Re: Pings

Started by equk, Sep 28, 2006, 17:06:10

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Quote from: CatMangler on Oct 05, 2006, 15:43:29

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 351, Received = 349, Lost = 2 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 19ms, Maximum = 161ms, Average = 69ms

I'm gettin totaly frustrated!!

Better start lookin elsewhere...

I still cant understand why when me and avenger and others had constantly high pings we ALL had them at the same time.
You seem to be the only one at the moment which leads me to believe its not IDNEts end, if it were the boards would be full of people posting bad ping results e.t.c.

Heres mine from a few mins ago.,

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes:32 Time:43ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:40ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:32ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:46ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:27ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:28ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:40ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:40ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:45ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:28ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:38ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:27ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:26ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:30ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:26ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:29ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:31ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:30ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:27ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:27ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:28ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:27ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:29ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:28ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:44ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:29ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:28ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:37ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:31ms TTL:60
Reply from bytes:32 Time:35ms TTL:60
Ping statistics for :
Packets: Sent = 30, Received = 30, Lost = 0 (0%) loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 26ms, Maximum = 46ms, Average = 33ms

Read -,605.0.html


QuoteI still cant understand why when me and avenger and others had constantly high pings we ALL had them at the same time.
You seem to be the only one at the moment which leads me to believe its not IDNEts end, if it were the boards would be full of people posting bad ping results e.t.c.

No catmangler is not alone. I have 2 lines at different locations and this afternoon both have been poor.

Both lines are always fine outside of 9am-5pm

During the hours of 9-5:- 

Line A:

Until about 2 weeks ago very poor most days.
During the last 2 weeks it has been fine until today.
Had a 15min disconnection this morning and it has been poor since then.

Line B:

Never noticed any poor performance until this Monday.
Had a disconnection early Monday afternoon and it has been awful every day since then.


At the moment both our lines are poor 9am-5pm fine outside those hours.

There is no correlation between our two lines, when one is bad/good it does not follow the other is is also bad/good.

It seems significant that good to bad transitions are assosiated with disconnections.



You say the lines are poor do you mean high pings , slow internet?

When you found the problem did you try disconnecting for 30 mins EVERY time then try again?

Also this only makes 2 of you i would think if there was a big problem idnets end there would be lots of users here complaining.

I don't want to sound like a fanboy and i have had my share of high ping problems but only 2 people using these forums with high pings makes me wonder where the problem lies.


Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 20:22:49
When you found the problem did you try disconnecting for 30 mins EVERY time then try again?
Not being funny but this is cr*p, disconnect for 30mins?

1. NO-ONE should be expected to do that
2. Majority of the time it does nothing
3. When it does make a difference, often the problem is back within minutes
4. For a lot of cases this is not viable

People don't expect to pay for a service to be asked to fix the problems themselves.
e6400 @ 3.2Ghz 38°C 45°C | ATI X1900XT | P5W DH | ss: linux | osx
migration complete - sync 5mb 500k - stable low ping times


QuoteYou say the lines are poor do you mean high pings , slow internet?

Yes, both.

QuoteWhen you found the problem did you try disconnecting for 30 mins EVERY time then try again?

No I have not disconnected, an ADSL line that needs disconnecting for 30 mins every so often is of little use to me.

One line is usually unattended so a disconnect is impossible, the other line has email servers etc and it is highly undesirable to turn off for 30 mins on the hope it will fix the problem for a few minutes or hours.

If I had any confidence that it would provide a PERMENANT fix then yes obviously I would disconect.

Here is a typical l8nc graph from yesterday

I can't see that the problem is with the kit at my end of both lines, there is nothing that is 9-5 specific. It might be BT or IDNET or somewhere else.

I will keep monitoring and see how things go I am no yet considering asking for a MAC but something is wrong somewhere.



Quote from: equk on Oct 05, 2006, 21:26:51
Not being funny but this is cr*p, disconnect for 30mins?

1. NO-ONE should be expected to do that
2. Majority of the time it does nothing
3. When it does make a difference, often the problem is back within minutes

1] While they are trying to get to the bottom of the problem i am quite happy to give it a try.

2] It has worked for me  95% of the times i have tried.

3] This has never happened to me once fixed if i don't turn the router off i stay connected with low pings.

Can i ask why you stay with idnet if you are so unhappy?


Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 22:34:57
1] While they are trying to get to the bottom of the problem i am quite happy to give it a try.

2] It has worked for me  95% of the times i have tried.

3] This has never happened to me once fixed if i don't turn the router off i stay connected with low pings.

Can i ask why you stay with idnet if you are so unhappy?
I am migrating tomorrow
e6400 @ 3.2Ghz 38°C 45°C | ATI X1900XT | P5W DH | ss: linux | osx
migration complete - sync 5mb 500k - stable low ping times


Quote from: TimJ on Oct 05, 2006, 21:49:35
No I have not disconnected, an ADSL line that needs disconnecting for 30 mins every so often is of little use to me.
I completely agree.
e6400 @ 3.2Ghz 38°C 45°C | ATI X1900XT | P5W DH | ss: linux | osx
migration complete - sync 5mb 500k - stable low ping times


Quote from: TimJ on Oct 05, 2006, 21:49:35

No I have not disconnected, an ADSL line that needs disconnecting for 30 mins every so often is of little use to me.

As CS are trying to sort the problem and have asked people to disconnect for 30 mins to get a better connection you are not helping yourself or CS by not following their request.

A 30 min disconnect could sort your problem permanently but you would rather come here bitching than try it.

I'm getting p****d off with people using the forum to  moan rather than at least try to sort things their end.
If  you don't want to try to improve your connection while CS try to sort the problem why don't you get your MAC and call it quits?


Quote from: equk on Oct 05, 2006, 22:42:20
I completely agree.

So why dont you call it quits and leave?


Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 22:44:46
So why dont you call it quits and leave?

Hold on ........

Quote from: equk on Oct 05, 2006, 22:39:37
I am migrating tomorrow


Ich verlasse morgen

Je pars demain
e6400 @ 3.2Ghz 38°C 45°C | ATI X1900XT | P5W DH | ss: linux | osx
migration complete - sync 5mb 500k - stable low ping times


Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 22:44:15
A 30 min disconnect could sort your problem permanently but you would rather come here bitching than try it.
I have tried it and as I already said it doesn't work the majority of the time, as many others have also said. Look thru the thread.

It also will not sort the connection permanently, as has been proven by people posting in this thread.

Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 22:44:15
I'm getting p****d off with people using the forum to  moan rather than at least try to sort things their end.
can't believe people discussing things on a discussion forum I mean....

also the "moaning", we're not moaning at you. Altho you seem good at provoking people to do so.

Everyone has a right to post their problems here, it is a support forum.
If you don't like it then maybe you should go away instead of telling IDNet's customers to leave  ???
Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 22:44:15
why don't you get your MAC and call it quits?
e6400 @ 3.2Ghz 38°C 45°C | ATI X1900XT | P5W DH | ss: linux | osx
migration complete - sync 5mb 500k - stable low ping times


I'm not telling people to leave, I'm asking why the moaning ones that post bad ping results without trying to correct it themselves don't leave?

Why would anyone who has been coming here night after night for weeks to moan want to stay?

Ive done my fair share of bitching over the ping issues but only after trying to sort it myself , as i have already said  disconnecting for 30 mins worked for me  95%  of the time.




Bye ;)

One less moaning ficker  ;D


Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 23:04:23
I'm not telling people to leave, I'm asking why the moaning ones that post bad ping results without trying to correct it themselves don't leave?

Why would anyone who has been coming here night after night for weeks to moan want to stay?

Ive done my fair share of bitching over the ping issues but only after trying to sort it myself , as i have already said  disconnecting for 30 mins worked for me  95%  of the time.

I will try and answer and explain from my perspective.

I don't think I have moaned, just pointed out that my lines are still suffering from poor performance in response to your post that basically said all was now fine.

Line B

is  a work line so it is important how this line performs during the day, but I am in a small busy company and spending time sorting out an ADSL line that is underperforming never gets to the top of my overlong todo list.

In fact I have never even contacted CS as I am sure that they are aware of the general problem and I suspect that there is no further information I can add.

So sorry but I am not a good customer, I want it to just work, if it does not I will put up with it for a while but if it does not get fixed I will just migrate, certainly on the work's line I do not have time to mess around disconnecting etc and trying to bug fix.

Basically when the hassle of having a poorly performing line exceeds the hassle of migrating I will migrate.

Line A

is at home, basically it is unused during the day so it is of mainly acedemic interest what happens during 9-5.

If this was underperforming when i wanted to actively use it then yes I would have the time and effort to try and sort things out, but when I am at home it just works fine.

I hope this goes someway to explaining.



Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 23:05:51
Bye ;)

One less moaning ficker  ;D
Have you considered how unhelpful and unreasonable that comment comes across?

As this forum is the nearest we'll get to online support, it might be worth adopting a less agressive tone.

You may have alienated many people already, but you'll never know because they've opted for the "can't be bothered with this cr*p" option.

IDNet is my ISP, not my best mate and you need to accept that some folks don't get a great connection, so making it personal is slightly inappropriate.
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 23:05:51
Bye ;)

One less moaning ficker  ;D

Why is this kid not banned yet? All he does is start constant flames with everyone. 1 minute he is moaning that his connection is not ok with a graph which clearly states that his connection was totally timed out for 3 hours, then the next he's having a go at everyone on the forums with nothing knowledgeable at all.

The situation with the network has got worse over the past month instead of better, it seems quite obvious to me as a 10 year Programmer and a Online Gaming Network worker (since 1996) what the problem is. The Network is Overloaded - hence why when the connection is left on over time (at a busy period in the day) the connection gets worse, when you connect first your at the front of the line - while others reconnect your connection goes lower in contention again on the Network. Unless IDnet upgrade their lines they are going to constantly have problems. The only time people are having problems is at busy times of the day - Lunchtime and night time between 5pm - 11pm.

Turning off your modem/router every 5 minutes for half an hour is completely insane - people who pay for a service Expect Service. I have been on about 10 ADSL connections both business and personal ever since ADSL came out and have never had such bad problems as I have on this network. The only time I had a problem with a ADSL Network - the problem was fixed within a week.


Quote from: maxping on Oct 05, 2006, 22:44:46
So why dont you call it quits and leave?

You'll make a good support operator, just tell everyone to leave. Hey guys lets do what this kid is saying and all leave - then he won't have any connection at all as the company will shut down. Also I find it highly amusing that you seem to think your trying to sort it out yourself - how are you doing that? It's the ISP's problem nothing to do with peoples routers or lines.

Also when the network is overloaded anyway, reconnecting your router does nothing - which was proved the other night when peoples connections were just timing out all together every 5 minutes.


Hi Dev

If you could please email or PM me then we can investigate your connection problems.



IDNet are a supper ISP I to came to IDNet from a poor ISP (PlusNet)

After my 10days my pings went up I didn't know what it was at all I phone Simon and his Co workers many times and I to got the same things to try

I have never agreed with the statements that people make when they say (ITS THERE NETWORK) when it simply isn't it is out of there hands there network has the capacity for all its customers my pings are now 22ms you may find it hard to believe that my pings are actually getting better. Also OC3D uses IDNet to host there gaming servers the clan/forum owner I believe has a ping of 18ms and will not tolerate any lag what's so ever


Quote from: browney on Oct 06, 2006, 12:32:53
I have never agreed with the statements that people make when they say (ITS THERE NETWORK) when it simply isn't it is out of there hands
If it is not their network, how do you explain the fact people who have migrated have stable connections?

Quote from: browney on Oct 06, 2006, 12:32:53Also OC3D uses IDNet to host there gaming servers the clan/forum owner I believe has a ping of 18ms and will not tolerate any lag what's so ever
So they run these gaming servers over their ADSL network do they  ??? ::)

I highly doubt they run gaming servers over their ADSL network. They are probably ran direct from their hosting servers. I would guess probably in london docklands or similar, with a lot higher network capacity than a ADSL connection.
e6400 @ 3.2Ghz 38°C 45°C | ATI X1900XT | P5W DH | ss: linux | osx
migration complete - sync 5mb 500k - stable low ping times


Quote from: browney on Oct 06, 2006, 12:32:53
IDNet are a supper ISP I to came to IDNet from a poor ISP (PlusNet)

After my 10days my pings went up I didn't know what it was at all I phone Simon and his Co workers many times and I to got the same things to try

I have never agreed with the statements that people make when they say (ITS THERE NETWORK) when it simply isn't it is out of there hands there network has the capacity for all its customers my pings are now 22ms you may find it hard to believe that my pings are actually getting better. Also OC3D uses IDNet to host there gaming servers the clan/forum owner I believe has a ping of 18ms and will not tolerate any lag what's so ever

So your telling me that webservers and Gaming Servers go through the ADSL loop are you? Really shows how little you know about the internet. I think you should go and read-up on how ADSL works compared to a 'Server'. The connection from a ISP Hosting (gaming or web) go directly through to the rest of the internet. A ADSL network goes through many forms of transport upto the ISP.

If the ISP have problems with one of their lines, or pace too many connections on the same line (pipe - whatever you want to call it), the people will have constant lagouts.

QuoteTransit to ISP

The way in which most ISPs are connected to the gateway is normally either via Fast Ethernet (FE - 100Mbps) or Gigabit Ethernet (GigE - 1000Mbps). Obviously if your ISP has a 155Mbps gateway installed then Fast Ethernet is not up to the job and so they'll have Gigabit Ethernet connections.

Should have put ADSL Pipes are overloaded, so you would understand.  ::)


Ok, thats enough bitching ALL OF YOU
I don't care who started it, why etc.
lets just get back on thread eh, not even a mention of he says this, she says that (in other words no quotes unless they are useful)

we could almost move this into rant and rave the way this is going  :police:


Dev. Have you contacted Simon yet re your problems.  I noticed that he has asked you twice to contact him concerning this matter. Once in this thread and once in another.  Perhaps by contacting him things can be sorted out.
Alf :)


Quote from: drummer on Oct 06, 2006, 02:12:20
Have you considered how unhelpful and unreasonable that comment comes across?

Its a joke mate  EQ wont be offended , he knows me too well  ;)