Pls can you help with a DG834g router

Started by davej99, Feb 10, 2008, 11:54:01

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I am in the process of migrating from Virgin ADSL (yes I know, what was I thinking of) to IDNET (seen the light at last). Did not realise I could post over here meantime, so this is a repost of similar enquiry on Think Broadband, if that is OK? Read some splendid stuff on routers here, if I may say so, so maybe you could help with my enquiry.

I would like to use my Virgin supplied Netgear DG834GSP v3 router, which has been trouble free, when I get my IDNET connection, and I wonder how best to do that.

As an aside my noise margin was reduced yesterday from 15 to 12dB and I synced at 8128 for the first time. A pleasing bonus in readiness for the migration. Amazingly, this happened at about the same time I placed my order with IDNET. Some influence these guys must have. With luck the profile should climb from the rock solid 6500 I have enjoyed to the maximum. This is very pleasing because I am 2.16km crow, 2.41km road with 36dB atten. I think this happened because I fitted a filtered master faceplate with an unfiltered spur to the router, isolating a big house loop. Amazingly this pulled about 6dB off the nightime noise, so I guess the exchange has just noticed.

The router I mentioned may have proprietary Virgin firmware. So my first question is how do I back up the firmware? Because, my idea is perhaps to flash a standard revision, exploit recent updates and eliminate any problems caused by non-standard Virgin firmware. So, does anyone know if this is advisable, or if it can be done? The DG834GSP v3 may be a different chipset from the vanilla DG834G v3 for example.

Or if that is not possible, or advisable, does any one know if the DG834GSP v3 will work at all? My idea is to be sure it will work as is, or to get it working with standard firmware on my present connection and so eliminate the router in the event of migration problems, the latter seems preferential. But it could crash instead, hence the backup question.

I am concerned I may get left without a connection if I do nothing. Would much appreciate some expert guidance because I am on a learning curve here.

As another aside I did not get an email after placing an order. Do you think that will arrive monday during office hours?

Thx in anticipation, Dave


Welcome to the forum, Dave, have a karma. :)

I know the Sky routers prevent you changing the login to a non-Sky domain, so the simplest thing to try first would be to enter a new username and see whether the routers accepts it. Try user@idnet.gw5 - you won't get anywhere, obviously, but if it accepts it and retains it, then you should be OK. I don't think there's a way to backup firmware from the router, but there is a recovery tool available on the Netgear site, in case flashing fails. I've never had to use it, so I'm not sure quite what it does.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Oo ya lazy monkey, you copied your other post :D

I think your problem regarding the router was answered on think broadband forums, but I've looked again through the router settings and unless I'm blind (don't rule this out just yet!) there is no actual option to back up the firmware as there is on some other routers.

As I mentioned on the other forum, there is the factory default reset option, as I think they assume you get factory default so anything else would be installed by yourself, there fore you would have the zip file containing the firmware you've upgraded to. Although, as this is Virgin we're talking about here, they could have done god only knows what to the router.

Someone else posted about the disc that comes with the router from Virgin, and maybe that contains the firmware you have installed, if it's not the default set up that comes with it if you bought it yourself.

Welcome to the forums by the way, have a karma point :)

{edit} Gah, Rik posted quickly. Do you ever leave these forums? :D
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Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


Occasionally, Niall. When I can hack through the chain round my ankles. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Goodness gracious, Rik, that was fast! I was doing a quick edit and bingo there was your response, so thanks. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

I can tell you I can successfully log onto BT domains to run the BT speed tester, so I guess I will be able to do the same with IDNET. Will try your suggestion.

I do not care for proprietary Virgin firmware though because of security issues. Who knows who can find a tech support port or some such. But more importantly I do not want to make it tougher for IDNET tech support with non-standard firmware if problems arise. I was wondering if running a firmware upgrade automatically prompts a backup, rather like running a PC BIOS update.

Thx, Dave


It doesn't, Dave, it just does an 'are you sure?' and off it goes.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes, sadly, despite the price of Netgears routers, they do not have some of the functionality of other brands. I've got a Zyxel router that is by far more configurable, but can get VERY complicated to set up. That being said, it's a seriously nice piece of secure kit.

I used to swear by Netgear routers, but then I had one fail after 2 years (which isn't bad to be fair, as it was never off in those two years). It was actually the original version of this wireless one, but obviously not wireless! Then I got the next update to it and it wouldn't let me upgrade firmware, then 2 months later it died. That's when I decided to go with Zyxel, but while trying to eliminate problems with Xbox Live (which I later discovered was something related to my own stupidity!) I bought this wireless one, which seems to work well enough.

I like my stories :D
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


Quote from: Niall{edit} Gah, Rik posted quickly. Do you ever leave these forums?

Just don't expect a quick answer after the Rugby starts!!  :hehe: :banana2: :thup: :happy: :ukflag:
"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


That was yesterday, Mo, it's only England playing today.  ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thx for the warm welcome, messages and advice, everyone. Courtesy is free to give and precious to receive. It is especially appreciated by this writer. What are karma points btw?

Realised I was looking in the wrong place for the Virgin DG834GSP firmware revision. I have found it in the router pages right under my nose! (Am I thick or what? No answer needed). I have now located the download at Netgear on the GPL open source pages so I am free to experiment in due course. Next challenge is to understand the hardware configuration. GSPv3 may not be the same as Gv3. There are a lot of Virgin ADSL customer migrating away, so I guess it is worth resolving.

Thx for heads up on routers. Using ZyXel Homeplug AV which seem OK so maybe I should get a ZyXel router.


Quote from: davej99 on Feb 10, 2008, 13:41:43

Thx for heads up on routers. Using ZyXel Homeplug AV which seem OK so maybe I should get a ZyXel router.

I have a Zyxel Router/Modem, it works a treat, it is this one;
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


:welc: :karmic:

Quote from: davej99 on Feb 10, 2008, 13:41:43
Thx for the warm welcome, messages and advice, everyone. Courtesy is free to give and precious to receive. It is especially appreciated by this writer. What are karma points btw?

They are just a way of saying thank you, and kind of quantifying it. :)

Quote from: davej99 on Feb 10, 2008, 13:41:43Realised I was looking in the wrong place for the Virgin DG834GSP firmware revision. I have found it in the router pages right under my nose! (Am I thick or what? No answer needed). I have now located the download at Netgear on the GPL open source pages so I am free to experiment in due course. Next challenge is to understand the hardware configuration. GSPv3 may not be the same as Gv3. There are a lot of Virgin ADSL customer migrating away, so I guess it is worth resolving.

I don't know anything about that router, but from what I can gather, it seems that it's different hardware to the DG834Gv3. However, there are some firmware files here on the Netgear site, which must be vanilla firmware files. If there is an option in the current firmware to upgrade, you might be able to unbrand via this method.


I have some reports that the dg834gsp v3 router is locked down and cannot be upgraded to standard firmware. So I may be asking for the impossible. It does seem unreasonable for a former Virgin, and indeed Sky subscriber, not to be able to use non-proprietary firmware with another ISP on a router they have essentially purchased. The Sky router can be recovered, it seems, but it is not for the fainthearted. Any further insight would be appreciated. This is now more a matter of principle than neccessity. Which router should I purchase btw. Cheers, Dave.


Hi Dave, and  :welc:

A few of us on here have recently gone over to the 2Wire 2700HGV router, which I believe is usually only supplied with a BT broadband connection, but can quite easily be acquired on eBay.  They are initially 'locked' to BT, but there are fairly easy ways round this, which I will leave one of the more technically adept to expand on.  Long and short - most people who have switched to one of these have reported faster speeds and more stability.  We have a section dedicated to the 2Wire, which you may be interested in looking at:
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: davej99 on Feb 10, 2008, 20:58:58
I have some reports that the dg834gsp v3 router is locked down and cannot be upgraded to standard firmware. So I may be asking for the impossible. It does seem unreasonable for a former Virgin, and indeed Sky subscriber, not to be able to use non-proprietary firmware with another ISP on a router they have essentially purchased. The Sky router can be recovered, it seems, but it is not for the fainthearted. Any further insight would be appreciated. This is now more a matter of principle than neccessity. Which router should I purchase btw. Cheers, Dave.

It should be possible, just perhaps not through the web interface. I know Netgear used to provide a firmware recovery tool. If they still do, you might be able to do it like that.

As far as what router to replace it with, it's got to be either a 2Wire 2700HG/2700HGV or SpeedTouch 585v6. Both are excellent routers and come high recommended by many users.