Please Keep On Message, Please!

Started by quandam, Oct 18, 2006, 19:25:47

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In order to maintain fairness, all protestations will be ignored in the order which they are received.


You're not at Plusnet now, sallyandjames.

Brilliant kitten album by the way, sent it on the my wife's office. :laugh:



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I love your bananas- ooer, that dont sound right


The topic should be changed to
Keep on bananas, please!!

:banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2:

:banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2:

                                             :banana2: :banana2:


           :banana2::banana2:                       :banana2:                              :banana2::banana2::banana2:
:banana2:                                          :banana2::banana2:                                    :banana2:
:banana2:                                       :banana2:       :banana2:                                :banana2:
:banana2:                                     :banana2:            :banana2:                             :banana2:
:banana2:                                    :banana2: :banana2: :banana2:                           :banana2:
:banana2:                                   :banana2:                 :banana2:                          :banana2:
:banana2:                                   :banana2:                 :banana2:                          :banana2:
:banana2:                                   :banana2:                 :banana2:                          :banana2:
          :banana2::banana2:           :banana2:                  :banana2:                          :banana2:



It can get a bit tricky trying to write in banana font, and there ain't a whole lot of room for messages.

:)        :):):)               :):)             :)         :):):):):)    :):):):):)
:)        :)     :)             :)   :)          :)         :)                     :)
:)        :)       :)           :)     :)        :)         :)                     :)
:)        :)       :)           :)       :)      :)         :):):)               :)
:)        :)       :)           :)         :)    :)         :)                     :)
:)        :)     :)             :)           :)  :)         :)                     :)
:)        :):):)               :)             :):)         :):):):):)         :)

Smiley's are a bit easier

:):):)         :)           :)         :)           :):):):):)          :):):)
:)      :)      :)           :)         :)           :)                   :)        :)
:)      :)      :)           :)         :)           :)                   :)     
:) :):)        :)           :)         :)           :):):)                :):)
:)    :)        :)           :)         :)           :)                            :)
:)     :)         :)        :)          :)           :)                  :)        :)
:)      :)          :):):)             :):):):)  :):):):):)        :):):)

Still quicker to type tho.


Wasnt ignoring you or sulking- honest.

Where do you get these smileys,and logos for under our names. Pretty new to this as you may gather- ooer, going all posh now- time for a beer!


for smileys, they're lined up in a row at the top of the frame you type the message into.  Just click on them.

BUT for the bananas, you've got to click on "more" just to the right of the policeman. :banana2:

The other stuff, click on "profile" at the top of a forum page, then "modify" on the left of the profile page lets you change it.

sallyandjames's sig under his posts is a clever one that changes each time to pick up a google saying of the day - too hard for us simple cat-attendants.


Cheers Nerval, will start experimenting, so if we go offline you know why


Please keep on message, the new Ping?  ;D
Alf :)




As @Nerval says, mine is a little more complicated than many, but not much.

The difficulty folks here on IDNet are likely to have if they want a sig like mine, is the absence of webspace and cgi servers.

Basically I have a folder in my webspace, which contains a load of images (simple .JPG screenshots from the Google Homepages quote for the day)

This folder also contains a .php script, which tells the server to present a random image from the folder, and show it to the requesting browser.

If you have a cgi webserver lying about anywhere, and you want to have a go, the .php script can be downloaded here.

Simply upload it to a new folder on your cgi server, upload any number of images into the folder, and then link to the script where you would normally link to an image.

Each time a page is loaded - bosh, you get a random image.

I used to manually key different 'thoughts/quotes for the day' into my signature, but being lazy, I decided to go hunting for an easier way to do it.



I know what you mean - I get confused when it comes to cgi and php!

The only reason I activated my cgi webspace is to test various forum Moderating/Administrator features - much better to try things in a test environment rather than on your ISP's main customer facing forum.

Since we're well off topic now anyhow, whats the harm in asking?

Whats the history of IDNetters?

I know its an unofficial forum, so who pays for the hosting etc?

Are folks expected to contribute, or does IDNet provide hosting/webspace for the forum FOC?


Very Good Question- but lets not go giving anyone ideas ;D ;D


LOL, Good point, I ain't offering to hand over any hard-earned.

(Perhaps those with the most points should pay, parhaps the top 5 or so.....)

*waits for hail of abuse from word game devotees*



Quote from: sallyandjames on Oct 23, 2006, 16:16:47

Perhaps those with the most points should pay, parhaps the top 5 or so.....

We already do.  ;)



45 replies to a plea for keeping on message, must be some sort of a record.

Many thanks for your 45 replies including around approx 300 bananas! The value of some of the replies could be considered as 'unhelpful' to the furtherance of useful information being gleaned from some of these forums.

My plea was a genuine one when posted and was dismissed out of hand by most contributors. I am absolutely not against FUN being enjoyed within the many threads available on IDnetters.

These  threads are available for fun input and should be used for that reason and not, as a general rule, within a thread that offers possible useful information to visitors who are seeking some intelligent answers to their enquiry or interest.


Alf :)


Quote from: quandam on Oct 23, 2006, 18:43:40

Many thanks for your 45 replies including around approx 300 bananas! The value of some of the replies could be considered as 'unhelpful' to the furtherance of useful information being gleaned from some of these forums.

My plea was a genuine one when posted and was dismissed out of hand by most contributors. I am absolutely not against FUN being enjoyed within the many threads available on IDnetters.

This thread was posted to ask users to keep the thread "'Contribute To Idnet FAQ's'"  on topic, not to keep this thread on topic , users here have had a bit of fun with it and i don't think there has been any harm done.

The mods here have always been fairly chilled and don't really step in unless its serious (i once got a slap on the wrist but its been few and far between).

I think when you get to the stage where the boards need constant moderating you may as well give up.

If something is bothering you here i suggest you PM one of the mods rather than post it in a thread then action may be taken.

I don't know what Adam & Scots feelings are on this but i am sure they will let us know.


Quote from: maxping on Oct 23, 2006, 19:04:05
This thread was posted to ask users to keep the thread "'Contribute To Idnet FAQ's'"  on topic, not to keep this thread on topic , users here have had a bit of fun with it and i don't think there has been any harm done.

The mods here have always been fairly chilled and don't really step in unless its serious (i once got a slap on the wrist but its been few and far between).

I think when you get to the stage where the boards need constant moderating you may as well give up.

If something is bothering you here i suggest you PM one of the mods rather than post it in a thread then action may be taken.

I don't know what Adam & Scots feelings are on this but i am sure they will let us know.
To be honest, I'm in agreement with quandam on this - banter is all good and well, but in this case it gives the impression that the OP is being marginalised and almost mocked.

I'm not suggesting for one second this is the case, but many people will be checking out this forum when they're deciding which ISP to migrate to, and the responses here might put them off.

There's certainly a laid-back vibe about IDNet and that obviously ought to be reflected in the forum BUT when something like a FAQ is the issue, then a bit of grown-up thinkng is required, just to reassure people they're making the right decision when they sign up.

You can all get back to your bananas now.  :laugh:
To stay is death but to flee is life.