CS:S server coming soon

Started by mrapoc, Sep 18, 2006, 18:44:07

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My clan and I are setting up a Idnet powered server sometime soon (we already ave a  temporary..., but will be changing to a dual xeon 3.0 ghz, 4gb ram setup soon  ;)) drop by sometime for a warm welcome and plenty of fun

Yes this is Counter strike source, not counter strike 1.6   :laugh:





i have both  :P
looking for a friendly 1.6 clan as i speak  ::)


Quote from: mrapoc on Sep 18, 2006, 18:44:07

Yes this is Counter strike source, not counter strike 1.6   :laugh:

I'm a CS noob, whats the difference and what do i need to play it?


QuoteMinimum: 1.2 GHz Processor, 256MB RAM, DirectX 7 level graphics card, Windows 2000/XP/ME/98, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

Recommended: 2.4 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX 9 level graphics card, Windows 2000/XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

for source

and 1.6 will run on literally all pcs - unless you have a 10 year old one that is  :P


How does CSS compare to CoD2 in game play?

What on-line game types are there ?

Any info appreciated.


Counter strike itself is basically a load of maps (default and custom, i mean loaaaaaaads) and its based on skill than luck. There are 15+ weapons with grenades flashbangs etc. to help your team. There are de_ maps that include the terrorist team attempting to reach the bombsite, plant the bomb, defend it from defuses and win the round, the counter terrorist team the opposite (protect the bombsite etc.)

There are also cs_ maps that include the ct team rescuing the hostages and taking them to a hostage point (usually at ct spawn) and the terrorists have to prevent this.

Most of the gameplay is about defining aiming and accuracy (control of recoil, aiming for head) and css is one of the best games for realism in the fps genre. You get better with time, learning your favourite weapons, hiding spots (often frowned upon and called "camping") and where the enemy often hides etc.

There are many mods out there such as
Zombie mod - one person spawns as a zombie, only weapon is a knife, has lots of life and attempts to turn the rest of the combined ct + t team to zombies

Gun game - Go up a level everytime you kill some1 with the gun you're on, guns get  progessively harder usually until you have to kill with a knife.

Deathmatch - does what it says on the tin

phew any more questions?



those guys are pretty much the best of the best - i dont think ull get a video of the overall gameplay but im sure ull like it


What game type do you prefer?


Well gun game is on of my favourites, but nothing beats a bit of "normal mode" on a really cool custom map with some mates, screaming down the mic "Your a$$ is mine now muahahah!"

Tell me wot type u like on cod2 and maybe i can find u a similiar...overall i think ull like most modes  - even the normal its a great game!


I used to only play Death Match but i got bored of it, i play a lot of TDM but im not really into other game types.

I thought Domination was good but it was hard to find a server as it wasn't as popular as DM & TDM.

I hate games where if you get shot you have to wait until the end of the round to rejoin.


well on normal css when u die u have to wait, unless u play deathmatch (more like teamdeathmatch imo)

seriously though, the rounds dont usually last that long anyway due to the realistic damage and well designed maps

get good -  last longer lol, i suck and i agree with what ur saying but i still love css   :-*



Going back to the orginal poster.
How is the server going to be IDNet powered?
Are you going to be colocating a server with IDNet or using some of there hardware?
Or is it going to be powered by the IDNetters that use it?

I am new here and as this is really my first post I, but I am an IDNet user and I am heavily into gaming so it seemed like a good place to start. I currently have 2 racks of equipment in London and the IP you posted looked very close to our range so I looked it up. 87.117.227.* is in the same room as my servers I have a lot of the 87.117.224.* range and all of the 87.117.225.* range.

I'm a CS1.6 or CS:CZ person myself as I find I understand the way the game plays better then CSS, but that might be down to the fact that I've played it for many years and CSS is still relatively new with a different physics engine.

COD/COD2 I cant play these 2 games to save my life. For some reason my Missus and my son love COD/COD2 and play it really well.

BF1942 great game and still play it now.

BF2 is just plain awful.

Enemy Territory I find is a great objective based game. It's free and it will run on older computers.


QuoteHow is the server going to be IDNet powered?

If i remember right , if someone wants a game server they supply the equipment and IDNet supply the connection for free.

I have never played CSS but may give it a try if the server becomes popular.


So a free colocation service to IDNet users if they want to play a game? I could understand offering free bandwidth but with the current costs of power in london DCs I couldnt see them wanting to offer a free home to a server thats going to use nearly 2amps when each amp of power costs between £70-£100


idnet will only be providing the bandwidth, we need to supply hardware, maintenance and strong adverisement  :D


Thanks m8 , i was beginning to think i made it up  :laugh: