Coming back to the fold

Started by old Bill, Jan 04, 2008, 13:24:22

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old Bill

Have just asked for my Mac code of Enta. Once I have it I shall be back in the warm glow that is IDnet. :)



We look forward to your return, Bill!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


Soon to be welcome back, Bill. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


well done Bill, good to see you are coming home :)


What was the cause of you leaving in the first place Bill?
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!

old Bill

Quote from: Broadback on Jan 04, 2008, 19:06:18
What was the cause of you leaving in the first place Bill?

Lets just say at the time I had A LOT of problems with my line and C/S had done all that they could with BT. It needed a fresh ISP to have ago at BT. This was done but they are not the cheapest ISP around. I switched to a Enta reseller a couple of weeks ago but TBH have found them to be very over rated. So I am now coming back as IDnet is not to high on price but great speeds and C/S.


We'll keep a seat warm for you, Bill.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

old Bill

This is the best speed I have had all day with Enta. Should be getting around 6 meg.
Link to result:

old Bill

Just checked the Enta tool. I am on pipe 1 and the max speed I can hope to get is 2.8 meg. I bet you dont have this problem with IDnet at any time.


The max speed you can get is 2.8 but then the max speed you can get is 6.  What gives?


I believe he is referring to the fact that he can sync at 6Mb but due to contention on Enta's Central 1 he will only receive around 2.8Mb, though it is now 4.6Mb.


Quote from: old Bill on Jan 04, 2008, 20:37:22
Lets just say at the time I had A LOT of problems with my line and C/S had done all that they could with BT. It needed a fresh ISP to have ago at BT. This was done but they are not the cheapest ISP around. I switched to a Enta reseller a couple of weeks ago but TBH have found them to be very over rated. So I am now coming back as IDnet is not to high on price but great speeds and C/S.

I too moved from Entanet and the speeds are consistently better on IDNet. A lot of people only look at price and the allowance, but there's a lot more to a good ISP.


Quote from: Ann on Jan 05, 2008, 23:43:05
The max speed you can get is 2.8 but then the max speed you can get is 6.  What gives?

The short of it is that because Entanet provide such a generous off-peak allowance (too generous, IMHO) speeds suffer in the evenings and at weekends as everyone is waiting to get their downloads going. You can see the performance of all the centrals on the Entanet NOC at any time. Now they'll be running at full speed, but come 10pm, the performance inevitably declines (though it must be said that web browsing is not noticeably affected).

It's a good idea, especially for an ISP with a structure like Entanet's. For an ISP like IDNet, I don't think it's at all necessary as the centrals are always running at (or very nearly) full speed.

old Bill

A quick snap shot of what Entas pipes are doing tonight.

Central 1 =
Expected performance 3.6Mbps

Central 2 =
Expected performance 6.1Mbps

Central 3 =
Expected performance 5.2Mbps

Central 4 =
Expected performance 7.2Mbps

Central 5 =
Expected performance 7.2Mbps

Central 6 =
Expected performance 3.4Mbps

Last updated 2008-01-07 23:23:00


That's good as it happens; certainly not the kind of performance I saw when I was a customer. I guess the new segment lit in late December has helped a lot.

Things were always good on Entanet for me. But IDNet are better.  ;)


With IDNet, the expected performance is the maximum performance!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.