
Started by pup, Jan 28, 2008, 20:07:21

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I would certainly consider the Speedtouch if I didn't already have the fantastic 2700!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I've found the 2700 to be a fair bit better, but the SpeedTouch is a great router (better than almost everything else) and always worth considering. :)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well 585 arrived to day and i am using it now, seemed quite painless to set up, ill have a proper fiddle later.   ;D

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


Great news. Let us know your stats and, if possible, run a BT speed test, and then we can try and make a good thing even better. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Good to hear, pup. As Rik says, some current stats will be good to see how the SpeedTouch has helped. :)


bearing in mind im still on tiscali at till monday how do i find them?

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


If you visit Kitz at:

She'll have instruction for extracting your stats from the router. I can't remember if you're fully unbundled, sorry? If you are, wait till you've migrated to do the speed test, otherwise

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I dont go live on idnet until monday ( :hehe: cant wait)

here are the router stats for now:

   Link Information
Uptime:   0 days, 3:49:35
Modulation:   G.992.1 Annex A
Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]:   832 / 5,696
Data Transferred (Sent/Received) [MB/MB]:   9.11 / 63.32
Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]:   11.5 / 19.5
Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]:   13.0 / 23.0
SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]:   13.0 / 15.5
Vendor ID (Local/Remote):   TMMB / ALCB
Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):   0 / 0
Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):   0 / 0
Loss of Power (Local/Remote):   0 / 0
Loss of Link (Remote):   0
Error Seconds (Local/Remote):   7 / 0
FEC Errors (Up/Down):   8 / 237
CRC Errors (Up/Down):   4 / 108
HEC Errors (Up/Down):   6 / 8

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


Your lines stats look fine. IIRC (I answer a lot of similar questions, so I get a bit mixed up sometimes!) you had a modem before. Subsequently, your target SNRM looks to be 15dB (the highest setting), probably as a result of all the re-syncs (which the exchange sees as instability).

Leave the router sync'd for 14 days (or maybe 15 to be on the safe side) then reboot it. Your target SNRM should hopefully drop to 12dB. Another fortnight will bring it down to 9dB, and another will bring it to it's lowest setting of 6dB (all being well).

If your target SNRM doesn't drop in 15 days following a re-sync, I'd ask IDNet if they can send a request to BT to have it manually reset. Explain the situation (i.e. that you had a USB modem and have now bought a router) and I'm sure it won't be a problem. :)


Cheer sebby, im still on tiscali untill monday :rofl: i take it that when im on idnet i will have anouther 10 day retrain?

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


Quote from: pup on Feb 01, 2008, 22:54:47
i take it that when im on idnet i will have anouther 10 day retrain?

There won't be another training period; as you're already on Max, it's just a simple migration from one ISP to another.

Just something to mention (not to do with the training period)... IIRC, when you change the ISP login details on the SpeedTouch, it causes the router to re-sync, so you'll have to wait 14 or 15 days from that point before rebooting the router to see if your target SNRM has dropped, but the SpeedTouch will tell you how long it has been sync'd for anyway. :)