How does UK Broadband compare with US , Asian & European BB ?

Started by Dont mention Talk Talk !!, Mar 19, 2008, 22:54:38

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Dont mention Talk Talk !!

I know the UK is part of Europe but I am referring to the rest of the European Community. :smug:

My answer to this question would be I think the UK broadband would be the LEAST effective in a group containing the countries in the thread subject.

I know the stereotypical Brit like nothing more than a good whinge and the Broadband in these isles gives plenty of scope for moaning about it.

Wherever there are companies such as Talk Talk ( surely THE worst excuse for an ISP in the UK ) , Pipex, Orange, Tiscali, Karoo, Virgin Media ..............and with each of them holding a substantial percentage of the market, they form a yardstick by which some will gauge the quality of Broadband within the British Isles whilst being wholly unaware of premium operators such as Idnet, Zen, BE..........etc

Ive been a member of internet musician forums for years and I remember US membership being on superfast broadband whilst we were rejoicing when 512k or ISDN became available , it was like comparing an apple MAC to a Commodore 64 in reality. We in the UK have ISP`s supplying customers with a service that would cause an outrage in other countries , yet like the flat capped brit walking his whippet on a windy and wet night, we just accept it for what it is and feel we are privileged just to have it at all. ???

I remember reading about home and business connections in South Korea years ago and thinking to myself WTF !! when I compared what they have to the piffling services provided to us. Perhaps the rest of the world invests more heavily in the future......i.e Internet Technology , whilst the UK seems to have investment on a shoestring by comparison.

They forecast gridlock in a few years to come, I say thats nonsense, we have gridlock right at this moment . Give me a US or Asian Internet provision anyday over a UK one , thats just my own thoughts. Lets discuss this topic more fully guys.



The Government, speaking of all parties over the past 70 years or so, has a history of under-investment in the infrastructure of the country. Politicians like quick fixes which will help them win an election, so they don't tend to have long term plans or strategies.

Regulation of BT has meant that they have no incentive to invest in, say, fibre to the home, and the cost of installing that infrastructure would be prohibitive for all but the largest company.

Virgin/NTL were allowed to cherry pick (possibly assisted by the number of ex-NTL staff working at Ofcom).

Last, but not least, the Brits want something for nothing, the vast majority are not prepared to pay an economic price for the service, so they sign up with providers who over-subscribe their capacity.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Mar 20, 2008, 10:33:11

Last, but not least, the Brits want something for nothing, the vast majority are not prepared to pay an economic price for the service, so they sign up with providers who over-subscribe their capacity.

The problem is even if people are prepared to pay for the best, no one in the UK will give it.

I believe IDNet are probably the best, or one of (joking apart), in the UK.

But, as has been discussed in another thread, exchanges are being upgraded, and quite a few already have been, but were are the benefits? nothing new has been offered here, I am due for the changeover later this year, but to what benefit, if ISP's (even the best) are offering nothing new to go with the technology whats the point of it?

Places like  S Korea and Japan are light years ahead of us, and probably far cheaper.  :rant2:


ISPs will offer new services as 21CN rolls out, Malc.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'd like to see pipex's offer 'New 32mb unlimited broadband', but fair usage says you get dial up speeds beteen 7am and 12 midnight, and you're not allowed to go over 2gig a month DL with out a warning  ;D



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



It's so difficult to find the storage space for all the T shirts, isn't it...  8)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The Japanese satellite launched this month can give data communications of up to 1.2 Gbps! That shows just how far behind we are here  :(
Damned, if you do damned if you don't



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


the next time you do a speed test here take a look at the section near the bottom right of that page, 'The Top 5' and check out the 'Countries' tab :o

we're not that far behind ::) ::)


QuoteI guess penetration isn't everything.

Close to the wind there, Rik. :whistle: :no:
Alf :)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Dont mention Talk Talk !!

dont sail too close to that kind of wind rik.



one good thing about the UK is that we have pretty good broadband availibility, it may not be the worlds fastest and some of the larger ISPs do give really cr*ppy service but those who need decent connections can find them from suppliers like IDNET, plusnet, Zen, Be etc.