BT speed tester

Started by shazzy, Feb 05, 2008, 12:09:54

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Anyone know what could cause the bt speedtester to consistantly give out the following error message?


The login name entered on this tool doesnt match that discovered by querying the network for your domain name. Please check your telephone number (or user name) and try again. If problem persists please contact your CP.

I always got it when I was on Nildram also.  I've checked over and over to make sure I'm using the correct login name.  It's very strange.


What browser are you using, Shazzy. We find that it seems to work better with variants of IE than it does with Firefox, despite what they say. Other than that, is there any chance you've got two phone numbers on the line, eg call sign?

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I'm using Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11 

I don't think I've got anything else on the line.  I'll have to check with BT on that.  Thanks for the reply :D


Dial 17070, Shazzy. That will tell you what number BT has for the line. It's highly unlikely to be different to what you're entering, but as it's the one thing which could have affected both ISPs, it's worth checking. More than likely, the tester is just plain busy, and giving you a misleading message.

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Thanks for that, it does indeed have the correct number and on logging into my bt call plan there is nothing on the line except 'choose to refuse' which lets me stop 0900 numbers etc, so it must be that it's always busy I think. 

Thanks again. :)


We've found that, for some people, the only time they can get onto the tester is in the early morning. It is, to put it mildly, a pain!

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hehe ok I'll try again tomorrow morning.  ;D


The only other thing is to make sure you are putting the whole of the user name in and not just the first bit as some try to do.



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Yer I put the whole lot in, same as the username I put in my router. :)


That's another thing ruled out then, Shazzy, set your alarm for 4am. ;)

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Worked about 11pm for me last night, first time I've managed to run it.


It's a strange beast is the speed tester, Malc, it seems to work when you least expect it. Makes me think of "Not the Nine o'clock news" and their petrol station knobble button, if you ever saw the sketch.

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I remember Not the 9 o'clock news, but not that sketch.

Isn't that where Mr Bean started >:D

I suppose BT speedtester is a bit like pipex, works for a couple of hours in the night - if your lucky


Yes, that was Rowan Atkinson's debut. The sketch involved people filling up with an exact value of petrol, eg £5.00. The assistant in the office had a knobble button that juts pushed them over by 1p each time. It appealed to my sense of humour. :)

I generally have no troubles with the BT tester, I often wonder, therefore, if there is some geographical issue which affects it.

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I remember "Not the nine oclock news". That's where Gryf Rhys Jones and Mel Smith started as well isn't it?

Some great entertainment in there - used to love the songs at the end


Not to mention the lovely Pamela Stephenson. It was a hugely creative series.

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Couldn't remember her name - Mrs. Billy Connelly isn't she?



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Quote from: shazzy on Feb 05, 2008, 12:09:54
Anyone know what could cause the bt speedtester to consistantly give out the following error message?

I used to get this also... I found that if I entered the phone number to quickly when the enter phone number screen come up it always showed that error. Now when I enter the my phone number I give it a minute or so before I send it. Same as the when entering the idnet log in screen, wait a minute or so before sending. Worth a try any way.


The BT speedtester is a law unto itself.  Perseverance is often the only answer.  ::)
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You can tell people who use the BT speed tester. They have all grown old prematurely. ;)

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Or grown old waiting



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I have been trying to access the BT tester for several years, intermittently, admittedly, never made it yet. Gives me all sorts of excuses, sometimes (rarely)  just sits there saying it is testing!  Mind you I only try it from about 9.0am to 9.0pm, I sure ain't going to allow it to rule my like, O.K.
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!


Go on, be a devil, get up at 4am one day. ;)

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No way Rik, I need my beauty sleep.  Mind you, to be honest, it has not stopped me from being ugly!
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!


Sleep has never worked miracles on me either. :)

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Quote from: Broadback on Feb 06, 2008, 11:25:55
I have been trying to access the BT tester for several years ..............................

WOW!!  That's gotta be a record!  You'd think he would give up ...................  :bore::yawn:


"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."



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Maybe he forgot to  present his MAC and he's still on tiscalli  :-\


I did not escape from Tiscali to here, so retract that slur immediately, or I'll,I'll, I nkow I will go to Tiscali, so there then. Anyone seen my rattle, not in my pram any more?
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!


Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


I have to admit, I don't often have problems getting onto the speedtest. Makes me wonder whether there are regional servers (I think Rik had this thought a while back too).

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Have to say that I've never had a problem using the BT speed tester, just tried again prior to this post and managed to connect OK with the usual short wait after giving my phone number.


I keep getting error time out messages.


Quote from: Lance on Feb 06, 2008, 23:17:57
I think Rik had this thought a while back too

I did and do. It's the only way I can make sense of the problems that some people have. :)

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I have never had a problem using it.
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


I've had some stutters and stalls, In, but I've always been able to get there eventually, whilst others seem to struggle to ever get a test. There has to be a reason, and location is the only one I can come up with.

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So do the people who have no problems have something such as location in common, and the same question for those that do have problems?

I have never had a problem with it. I'm on the Bermondsey (CLBER) exchange in London and am about 600m, in a straight line, from the exchange.


I think those with the most problems tend to be in the north, Noreen, but it's only a feeling, I've never tested it - till now. :)

I'm on the Wolverton exchange.

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Quote from: Rik on Feb 07, 2008, 10:36:28
I think those with the most problems tend to be in the north, Noreen, but it's only a feeling, I've never tested it - till now. :)

Thanks Rik, just what I need to hear.

Us poor Northerners. :pat:


Whereabouts are you, Malc. It's always seemed to be a problem for people in Cumbria, Northumbria, NI and parts of Scotland from casual observation.

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North west Manchester, between Bolton and Wigan


Far enough north of Watford, Malc. :) I think I'll start a dedicated thread on this...

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H'm, another North of the Watford Gap syndrome I guess. Where Southerers fear to tread. Pigeons, cloth caps and outside toilets petrify them!
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!


Quote from: Broadback on Feb 07, 2008, 16:14:52
Where Southerers fear to tread. Pigeons, cloth caps and outside toilets petrify them!


Speaking of outside toilets;

Quote"Finland's residents now face being caught short during car trips if their phones are out of credit, because the country's road management agency has introduced an SMS entry system for public toilets.

Called the SMS Lock System, users must text "OPEN" to a number shown on the door of various toilets and shower rooms along Highway One in Paimio and Salo, near Turku, where the texting service began operating earlier this month".

I can see yobs having great fun dialing those numbers and peeping round the corner!!  To say nothing if your battery runs out!  ::)


"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


You mean an SMS could turn into an SOS, Mo?  :o

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Quote from: Broadback on Feb 07, 2008, 16:14:52
H'm, another North of the Watford Gap syndrome I guess. Where Southerers fear to tread. Pigeons, cloth caps and outside toilets petrify them!

Don't forget the black puddings, steak puddings and chip barms with scraps (round bread rolls with fries and fish bits, Rik)


You forget the haggis in batter, Malc. :)

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That's a bit further up north from here.


I know, but when I have a chance to evangelise!! :)

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Not many coffee shops here though.


That's OK, I don't drink the stuff. :)

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Me nither, nasty stuff.

I see another thread decends into food!

We need a catagory for food I think


It's been thought about - but then how would we get off topic elsewhere??  >:D

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Just tried another test.

This is what I get everytime. Except once at 11.30pm.

'The system is currently busy. Please try again shortly, however if this problem persists, raise the issue with your service provider'



Might be worth an email to support, Malc.

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Sorry if I'm being thick, but to ID or BT?

It is BT's checker, and I've no problems with anything else what so ever


IDNet, Malc, it's telling you to raise it with your service provider.

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Sorry, yes I am being thick.

It's been a busy day at work posting nearly 100 posts processing invoices


How do you think I feel, I've done 200 posts today - I'm cross-eyed! :)

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Have you seen todays stats, over 500 already, the 1000 barrier most be in danger soon ;D


I know, Malc, this month has been incredible, two days at 800 or more. It's a good feeling that more people are staying around and posting these days, it's what we're trying to encourage. :)

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A lot of new people to ID I've noticed in the last month.

People are leaving tiscalli in droves with there new policies.


We seem to be seeing a lot of people joining from Tipex, in all its guises. The big thing for us, though, is that people are joining the forum and staying around for a natter in bigger numbers than ever before.

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They like the entertainment, and they're entering into the spirit of.

Plus there's sod all on TV.



Is that the only reason. :)

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OK Rik .... they like you >:D

Like we all do, that better?



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all that - And NO karmic?


I'm cross-eyed, you want karma too? Oh, alright then.  :-*

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