Tech support number

Started by spyro, Oct 06, 2006, 10:06:38

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I'm new to idnet and am due to have my broadband activated on Monday - haveing moved here from Orange.

I was just wondering if in the evening I have a technical problem - perhaps my connection disappears - there doesn't appear to be a tech support number ( beyond the standard 9-5 one at the bottom ) on the website that I could call. This forum wouldn't be much use since I wouldn't have a connection.

Is there a non-publicised number or am I missing something obvious ?



Hi Alex.  Idnet only work 9-5 M-F.  However, an email to Support is  often answered by one of the Big Three (Simon, Tim, Miriam) if they are aorund outside these hours. :)
Alf :)


oh i see - so if say on Monday evening at about 8pm the line drops and half an hour later its still down and I want to call support to see if there is an issue with the network ( or any kind of technical support query I may have ) I have to wait until the following morning - or Monday if the issue is on Friday evening......

So the ' free technical support ' is only in office hours ?

I'm not having a go by the way and hopefully I won't need to call - just wanted to clear that one up. I'm sure whatever support is provided it will be better than I used to get at Orange....



Unfortunately that is the way it is at the moment.  I think, perhaps, there may be something in the pipeline for the future.  We'll just have to wait and see.
One thing' though, when you do contact Support you talk to the top people and usually get an email or phone call reply in minutes.
Often an email is answered within a few minutes and the phone rarely rings more than 4 times.

The support is better than you can imagine compared to other ISP's.

Hope you don't have problems anyway. :) Problems are the exception rather than the rule.
Alf :)


I believe if you leave a message (and there is a genuine network problem) they get on the case. I asked such questions in the past and I understand the option to leave a message on their IVR ensures someone on-duty gets to know about it (and sorts it, presumably).



Quote from: spyro on Oct 06, 2006, 17:13:17

So the ' free technical support ' is only in office hours ?

Although there is no offical CS at weekends and out of office hours Simon does read the forums here and has been known to help when he can.


ok - thanks for your help

I'm now at home online and just got one or two questions ( about the router that I purchased ) that i'd like to go through with someone.

Basically my torrents ( for LEGAL downloading ! ie music on ) are very slow and i only have the yellow light ( rather than the green one ). I think i need to open some ports or something like that but i'm not too sure how to.  Any help ?

Also how do you setup a password for the router so the guy in the house nextdoor can't leech off me.

Also why do i have a red flashing light ( WLAN )on the modem even though my computer can connect to it ?

Thanks !


You need to open  a port to allow the connection to your torrent client.

Have a look in the torrent clients settings for the port number it uses then you need to go into the modem settings and find where you are allowed to open a port, for my modem its under the setting "virtual server".

The slow torrents are due to you not having the port forwarded and should speed up once you have done the above.

As for the security password and the red light i cant help m8 i have the old type wired modem/router so don't have the security problem.

You could try google with the modem name and problem.

Have you tried the modem manufacturers website , look for FAQ's in support.
