In the browser's address bar I entered:
This brought up the Management and Diagnostic Console complete with the System Summary.

In the vertical rectangular box on the right is a menu pick-list of facilities that can be accessed.
Under Broadband Link I selected Configure and entered:

Back in the vertical rectangular box on the right, from the menu I picked Firewall and selected Advanced

Back in the vertical rectangular box on the right, next from the menu I picked Local Network and selected Wireless:

Back in the vertical rectangular box on the right, next from the menu I picked Advanced and selected DNS Resolve:

Back in the vertical rectangular box on the right, from the menu pick System Summary at the top of the box.
Make sure that under Configuration that you see:

If you want to change your MTU go back to the vertical box on the right of the System Summary page.
In this box pick Advanced and select Configure Services.
Rik or someone with the power,   :admin:

In the sections referenced above I have my rights and lefts mixed up and with copy and paste it appears a number of times.   :blush:

Please can the words "the vertical rectangular box on the right" be changed to "the vertical rectangular box on the left" all through the text.

I had just got into bed after posting and I thought did I get this wrong but could not bring myself to get out to see. :)

Thanks in advance.




Thanks, Seb, I had started to reply when the forum dropped offline again.  :thumb:

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 :thnks: Guys.

A couple more bits of information that do appear elsewhere but just might be worth restating are these:
In the Digest I posted at post no. 35 above alternative addresses
are: and among others.

If you fully understand what you are doing, software or firmware updates are done via access to this page: 

I have updated the post no. 35, converted it to a pdf file and a attached it to this post so that if anyone should want a copy of it for themselves they can open the pdf file and do a Save As to a location of their own

[attachment deleted by admin]




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It's worth noting that the above links will only work if the router is configured without changing its default IP.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 22, 2008, 16:03:45
Karmic work, Les.  :thumb:
Thanks Rik,

What would be good if someone with the Dual SSID version could take a look and see how much of I what I
have written applies to setting up the Dual SSID version as well.

Reading Alan's post no. 29 I don't think there can be that big difference so possibly with a minor alteration to my text we could cover setting up both versions in the one document.

What do you think?




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Glenn on Jun 22, 2008, 16:14:43
It's worth noting that the above links will only work if the router is configured without changing its default IP.
Hi Glen,

I see what you mean about using the IP Address.
Is the original form: for example more general?




AFAIK, Les, the numeric form specific to the configuration is what's required.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Les, for a factory reset router, what you have typed is just fine. I know that some people, me included change the router from it's default IP address to aid a little with security

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Glenn on Jun 22, 2008, 16:44:27
Les, for a factory reset router, what you have typed is just fine. I know that some people, me included change the router from it's default IP address to aid a little with security
Ah I see but the likes of yourself and others that are up to things like this are, I guess, beyond needing to refer to my relatively simple beginner's guide.  ;)

One thing that has puzzled me and I have meant to ask about before is that I have under:

Local Network – Status
IP Network:
Subnet Mask:
DHCP Range: –

The puzzle is this, why with potentially 256 addresses is the DHCP Range restricted to 253-64=189 and furthermore why is the first one in the range ?  ???

With my Netgear DG834 the range started at .2
The access was via .1 as follows: in the browser address bar.

Could this be to do with the 2700 having Wireless capability while the DG834 did not?  ???

