Connection Problems.

Started by david666, Mar 09, 2008, 20:31:01

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Hi all,i have just moved from AOL uk to idnet on the 1 month free trial (connected 7/3/08).But iam having problems when gaming online with my PC,on my Netgear 834 one of the green lights keeps blinking yellow and in-game i get "connection interrupt".Is this because the line is not calibrated or does it just need to "bed-in" over a few days?
I let the netgear find idnet when i logged into it or do i need to imput DNS,VPI etc manualy into the router?
Netgear is all updated,there is no spyware or virus on my computer.I Use adaware and eset system security.

I hope someone can put my mind to rest.Thankyou

Specs:MSI P35 NEO
         4G RAM
         XP X64


 :welc: David, one of the techies, I'm sure, will be along soon and help you better than I can  :)


After I migrated, my connection seemed a little fragile but settled down after a couple of days.  I also just let the router connect automatically to idnet in regards to dns etc.  Once it settled it was rock steady. :) 

Welcome to idnetters! :)


Thx,i did let the router auto connect,web browsing seems ok,but online gaming is terrible.


Hi David, and  :welc:

One of the techies will be along very soon, but it does sometimes take 3-5 days for your connection to settle after a migration.  Did you move like for like (i.e. MAX to MAX), or were you on a fixed rate before?  If you migrate from a fixed rate to MAX, you have to allow up to 10 days for the BT software to work out the fastest stable speed for your line, during which time, the connection can be a little slow or unstable.

If you would like to post the stats from your router, and try to run a speedtest with, that will be a couple of things out the way for when the techies come along.  In the meantime, have a welcome Karma!
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Connection is now going bonkers and i diconnect every 5 mins now! I moved from aol 9 gold unlimited 8mb d/load moved to idnet Home Max.Where do i look for the router stats? Speedtest doesnt work because of my connection problems. :-\


Welcome to IDNetters, David, and have a karma. :karmic:

It sounds like you are losing sync with the exchange, given that you said you're getting a light on the front of the router flashing yellow. Just to make you aware, this isn't to do with the ISP, this is something to do with the line or equipment. It's possible that you were on AOL's LLU, and now you're on BT IPStream, which might explain why you are experiencing instability now.

First thing's first, can you let us see your stats? Have a look here, which will tell you how to get them for your Netgear.

As soon as we see them, we can start helping you get to the bottom of the issue, and hopefully get it resolved soon. :)


ok is this it? sorry iam a "newbie"

System Up Time 02:05:32
Port    Status    TxPkts    RxPkts    Collisions    Tx B/s    Rx B/s    Up Time
WAN    PPPoA    88068    60075    0    1175    1575    02:05:05
LAN    10M/100M    58142    89200    0    1659    1416    02:05:27

ADSL Link    Downstream    Upstream
Connection Speed    7072 kbps    448 kbps
Line Attenuation    44 db    13 db
Noise Margin    0 db    24 db


That's them. :)

You've got a decent sync, but the problem is your noise margin, which would explain why the connection is dropping. Ideally this should be 6dB or higher, but it's normal for it to be a bit lower at night.

Are you connected at an extension socket with a microfilter?


Yes with microfilter that came with the router


What I suspect is happening is that your extension wiring is suffering from noise bursts, so your router connects with a stable noise margin, but then this degrades. Or, it could be the router as this kind of behaviour is quite common of routers with the AR7 chipset.

For now, let's try and see if it is the extension wiring. Do you have a socket that looks like this? If so, could you remove the front plate (be careful when you remove the plate as there'll be extension wiring connected to it, so just let is dangle). Behind, you'll see a socket (the test socket). Please connect your router here, then re-post the stats as before. What this does it eliminate the extension wiring and it allows us to see if there's an improvement. If there is, there are solutions. :)


Ok done that.

System Up Time 00:03:36
Port    Status    TxPkts    RxPkts    Collisions    Tx B/s    Rx B/s    Up Time
WAN    PPPoA    165    178    0    101    447    00:03:10
LAN    10M/100M    233    236    0    534    159    00:03:31

ADSL Link    Downstream    Upstream
Connection Speed    7072 kbps    448 kbps
Line Attenuation    44 db    13 db
Noise Margin    2 db    24 db


It's better, but still not great, and I suspect it would fall soon once it's been connected for a little while. And that was definitely from the socket behind the front plate and not just the front of the master socket (sorry to sound patronising, but it's just to make absolute certain)?

I can't help but think the Netgear is to blame. There was an article a while back about routers with the AR7 chipset (the Netgear being one of them) and an issue with ADSL max. I have seen a number of users here with similar issues, and a new router has cured that, but obviously I can't say for sure. You've got a really excellent line, and you should certainly achieve full sync with attenuation that low.

Is there anyone you could borrow a different router from to try out?


Yes i did remove the faceplate and plug into directly.I can not use another modem sorry.This netgear is dg834 v2,but if i try to buy a new dg834,say v4 no online shops tells you its v4!.Can you recommend one? it must be wired,have a inbuilt firewall and must be a router with four-port so i can plug in my xbox 360 without the pc being switched on.
Many thanks for your input and help. :)


You're right about getting a v4 specifically as that uses a Broadcom chipset, but it's difficult to say where you can get them. Someone on this forum got one, but I can't remember where from. I'll see if I can dig it out.

For me, the best router is the SpeedTouch 585v6. It's a very highly-regarded router and is absolutely rock solid. Another option is a 2Wire 2700HG, but you have to get from eBay and there's no official support. These are quite popular because they help us with less-than-perfect lines get higher sync than other router, but given that you have such a good line, this won't be necessary and if I were you I'd go with the SpeedTouch.

You can get a B-grade one here for £19.99. I've bought a couple for various friends and family and they've always been like new! Or you can get one new here.


Thx,it must be wired though.


It is wired (4-port). You can always disable the wireless if you don't require it.


aha sorry i saw the picture with the antenna at the back of the modem,didnt know you could use it as wired modem :blush:,thx again



Welcome to the forum, David!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thankyou.Would the SpeedTouch 585v6 help lower my in-game ping when gaming? because i would still want to to stay with a netgear modems if possible as its been so good.Can the NETGEAR DG834G v4 one be used as a wired modem/router?


The ping isn't (or shouldn't) be influenced by the router, so the SpeedTouch won't lower it.

The DG834G v4 can be used as wired (exactly the same as the SpeedTouch). It has 4-ports and you can disable wireless. :)


I see idnet sell the netgear,but they dont say its v4 either! ::)


This is true, David. If you want to go for another Netgear DG834G, make sure it's the v4 (i.e. don't buy from IDNet). :)


Last question for tonight ;) Does the speedtouch or netgear work with vista x64?