I have arrived

Started by Tina, Mar 13, 2008, 14:48:44

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I am now a fully fledged Idnetter - I migrated about lunch time. I had a short time where i couldn't access either ISP, so put my new details in my router, came back and I was on.
I am so happy  :yeay: Thanks to you all for your support through this process, and I looked forward to years of happy service :)


Great news, Diss.  :thumb: How are your speeds looking?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


They are good - but how do I find out all the stats to post like you all do ?  I am sooo happy. Does a static IP mean it doesn't change if I unplug my router? or is that the one where it does change?


Welcome to Idnet , Diss, enjoy.  ;) :thup:

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Static IPs are yours forever, Diss, it will never change while you are with IDNet. (FWIW, I've had far fewer attempts to probe my connection since I went static than I had when using dynamic IPs).

Kitz has instructions for getting the stats from most routers:


and a BT speed test is always worthwhile as that reveals your profile:


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hehe my router isn't on there. will try the BT test


There's not too many she hasn't got, but I think you have one of them. When I Googled, I couldn't come up with more than a sales site, no manuals at all. The BT test will tell us sync speed, profile and throughput. We'll have to try and guess attenuation and noise margin.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


lol your talking jargon to me now - tried the BT one five times and got this

Unexpected result received when querying the network to find your services connection details. Please try again shortly, but if this problem persists raise the issue with your service provider


It may be that your details haven't propagated across the BT network yet, or that the speed tester is just plain busy.





in the interim.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


For comparison, I get:

on a 3000 profile

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Ok dunno if this means anything to you

Download Speed:     1931 kbps (241.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed:    376 kbps (47 KB/sec transfer rate)


That suggests you are on a 2000 profile, which is quite normal for your migration (LLU). Depending on the line stats which we don't know, hopefully that will rise after 3-5 days.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It does seem faster than before - but it's all ok?


Quote from: dissonance on Mar 13, 2008, 15:05:25

Unexpected result received when querying the network to find your services connection details. Please try again shortly, but if this problem persists raise the issue with your service provider

Welcome to the BT Speedtest,

and  :welc: :karmic: to IDNet


OK, update, Diss:

Your sync speed is 7616, attenuation is 25db and noise margin a whopping 16db, so you have a very healthy line there (I'm jealous!). Your profile should increase to 6500k after 3-5 days.

I'll be round to connect!!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ok I really don't  understand all of those figures , but take it it's good - how did you find it out? You can come round only if you put up a blind for me in return  :lol:


By comparison, Diss, I sync around 3500, my attenuation is 56db and my target noise margin is 9db. IOW, a long, poor quality line. I'm guessing that as your line settles, you may well hit full speed.

As to finding out, well I know a man who knew, so I asked. :)

I'm great at putting blinds up, btw, it's just that they don't hang very straight afterwards. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I am still lost with those figures . I just know I am a very happy person right now   :cheers:


OK, let's try and shed some illumination...

Attenuation is a measure of how much the ADSL signal has 'weakened' in its journey to you, effectively it tells you how long your line is, about 2.5k/1.5miles in your case. This figure is the single biggest factor in how fast your connection will go, ie the sync speed and profile are effectively determined by attenuation. Profiles are, in fact, an artificial control, imposed by BT to suit their own ends. It's perfectly possible for your line to go as fast as it can sync, but BT don't operate like that.

The other determining factor on speed is noise margin. This is the amount of 'headroom' the router has in distinguishing the signal from the background noise. Normally, with Max, it's set at 6db and then the line syncs at the highest speed it can do with that margin. If the line proves unstable, then the sync speed will be reduced, or the target margin increased, until stability is achieved.

You have some noise margin in hand, so your line will either be very stable, or possibly get a bit faster yet.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hmmm, I'm learning as well,  :thumb: Rik


Glad the migration went well, dissonance  :P

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welcome to paradise  :thumb:


welcome dissonance.  Hope you enjoy it on IDNET and here as long as you have a sense of humour ;D
Alf :)


Welcome hope you have a great time here .  :welc:



heehe you guys are lovely- thanks for the welcome.. can't believe I am here :)


Feel sorry for BPP (David), Diss. He travelled the same road as you, but BT & Tiscali put every obstacle they could in his path - I think it was about a month in all before IDNet could get him connected.

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It seems with those two companies, it really can be pot luck!

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In David's case it was all bad luck.  :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Glad to hear you've arrived OK, Diss!  :thumb:
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.





Finally got the BT speed  test to work Rik. Here are my results

QuoteIP profile for your line is - 2000 kbps
    DSL connection rate: 448 kbps(UP-STREAM)  7616 kbps(DOWN-STREAM)
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 1874 kbps

Means nothing to me  :blush:


Hi Diss

You're probably on an interleaved line, to judge by the sync speed, but your profile should be 6500. I think it was Thursday you migrated? If so, give it till Wednesday, then give IDNet a call if the profile hasn't lifted. It's very common, unfortunately, for the initially assigned 2000 profile to 'stick' with migrations. Otherwise, your throughout is about right for the profile you do have, so it's looking good.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


As Rik says, the profile should clear by Wednesday; stuck profiles are very common following migrations, so nothing to worry about. Another thing to mention is that your line might be good enough to have interleaving switched off, which would potentially give you a slightly higher sync and profile. But it might not be worth potentially losing stability. ;)