Illegal File Sharers

Started by colirv, Mar 11, 2008, 09:38:20

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Unfortunately, I fall into that category too - I started when the stress of working with Jerry got too much, and I've never been able to quit  >:D


I grew up with my father, mother and, in due course, sister smoking. I have never even tried a cigarette in my life - the smell about them just put me off. Strange, you'd have expected the opposite really.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I think it often works that way Rik. My parents never smoked or drank, yet me and my two brothers always did both.


I used to drink, but not heavily. I think I was a disappointment to my parents in that respect. When I had to stop (found out the hard way), I just did. Only very rarely do I get the urge, usually when there's champagne around, or on a summer's evening for a beer.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This may be of interest to some. A talk on the past, present and future of piracy, made me think about a few things. The primary one being future piracy producing physical objects through 3dprinting. 3d printers prices are coming down, imagine downloading plans for a shoe, and then printing them on your printer, mental stuff.

video link below. interesting stuff.


I love the idea of a 3D printer, theoretically, you could download the business side of a CD and reproduce it! Interesting talk.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.