Please Keep On Message, Please!

Started by quandam, Oct 18, 2006, 19:25:47

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The thread entitled 'Contribute To Idnet FAQ's' has completely gone off message and any value to all concerned with this subject has been lost.

Surely it is fairly simple to keep 'on message'. The  aspect of keeping 'On Message' is very important for all of us and should be adhered to.

LET'S GET BACK ON MESSAGE and forward your ideas regarding FAQ's relating to IDnet.


I can see your point mate but the joke "sad lad" was taken as a joke and we carried on from there.

The forum here are light hearted and the mods don't step in unless it gets out of hand, i personally don't think it has ruined the thread in fact it brought a bit of a laugh to it.

Thats my view and you are entitled to yours  ;)


Hey Quandam, what Max, Sobranie and myself were trying lightheartedly to point out to Scott was that we could not spot the link to FAQ . As Max said there was no intention of going off message, and hopefully this Forum will allow us our little bit of humour once in a while. The point raised is still a valid one.
As and when other members, myself included, decide that a suitable suggestion comes to mind we will put it forward.


............... and the link has at last appeared too.



Quote from: wolverene on Oct 18, 2006, 22:41:57
Hey Quandam, what Max, Sobranie and myself were trying lightheartedly to point out to Scott was that we could not spot the link to FAQ . As Max said there was no intention of going off message, and hopefully this Forum will allow us our little bit of humour once in a while. The point raised is still a valid one.
As and when other members, myself included, decide that a suitable suggestion comes to mind we will put it forward.

Thanks guys, have been trawling the options for one's account and I can't for the life of me, spot an option that says 'don't show attachments' so I'm at a loss for explaining why you aren't seeing the FAQ link on the main post ! Might have to find somewhere else to keep it handy !
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


I was unable to see the link, as I was logged off. Once I logged in, I saw the link.


Hi Scott
Please dont lose any sleep over it but I think I may have sussed the problem. I reckon that Max and myself were looking for the link in the thread "Contribute to the IDNetter FAQ " where it says to post any suggesyions, and of course the link was in your main heading "IDNetter FAQ".
Many apologies oh Exulted One/


Yay...well done !! I'm always logged in so I never see the threads like that !
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


So this thread about keeping on message has gone off message!


"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


NO, messages in this thread are to do with this thread not the other thread - if you see what I mean. HUH?


The title is keep on message, but what is the message? Shouldn't that be in the title for ease of identification?



Nothing to do with "The Message",sorry, but is that the SallyandJames
that was on PN?



The message is, Yes it is the same sallyandjames who is STILL on Plusnet, where I've just come from (recognise the cat?)


Yeah I recognise the cat but Nerval/sallyandjames? - now I`m completely confused.

Think I might have another beer



I would if I were you!
I'm still at PN, but rapidly running out of patience on some aspects.
Fortunately, for various reasons, I am in fairly close contact with many of the staff at PN, so if I have problems, its often fairly simple for me to escalate most things.

I also have quite a few accounts with PN for folks with varying needs, so moving ain't as simple as it could be for me.

Consider my presence here as me 'dipping my toe in to test the water'


Now I get it. 

This is the multi-purpose on message thread about seeing or not seeing links, this thread and not other threads, people on PN, cat recognition skills, close contacts (kind not specified), toes and water.

I can do this!


See Jupiter, its easy once you get the hang of it.

Thanks for the explanation sallyandjames, for a horrible moment I thought I was back with PN,spent sooooo much time trying to get things sorted out with them, and still am as they shortchanged me on the refund. It seems their accounts can only work figures out that pull more into PN, they dont like giving any back. Its so boring over here on IDNet. BB works all the time (so far and touch wood), you can speak to CS who dont talk down their nose at you and certainly know what they are talking about. Might have to try out the MaxDSL again just to liven things up.

Regards to all who are wondering just where the hell this thread is going


Sooo...what was the message again ?
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


I dunno, but we'd better keep on it else there'll be all sorts of finger wagging going on. :police:


Please Sir/Miss -- whats finger wagging mean?


Dear sir or madam
I wish to protest about this thread not being on message. Unless it is.
In which case I don't. Difficult to tell really.
Tunbridge Wells.


 Well Disgusted, this message is on message, I know cause its coming up as I type it.
But I must admit I`m beginning to get confused again


In order to maintain fairness, all protestations will be ignored in the order which they are received.


You're not at Plusnet now, sallyandjames.

Brilliant kitten album by the way, sent it on the my wife's office. :laugh:



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I love your bananas- ooer, that dont sound right


The topic should be changed to
Keep on bananas, please!!

:banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2:

:banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2:

                                             :banana2: :banana2:


           :banana2::banana2:                       :banana2:                              :banana2::banana2::banana2:
:banana2:                                          :banana2::banana2:                                    :banana2:
:banana2:                                       :banana2:       :banana2:                                :banana2:
:banana2:                                     :banana2:            :banana2:                             :banana2:
:banana2:                                    :banana2: :banana2: :banana2:                           :banana2:
:banana2:                                   :banana2:                 :banana2:                          :banana2:
:banana2:                                   :banana2:                 :banana2:                          :banana2:
:banana2:                                   :banana2:                 :banana2:                          :banana2:
          :banana2::banana2:           :banana2:                  :banana2:                          :banana2:



It can get a bit tricky trying to write in banana font, and there ain't a whole lot of room for messages.

:)        :):):)               :):)             :)         :):):):):)    :):):):):)
:)        :)     :)             :)   :)          :)         :)                     :)
:)        :)       :)           :)     :)        :)         :)                     :)
:)        :)       :)           :)       :)      :)         :):):)               :)
:)        :)       :)           :)         :)    :)         :)                     :)
:)        :)     :)             :)           :)  :)         :)                     :)
:)        :):):)               :)             :):)         :):):):):)         :)

Smiley's are a bit easier

:):):)         :)           :)         :)           :):):):):)          :):):)
:)      :)      :)           :)         :)           :)                   :)        :)
:)      :)      :)           :)         :)           :)                   :)     
:) :):)        :)           :)         :)           :):):)                :):)
:)    :)        :)           :)         :)           :)                            :)
:)     :)         :)        :)          :)           :)                  :)        :)
:)      :)          :):):)             :):):):)  :):):):):)        :):):)

Still quicker to type tho.


Wasnt ignoring you or sulking- honest.

Where do you get these smileys,and logos for under our names. Pretty new to this as you may gather- ooer, going all posh now- time for a beer!


for smileys, they're lined up in a row at the top of the frame you type the message into.  Just click on them.

BUT for the bananas, you've got to click on "more" just to the right of the policeman. :banana2:

The other stuff, click on "profile" at the top of a forum page, then "modify" on the left of the profile page lets you change it.

sallyandjames's sig under his posts is a clever one that changes each time to pick up a google saying of the day - too hard for us simple cat-attendants.


Cheers Nerval, will start experimenting, so if we go offline you know why


Please keep on message, the new Ping?  ;D
Alf :)




As @Nerval says, mine is a little more complicated than many, but not much.

The difficulty folks here on IDNet are likely to have if they want a sig like mine, is the absence of webspace and cgi servers.

Basically I have a folder in my webspace, which contains a load of images (simple .JPG screenshots from the Google Homepages quote for the day)

This folder also contains a .php script, which tells the server to present a random image from the folder, and show it to the requesting browser.

If you have a cgi webserver lying about anywhere, and you want to have a go, the .php script can be downloaded here.

Simply upload it to a new folder on your cgi server, upload any number of images into the folder, and then link to the script where you would normally link to an image.

Each time a page is loaded - bosh, you get a random image.

I used to manually key different 'thoughts/quotes for the day' into my signature, but being lazy, I decided to go hunting for an easier way to do it.



I know what you mean - I get confused when it comes to cgi and php!

The only reason I activated my cgi webspace is to test various forum Moderating/Administrator features - much better to try things in a test environment rather than on your ISP's main customer facing forum.

Since we're well off topic now anyhow, whats the harm in asking?

Whats the history of IDNetters?

I know its an unofficial forum, so who pays for the hosting etc?

Are folks expected to contribute, or does IDNet provide hosting/webspace for the forum FOC?


Very Good Question- but lets not go giving anyone ideas ;D ;D


LOL, Good point, I ain't offering to hand over any hard-earned.

(Perhaps those with the most points should pay, parhaps the top 5 or so.....)

*waits for hail of abuse from word game devotees*



Quote from: sallyandjames on Oct 23, 2006, 16:16:47

Perhaps those with the most points should pay, parhaps the top 5 or so.....

We already do.  ;)



45 replies to a plea for keeping on message, must be some sort of a record.

Many thanks for your 45 replies including around approx 300 bananas! The value of some of the replies could be considered as 'unhelpful' to the furtherance of useful information being gleaned from some of these forums.

My plea was a genuine one when posted and was dismissed out of hand by most contributors. I am absolutely not against FUN being enjoyed within the many threads available on IDnetters.

These  threads are available for fun input and should be used for that reason and not, as a general rule, within a thread that offers possible useful information to visitors who are seeking some intelligent answers to their enquiry or interest.


Alf :)


Quote from: quandam on Oct 23, 2006, 18:43:40

Many thanks for your 45 replies including around approx 300 bananas! The value of some of the replies could be considered as 'unhelpful' to the furtherance of useful information being gleaned from some of these forums.

My plea was a genuine one when posted and was dismissed out of hand by most contributors. I am absolutely not against FUN being enjoyed within the many threads available on IDnetters.

This thread was posted to ask users to keep the thread "'Contribute To Idnet FAQ's'"  on topic, not to keep this thread on topic , users here have had a bit of fun with it and i don't think there has been any harm done.

The mods here have always been fairly chilled and don't really step in unless its serious (i once got a slap on the wrist but its been few and far between).

I think when you get to the stage where the boards need constant moderating you may as well give up.

If something is bothering you here i suggest you PM one of the mods rather than post it in a thread then action may be taken.

I don't know what Adam & Scots feelings are on this but i am sure they will let us know.


Quote from: maxping on Oct 23, 2006, 19:04:05
This thread was posted to ask users to keep the thread "'Contribute To Idnet FAQ's'"  on topic, not to keep this thread on topic , users here have had a bit of fun with it and i don't think there has been any harm done.

The mods here have always been fairly chilled and don't really step in unless its serious (i once got a slap on the wrist but its been few and far between).

I think when you get to the stage where the boards need constant moderating you may as well give up.

If something is bothering you here i suggest you PM one of the mods rather than post it in a thread then action may be taken.

I don't know what Adam & Scots feelings are on this but i am sure they will let us know.
To be honest, I'm in agreement with quandam on this - banter is all good and well, but in this case it gives the impression that the OP is being marginalised and almost mocked.

I'm not suggesting for one second this is the case, but many people will be checking out this forum when they're deciding which ISP to migrate to, and the responses here might put them off.

There's certainly a laid-back vibe about IDNet and that obviously ought to be reflected in the forum BUT when something like a FAQ is the issue, then a bit of grown-up thinkng is required, just to reassure people they're making the right decision when they sign up.

You can all get back to your bananas now.  :laugh:
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Quote from: drummer on Oct 24, 2006, 03:08:35

You can all get back to your bananas now.  :laugh:

Thank god for that!
:banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Thanks for your comments. I have to say that you have hit the nail right on the head and have put the point across a lot better than I managed.


Quote from: maxping on Oct 23, 2006, 19:04:05
This thread was posted to ask users to keep the thread "'Contribute To Idnet FAQ's'"  on topic, not to keep this thread on topic


I would have thought that the general thrust of my posts on this subject implied that they were directed to most threads where a serious subject was being discussed. If that was not made clear I apologise.

The post by 'drummer' has explained my feelings far better than I achieved with mine.

Things have moved on here dramatically in recent weeks and months and as 'drummer' points out many people are now seeking a new ISP and will visit this forum initially to obtain some useful and intelligent input from its contributors. Overall I don't think we have a good record in this field.

I am well aware of the problems that moderators face but I do think that any 'serious' threads should basically include sensible and useful input and always, of course, tinged with a sense of humour.

Fun, jokes, bananas and general chat have their place but in the right category.

Hopefully the moderators will take 'drummer's' and my views on board (that's all we can ask) and make IDnetters an even more enjoyable experience for its visitors.


I would like to add to the above (I was timed out re update) the  category we are dealing with here is 'IDnet Help' I honestly cannot see much 'help' offered to visitors to the forum within this thread.


I can see the merit on both sides here guys...we don't rule with an iron fist in's fun and informative first above all else.

I have no problem where threads go...I trust you lot to steer things back on course where necessary and crisp up anyone who deserves it (undeserving toastiness obviously WILL attract our ire !!)

It's the Interweb...I ain't gonna censor you going OT or not so get on with it !!

OOOOOH H cr@pola !!!!This was my 666th post...bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


Quote from: Scott on Oct 24, 2006, 22:28:04

OOOOOH H cr@pola !!!!This was my 666th post...bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger

Hey stay on topic you should know better   :laugh: :D ;D ;)


Quote from: ScottOOOOOH H cr@pola !!!!This was my 666th post...bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger

Oh! How beastly!!  ::)

"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."



As was mentioned  I feel sure that no insult was intended to anyone but I for one come on this Forum to not only gain knowledge from those "sensible" people but to enjoy the company of my peers and ,yes, certain topics such as the FAQ are very useful but need not be regimental, and as for :) prospective joining candidates I would hope they feel that they could glean information and realise what a "chilled out" community we are rather than be put off.

Hopefully all of us have had our say and possibly now might be a good time to let this OLD horse die off peacefully?

Nice comments Scott and happy 666 birthday :D


Okay fairy nuff mods/admin, you've made your position clear - this isn't a serious forum but simply a place where you can indulge in schoolboy humour and whinge about high pings.

It's your bat and ball after all and I guess I'll leave you to it.

I will keep checking out this forum though as it's all there is, plus it will be interesting to hear how you're dealing with puberty.

Offensive?  Nah, just keeping the spirit alive...
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Quote from: drummer on Oct 25, 2006, 02:55:53
Okay fairy nuff mods/admin, you've made your position clear - this isn't a serious forum but simply a place where you can indulge in schoolboy humour and whinge about high pings.

It's your bat and ball after all and I guess I'll leave you to it.

I will keep checking out this forum though as it's all there is, plus it will be interesting to hear how you're dealing with puberty.

Offensive?  Nah, just keeping the spirit alive...



Scott's right , and even if he wasn't he's in charge. :laugh:

It's not as if the FAQ themselves were full of trivia, there are  just a few light-hearted comments in the suggestions thread. Given the grinding work necessary to do something like compile a FAQ, I'd have though a little humour in the suggestions  would help, not hinder.

I've seen before where mods have been cowed by the PC brigade into silly over-moderation, and would just like to say well done Scott for sticking with it.


Oi! Hope you aren't talking about me!

Moderation is a hard line to draw though, once you start with some bits, it can quickly snowball into having to moderate lots of things not really neccessary.

I suppose thats one of the big benefits of this being an unofficial forum - IDNet are distant enough to not need people to maintain any sort of corporate image.

It is however always worthwhile having some sort of moderation policy in the public domain, at least then people know what to expect, and what not to.

To use Plusnet *spits* as an example, we have three different forums for people to chat in.
There is the official Plusnet Forum, with pretty strict moderation. Folks can say whatever they like, so long as it is in line with the rules, which are laid out publically for all to see. I'm sure @Nerval (and others) will agree that pretty much anything could be said, so long as it was said in the correct manner.

Still close to PN, there is a Plusnet Usergroup Forum, which gets a lot of input from people at PN, and has a much more relaxed moderation policy. IIRC the only things not allowed are personal attacks and a few of the naughtier words. Everything else goes, so long as its posted in the right board.

Further away from PN is the Plusnetters forum, which is completely unofficial, but still gets input from staffers on occasion. Anybody can post anything in this forum, and conversation mainly revolves around bizzare bets, drinking, and the Mod's incurable shyness.

Three completely different forums, and three completely different moderation policies.
Each one works well, and fits with the intent of the board.

I guess I'm saying a lot, without actually saying much at all (call me pleonastic if you wish)

Perhaps write a policy/intoductory post explaining the Mods standpoint, and the intent of the forum, and then folks will be under no illusion as to what to expect.


Quote from: sallyandjames on Oct 25, 2006, 12:43:25
Oi! Hope you aren't talking about me!

Course not,

I can't remember the circumstances now, but some prat came on complaining that "some people may be offended by" something or other, and the mods backed down and took off the post in case somebody might be offended.

And on your Plusnetters forum, everything is allowed provided you don't make fun of Plusnet management and their silly announcements.  Don't sound all that relaxed to me.

We could do with a bit more action here, and hopefully that will come as the members find the forum and see the bananas and other good stuff, but why strangle it by having a moderation policy? 


Don't get me wrong, a policy doesn't have to be a list of restrictions, rather I meant that it could be published that the Mods aren't gonna go around stressing over little things.

I only looked at Plusnetters for the first time a month or two ago, and don't look in there very often TBH - it certainly aint my Plusnetters forum  ;D

Its a good example of moderating for moderatings sake though - much better to go with the flow.

I didn't really say what I meant to say before, and I'm still not really sure what it is that I'm trying to say.... coffee then re-think required methinks


Quote from: sallyandjames on Oct 25, 2006, 12:43:25
It is however always worthwhile having some sort of moderation policy in the public domain, at least then people know what to expect, and what not to.

Perhaps write a policy/intoductory post explaining the Mods standpoint, and the intent of the forum, and then folks will be under no illusion as to what to expect.

Two superb suggestions.

What is 'pleonastic? (I know some big words as well....'Marmalade' and 'Corrugated' so there! ;) :D


"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


My ex-boss was pleonastic.  He kept making people redundant.


Thats the spitit Quandam - see it doesn`t hurt :D :D :D


Okay fairy nuff mods/admin, you've made your position clear - this isn't a serious forum but simply a place where you can indulge in schoolboy humour and whinge about high pings.

Jeez mate you want to chill out, there are loads of "serious" threads where no one has posted anything silly and to be honest i think 99% of the "serious" threads stay on topic.
As for your  comment "whinge about pings" , this was a serious issue for a while , serious enough for us to lose 2 regular members here who migrated because of it, to you bad pings may seem trivial to US gamers its what we got broadband for , hardly whinging.

QuoteI will keep checking out this forum though as it's all there is, plus it will be interesting to hear how you're dealing with puberty.

Offensive?  Nah, just keeping the spirit alive...

Theres a lot of difference between making a light hearted comment in a thread (even if it does take it off topic slightly) and name calling that could easily start a flame war.

To answer your "dealing with puberty" comment i would rather people had a bit of a laugh in the forums even if some (insert 2 users here)  think its immature than all users thinking they cannot have a joke  for fear of being banned.

If you want a ultra serious forum i think you need to look elsewhere, as theres only 2 of you complaining and everyone else seems happy i cannot see things changing.


quote from Maxping

"If you want a ultra serious forum i think you need to look elsewhere, as theres only 2 of you complaining and everyone else seems happy i cannot see things changing."


It appears to me that you are dismissing the genuine views and thoughts of two contributors virtually out of hand. You have carried out your own 'personal' poll and acted as judge and jury and handed down the 'sentence'.

I don't for one moment think that drummer was asking for an 'ultra' serious forum just that certain threads should be dealt with in a fairly serious manner and others allowed to 'do their own thing'.

The fact that 'only' two of us are airing our views on the subject smacks of 'you two don't know what you are talking about' and not much thought or consideration has gone into trying to take steps to incorporate our views.

In fact I  think that very little thought has gone into our concerns and to say that drummer (and myself for that matter) should look elsewhere lacks perception and forethought. Also, to say that you cannot see things changing does not give much hope for the future.


As an observer, can I suggest that this thread is going nowhere.

The two parties have opposing views, and perhaps quandam should note that however genuinely his views are held, that genuineness  does not oblige anybody else to agree with him, nor to give in to him.



It appears to me that you are dismissing the genuine views and thoughts of two contributors virtually out of hand. You have carried out your own 'personal' poll and acted as judge and jury and handed down the 'sentence'.

I said in my last post 99% of "serious" threads are not hijacked , i think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill, my post was  my personal view, i would have posted the same comment even if i wasn't a mod.

QuoteI don't for one moment think that drummer was asking for an 'ultra' serious forum just that certain threads should be dealt with in a fairly serious manner and others allowed to 'do their own thing'.

See my comment above.

QuoteThe fact that 'only' two of us are airing our views on the subject smacks of 'you two don't know what you are talking about' and not much thought or consideration has gone into trying to take steps to incorporate our views
In fact I  think that very little thought has gone into our concerns and to say that drummer (and myself for that matter) should look elsewhere lacks perception and forethought. Also, to say that you cannot see things changing does not give much hope for the future..

As i have already said there are hardly any threads that have been hijacked and the forums have been running for a long time with a very little intervention from the moderators, i for one don't want to see this change , that MY view and nothing to do with me being a moderator.

Why get heavy handed over a couple of daft comments and spoil the crack here?


i have to say as a user of this forum i entirely agree with maxping on this matter.

Quote from: Nerval on Oct 25, 2006, 19:50:07
As an observer, can I suggest that this thread is going nowhere.

The two parties have opposing views, and perhaps quandam should note that however genuinely his views are held, that genuineness  does not oblige anybody else to agree with him, nor to give in to him.

well said Nerval!!!



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.