Looking to migrate from tiscali.

Started by pup, Jan 27, 2008, 21:38:00

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Well iv just filled in the form :laugh: :laugh:

Cant wait.

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.



Attenuation  20db
SnR             19db i think
sync speed (from the little computer icon on task bar is 5.2mbs (i have seen that at 7.8 during the 10 day stab period))

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


Direct debit confirmed and accepted :D

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


Nice one Pup - a great move you won't regret.  :karmic:
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanx, im jumping in my seat with excitement!!

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: pup on Jan 29, 2008, 19:25:31
Attenuation  20db
SnR             19db i think
sync speed (from the little computer icon on task bar is 5.2mbs (i have seen that at 7.8 during the 10 day stab period))

I think there may be a bit of confusion here.

Are you already on Max with Tiscali? It sounds like you are, in which case ignore what we said about telling you your likely sync rate! This is for users that are currently on a fixed-rate (e.g. 2Mb product) to estimate their likely rates on Max.

It's difficult to say for definite, but it looks like your target SNRM might have been pushed up. The problem with using a modem with Max is that each time you reboot the computer, the modem loses sync with the exchange, and will re-sync once you've booted. The exchange can see many re-syncs as a sign of instability, and so what it does is increase your target SNRM (basically, your router will sync as high as it can to achieve this target SNRM figure). The effect this is is to decrease your sync rate to give more stability.

It's difficult to tell whether this has happened as your SNRM figure is higher than the highest target SNRM (15dB), though there are reasons as to why this can happen.

If your SNRM is 19dB and you've currently got a sync rate of 5.2Mb, there's a lot of room for the sync to improve and I would've thought you can get full 8Mb sync, especially with an attenuation figure that good.

Okay, so it's all very well me blabbing on about this, but what does all this mean for you, I hear you say? I would recommend getting a router as they tend to work better with Max, plus you won't have this problem of lots of re-syncs. Also, if you stay connected (i.e. sync does not drop) for 14 days in a row, the exchange sees the line as stable and will actually reduce the target SNRM in 3dB increments, eventually getting back to the lowest setting (6dB). If I've understood your current setup correctly and you do indeed have a modem, it's unlikely that it'll remain connected for 14 days, so you'll always be in this position where you have a lower-than-possible sync rate, whereas a router should get you back on track.

Sync rate and speed are two very different things. Speed is obviously related to sync rate. With Tiscali, I doubt you're getting the full speed possible for your sync rate at any time, whereas with IDNet, you'll always achieve the maximum speed possible.

I hope this helps and makes at least some sense! :)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Sebby on Jan 29, 2008, 22:36:20
I hope this helps and makes at least some sense! :)

I am already on tiscali Max (not for long though swapover day the 4th feb :laugh:)

but what you said does make sense. ;D

guess ill have to get a router.

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


Yep, it definitely makes sense to get a router on Max. When on a fixed-rate product, it doesn't matter how many times you re-sync; you know you're always going to get the same sync.

The 2Wire 2700HG and the SpeedTouch 585v6 are probably the best routers around at the moment.

Let us know how you get on. :)


Well according to my router log  it reset the connection around 2:30 am is this morning  :rofl: :rofl:.

sync rate 5952, just done speed test on thinkbroadband and d/l speed 1meg  :conf:

glad to be away from tiscali anyway

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


So are you on IDNet now?

Do a BT speed test and post the results please. Your profile is probably stuck at the moment, but it will update soon. :)


Yes, I was switched over at lunchtime on Friday with max sync and it took until Saturday afternoon for my profile to switch from 2000k to 7150k. Give it a little time....  ;)

For the avoidance of confusion I'm not THAT Simon, or the OTHER Simon. :)


Hi pup.

Can you post your downstream attenuation, snr noise margin and sync speed? If you could run a BT speedtest that would also be useful! :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Lance on Feb 04, 2008, 22:08:57
Can you post your downstream attenuation, snr noise margin and sync speed? If you could run a BT speedtest that would also be useful! :)

It'll just be the profile. He's sync'd at 5.9Mb. :)


Cheers guys

BT test not working.

thinkbroadband test

Date     04/02/08 22:12:26
Speed Down    975.01 Kbps ( 1 Mbps )
Speed Up    378.27 Kbps ( 0.4 Mbps )
Port    8095

Link: http://www.thinkbroadband.com/speedtest/results/id/12021631006918029406.html

Namesco test

Download Speed: 596 kbps (74.5 KB/sec )   Upload Speed: 139 kbps (17.4 KB/sec )

Router stats

Uptime:   0 days, 19:01:11
Modulation:   G.992.1 Annex A
Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]:   448 / 5,952
Data Transferred (Sent/Received) [MB/MB]:   13.46 / 27.87
Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]:   11.5 / 19.5
Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]:   13.0 / 23.0
SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]:   23.0 / 15.0

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


Quote from: Sebby on Feb 04, 2008, 22:14:42
It'll just be the profile. He's sync'd at 5.9Mb. :)

note to self: read posts more carefully!

Indeed you are right, Sebby.  :-*

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Si on Feb 04, 2008, 22:08:33
Yes, I was switched over at lunchtime on Friday with max sync and it took until Saturday afternoon for my profile to switch from 2000k to 7150k. Give it a little time....  ;)

So I should just be patant and give it a while  :thnks:

well im used to waiting............

...........used to be with tiscali  :rofl:

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


Yup, me too (well, Pipex - same difference). It's not just a different world here, it's a different universe!

I've got a download from a UK site running at 770Kb a sec at the moment. I didn't believe such things could happen...  8)

If it's still "stuck" after three days give IDNet a call and they will sort it - it's what they advised me to do if I had any issues coming from Tiscali LLU, but as it was it sorted itself within 48 hours.

For the avoidance of confusion I'm not THAT Simon, or the OTHER Simon. :)



Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


Profiles can take up to 5 days to recover if you are a max to max migration. Hopefully it will be a bit quicker than that though!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Couldn't agree more, I'm a pipex escapee, and I used to get 10mb down at most in the evening, now, site permitting it's 762 every time.

ID are a class apart.


Quote from: pup on Feb 04, 2008, 22:16:05
BT test not working.

Keep trying, you'll get it to work eventually. It'll put everyone's mind at rest. :)


Quote from: Sebby on Feb 04, 2008, 22:32:27
Keep trying, you'll get it to work eventually. It'll put everyone's mind at rest. :)

ill try the test again tue or wed, trying to do 3 things at onec here....

My pc can multitask but i cant (im a bloke after all)  :hehe: ((thought id say that before any of the ladies on here)) ;)

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.