Trying out IDNet

Started by ramekin, Sep 22, 2006, 20:33:16

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I have a MAC key and am very excited about migrating away from PlusNet  :D

I've heard some very good things about IDNet, and am thinking about giving them a go...

Before I do, I'd be grateful for some answers to a few questions...

1/ What, in layman's terms, is the difference in quality between the Home 2000 and Home Max connections (aside from the obvious speed difference)?

I understand that the latter is based on MaxDSL, but the significance of that is not clear to me.

2/ What are these ping questions about?  :banana2:

The ping issues concern me slightly, although again, I don't really understand them. What is causing them, and how do they affect IDNetters?

3/ The IDNet website suggests it costs nothing to leave. Is this really true?  :o

Say, for example, I migrate from PlusNet for free, is there not a delayed activation charge (like there is with other IPSs) that I would be obliged to pay if I were to leave? Or any other charge?

Thanks in advance for your help.


I can answer some of those:

1) Basically the speed, but with every MAX connection depending on your line quality problems could occur.

2) high pings during weekdays - vairiable aswell, ie 1 second: 20ms the next 100ms - not good for online gaming. - affects differnt IDnetters, sometimes at the same time, sometimes not at all

3) It cost me nothing to leave (leaving on 26th due to ping problems)! - i even got a refund :)


ramekin, don`t believe everything you read about problems with IDNet. As an ex-Plusnet punter I can vouch that you are joining a superior ISP in many ways :)

There are folk with apparent ping issues ... including Avenger (sorry to see you go m8), but even Avenger was so engrossed with "Guild Wars" today (read the ping thread), he didn`t realise that his l8ncy graph was "poor", which begs the question, what is the real problem here? If folk can game to the extent that they are oblivious to any "problems" which are only later pointed out to them, what the hell is the problem?

I say this to each and all. Have some fun with your connections, rather than traceroute here, ping there, speedtest everybloodywhere! If you use your connection and have a real problem with it, then of course, report it but frankly, I`m getting tired of this whole ping issue. Are IDNet the only ISP that may have some users that have differing pings/throughput etc at certain times of the day? I sincerely doubt that, I read other forums and can see that you can`t please everyone all the time, irrespective of your ISP. I think some folk forget that we all sign up to a service that competes with other punters in our local BT exchanges.

Then again, if l8ncy graphs, traceroutes and pings have to be 100% perfect for certain individuals 24/7, then good luck in finding an ISP that guarantees you this .... I don`t see any ISPs out there lining up to include such statements in thier T&Cs, nor would they given the total unknown entity which is contended use ADSL.

Do I have a ping issue. In all honesty, the answer is yes! Does it affect my net experience, again, in all honesty, a firm no. I can game, no lag .... ever ... period. I can surf, pages load up quickly as they should, I can download at a throughput which is apt to my BRAS profile, yet if I paste a traceroute and ping to telehouse here right now, certain folk would be up in arms  :laugh:

Rant over ... in short, welcome ramekin, bye Avenger :)


lol like the end statement

i do think its a time to stop pinging, like 27 out of 32 pages are solid pings and stuff, instead of telling eevry1 else  :P tell support  :D


Well, this place is a support tool, albeit unnofficial but nevertheless, we like to think that we can solve a problem or two :)

Like I said earlier, I`m tired of the ping issue and hope that those that are 17 miles from thier exchanges expecting an 8 meg sync with 1ms pings can find happiness elsewhere, I truly do and hope they return with a told you so cut and paste from thier new ISP telling us how rubbish IDNet are and how good the others are ... it`s gonna happen, right? ;)


here we go again...

No one would notice a problem with GW - it laggs ALL THE TIME. i could download a file using up all my connection and still not notice a problem. GW doesent count :)


 Avenger, you`ve made your feelings known lately, leave it at that. And by your own admission, you`re lucky to get even basic ADSL and for that, I feel we should not use your experiences as a benchmark for IDNet or any other ISP for that matter. Leave with your head held high my friend, as you should as you have given us a great deal :)


Im not saying that he shouldnt join IDnet - as we know some people are fine - but i dont see any problem in letting the chap know he *could* get these ping problems - especially since alot of people have and are still reporting them :)

"you`re lucky to get even basic ADSL and for that,"

Not anymore...updated BT adsl line check shows 1Mb as A-Ok ;) - i woudlnt call that basic myself, basic usually means 256/512


Avenger, I have seen your line stats on numerous occassions, they`re pretty cr*p m8 as you know and again, your line is "now" capable of sustaining a better than basic performance ... this is a recent event and I stand by my statement of you barely able to get even basic ADSL :)

I never alluded that you thought that ramekin shouldn`t join IDNet ;)

I can also state that I don`t deny that IDNet may be suffering from "ping problems". I do however have a problem with folk believing that this is unique to IDNet and there are a "lot of people" experiencing it. In my experience, folk have always wished for better pings and I have well over 200 members here and see a small handful of folk with a "problem".

Even then, I challenge those that benchmark thier connections at every opportunity to explain exactly why they punish themselves in this way as to why? Do we really splash out 25 quid a month to speedtest all day? Maybe those that don`t actually pay the bill do, myself however, who does pay the bill uses it for fun, or whatever.

A few have admitted that they "don`t game" or "have no issues" but persist in participation in wallowing in others apparent apparent misfortunes ... to what end? I`m confused!

Hey, I`ve had enuff ... need a swig, tek care Avenger :)


As you appear to be referring obliquely to me, the answers to your questions are as follows.

(1) Yes I do pay the bill, but if you want to pay it for me, feel free to drop me your bank details.  :P :D

(2) There is not a  problem on users lines or equipment, or at the exchange, or in the backhaul, or in the ATM cloud.  Similarly, the problem is not, as I've stated clearly if you'll care to look, on the IDNet network.  There is, however, clearly a BT network problem that is related to IDNet.

(3) The problem affects an unknown number of individuals, which is one of the facts that makes it more difficult to accurately diagnose, and is also one reason why Simon, who I'm glad to say does not share your "see no evil, hear no evil" approach, has asked for ping times in no fewer than three different threads.  To suggest that individuals who respond to that request are "whiners" or "wallowing in others apparent misfortunes" is at best misguided.

(4) The problem for some individuals makes using their connection during the problem periods (weekdays during office hours) difficult.  Three-figure pings aren't just, as you imply, a statistical anomaly that bears no relation to real usage.  Apart from making gaming very difficult for some people, it also significantly affects downloading and even web browsing during those periods.  It is simply not the case that individuals suffering from the problem can cheerfully continue to use their connection as though nothing's wrong, and wouldn't even notice it if only they would stop obsessively pinging all day.  That doesn't just apply to me; comments from other affected individuals make it perfectly clear that this is the case for them too.

(5) I have not seen this very specific problem (high pings during office hours only, and starting quite clearly around six weeks ago) reported on any ISP forum that I visit.  In all seriousness, if you have, please let us know, as this would be a significant aid to troubleshooting.  Please note, though, that we are referring to a specific, consistent, replicable problem; not the general congestion issues and high latency that everyone suffers regularly.

(6) Given that there is a problem, and Simon is doing his best to get to the bottom of it, what should my approach be?  Well, I'm not an online gamer in general (if only I had the time!), and I'm at work during weekdays most of the time, so you would seem to be arguing that as the problem will have a relatively small effect on my particular usage patterns, I should say "not my problem" and leave it at that.  If you want to take that approach, that's fine; for myself, an "I'm alright, jack" attitude is not something I want to have any part of, lest such an attitude be returned to me if/when I encounter a problem that is central to my usage.  There is a problem, I have a little expertise in the area as it happens, and there are things I can do, including posting data as required by Simon, having private correspondence over the possible causes of it,  and participating in experiments to try and solve it, which don't significantly interfere with my usage, and which will try and make it better for everyone.  Whereas you see someone posting a ping session as "whining" or "wallowing", it is actually troubleshooting to try and improve things for a number of people.

(7) During this same period, far from having a go at IDNet, which you appear to think the ping issue is, I personally have still recommended it to people (one of whom has recently signed up here as it happens).  One of the reasons I've done that is precisely because issues like this *are* treated seriously, and users are free to report problems that they feel they're experiencing without being made to feel disloyal, something which I'm sorry to say you are currently undermining.

I'm glad you're not experiencing any problems in practice.  Other people are.  They're not making it up.  They're not complaining about the usual ebbs and flows of internet traffic.  They're not engaged in a conspiracy to undermine IDNet.  They're not by-and-large even having a go at IDNet.  They're not pinging all day for fun or because they haven't got anything better to do.  They're simply trying to help solve a specific problem.  If you don't want to participate, that's fine, but please don't have a go and undermine the efforts of those of us that do.


QuoteAs you appear to be referring obliquely to me

Actually, I wasn`t, I was referring to Avenger if truth be known, so I`ll stop it there and not read the rest of your post :)


Quote from: Jeff on Sep 23, 2006, 01:07:07
QuoteAs you appear to be referring obliquely to me

Actually, I wasn`t, I was referring to Avenger if truth be known, so I`ll stop it there and not read the rest of your post :)

LOL, okay, you ascribe it to my drunken paranoia in that case. ;)


Karv, bonny lad ... apology accepted but purleez, don`t think for one minute I dunno what`s goin on at IDNet ;)

I`m as smart as I am handsome, just leave it at that ;)


Quote from: Jeff on Sep 23, 2006, 01:21:01
Karv, bonny lad ... apology accepted but purleez, don`t think for one minute I dunno what`s goin on at IDNet ;)

I`m as smart as I am handsome, just leave it at that ;)

Surely you must be smarter than that?  :P ;D


You havent seen me would ;)


Quote from: ramekin on Sep 22, 2006, 20:33:16
1/ What, in layman's terms, is the difference in quality between the Home 2000 and Home Max connections (aside from the obvious speed difference)?
I'm a relative newcomer to IDNet myself and I started on Home 2000 at the beginning of September 2006.  To be perfectly honest, I was (and remain) gobsmacked at how stable it was and my router thought it had died and gone to heaven.  It had nothing to do except give me good news.

Feeling cocky, I went for Home Max package a couple of weeks later and things looked great for a couple of days but it went a bit wonky on day three.  Nothing serious and nothing like it used to be like with my old ISP, but I'm still in the training period for Max so I'll reserve judgement.

Today was a bit rubbish with high pings and speed, but it was a first for me so I can't really comment.

If Max proves to be a problem for me, then I'll go back to 2Mb but still with IDNet.

To stay is death but to flee is life.


Blimey Chaps!

Enjoyed the thread immensely.

BUT....... haven't any of you got a bed to go to? The last post was at 3.26am this morning! Most others were around 1.30am ....these pings really do cause sleepless nights don't they?:coffee:

PS There is a noticeable lack of little green lights glowing signifying thread contributors on line......having a well earned lie in perhaps?



QuoteBUT....... haven't any of you got a bed to go to? The last post was at 3.26am this morning! Most others were around 1.30am ....these pings really do cause sleepless nights don't they?

I have seen myself one on one with fellow IDNetters until 5am ... if that`s what it takes to help others, then so be it ... pings don`t bother me, they are what they are but folk in turmoil, now I just don`t like that at all and if they need help and I`m around at 5am, I`ll give it ;)


Quote from: quandam on Sep 23, 2006, 09:28:48
The last post was at 3.26am this morning! Most others were around 1.30am ....these pings really do cause sleepless nights don't they?:coffee:
When pings give me sleepless nights, then remind me to kill myself  ;D

Chronic insomnia in my case and an inability to stop typing rubbish...
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Hello fellow insomniacs  :banana2:  Nice to see some other fellow suffers lurking around here too. What a nice peaceful, friendly place this is ... though I do have to keep reminding myself that the world out there is a cruel, cruel place, full of crooks and shisters (i.e. I go and have a look at the PlusNet forum on AG - always good for a dose of reality).

Now in my second month of IDNet heaven and nary a glitch. Just works. No sweat, no angst, no problem. One happy bunny.


Hehe, so you too share an ability to revolve ones net experience around topics other than pings ... how do you fill your time in prey tell? :D

Perhaps you speedtest ... hey, I was downloading at 695KB/sec an hour ago and it`s dropped to 692KB/sec now ... better get on to CS, eh? ;)

j/k all :D

drummer, I too have the occassional bout of insomnia, must be a handsomeness thang, eh? ;)


QuoteNow in my second month of IDNet heaven and nary a glitch. Just works. No sweat, no angst, no problem. One happy bunny.

Hey, you f****** fanboy!! :D :D

Good 2CU here again Basso ... I`m tired but I still have a full can left. ;)


Lurking on AG and IDNetters forum as well as chatting to a mate in Hobart on Yahoo IM.

Pings? Really don't give a toss about those. Just want a solid service at a sensible price and that's what I've got.

Enjoy the cans m8. I'm on fizzy orange  :( Any more would be "too much information".


Hehe, good on ye m8 :)

Aye, drinking, it`s not big and it`s not hard ... that`s what wor lass says when I drink, funny eh? ;)

I haven`t been to AG for a couple of weeks ... they`re prolly well chuffed over there then ;)


Quote from: Jeff on Sep 24, 2006, 02:32:16
drummer, I too have the occassional bout of insomnia, must be a handsomeness thang, eh? ;)
Well, that's all I can put it down to, which means I must be handsome all the time.

Did you assume I was a bloke?
To stay is death but to flee is life.


What, you gonna shoot from behind a curtain and proclaim yer a woman ... ooh er, what must we do?? :D A woman in the midst :eek

We love women here!!!!