A 2Wire 2700 HGV BT Business Hub Router Wireless

Started by LesD, Mar 23, 2008, 17:44:52

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Yes it's been 3000 kbps for sometime now since things settled down.

I have tried BBMax this evening about 20 minutes ago and got its optimistic 2912 kbps so up to now all is well today.

The new router is holding up well too with these stats just copied:
DSL  Down  Up
Current Rate:  4256 kbs   448 kbs 
Max Rate:  4256 kbs   1072 kbs 
Current Connection:
Current Noise Margin:  9.0 dB   25.0 dB 
Current Attenuation:  40.5 dB   26.0 dB 
Current Output Power:  19.2 dBm   11.9 dBm 

BTW what is the significance of the 1072 Up. I have never seen an upload throughput speed exceed 448 kbps.

The Netgear Noise Margin would have been 6 dB and below going on past experience by this time of day.



It's the fastest speed the modem has determined your line to be capable of, Les, but of course it's not available on IPStream.

The 2700s do hold the margin much better than Netgears - don't ask me how.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I certainly can't complain this evening. :)

10:48 PM 29/3/8 and still looking good:

DSL  Down  Up
Current Rate:  4256 kbs   448 kbs 
Max Rate:  4256 kbs   1072 kbs 
Current Connection:
Current Noise Margin:  7.0 dB   25.0 dB 
Current Attenuation:  40.5 dB   26.0 dB 
Current Output Power:  19.2 dBm   11.9 dBm 

BT won't play ball with me at all this evening.  :(



It looks to be holding the line well, Les. A good result!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Mar 29, 2008, 19:58:19
The 2700s do hold the margin much better than Netgears - don't ask me how.

I put it down to the 2Wire having a different (and superior) chipset.


I am going to be away for a couple of days so I am hoping that when I get back that my IP Profile will have lifted 500 kbps. BT still have it at 3000 kbps this morning with the throughput a typical 2777 kbps .

Here I am at the end of the month again and have failed to use even 1 GB of my 5 GB download allowance! Pity there's not a carry forward a portion option like I have with my flexitime at work.
Ah well.  :)




Quote from: Sebby on Mar 30, 2008, 13:11:57
Fingers crossed, Les. :)
It worked Sebby!  :)

I have not been home long and have just done a BT Speed Test with this result:

Test at  7:50 PM 1/4/8
Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    IP profile for your line is - 3500 kbps   :thumb:
    DSL connection rate: 448 kbps(UP-STREAM)  4256 kbps(DOWN-STREAM)
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 3256 kbps

These are the corresponding Router Stats:

DSL  Down  Up
Current Rate:  4256 kbs   448 kbs 
Max Rate:  4256 kbs   1072 kbs 
Current Connection:
Current Noise Margin:  9.0 dB   25.0 dB 
Current Attenuation:  40.5 dB   26.0 dB 
Current Output Power:  19.2 dBm   11.9 dBm 

Now can I be satisfied with this?    :bore:



Excellent! I'd be very satisfied, it looks like things are now stable. :thumb:



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Having had this 2Wire 2700HGV permanently switched on and connected to my ADSL line since it first came up on the Fridsy 28 March with a Connection Rate of 4256 kbps, which it has maintained until today, I was surprised this evening to see this:

Extract from the Statistics

DSL  Down  Up
Current Rate:  4352 kbs   448 kbs 
Max Rate:  4352 kbs   1068 kbs   :eyebrow:
Current Connection:
Current Noise Margin:  12.0 dB   25.0 dB 
Current Attenuation:  40.5 dB   26.0 dB 
Current Output Power:  19.4 dBm   11.9 dBm 

This happened while there was no one at home using either of the PC's so I am puzzled by why the Modem should have reconnected and am hoping someone might be able to explain it to me.

I took a look at the Event Log and have pasted a small extract below.

Extracts from the Event Log

INF  2008-04-08T15:02:46+01:00  sys:  dsl0: connection lost, reconnecting...
INF  2008-04-08T15:07:22+01:00  sys:  ppp0: connection lost, reconnecting...
INF  2008-04-08T15:07:32+01:00  sys:  ppp0: Up with ipv4 service on pppoa0
INF  2008-04-08T17:31:44+01:00  sys:  Successfully logged into a password protected page
INF  2008-04-08T14:37:14+01:00  fw,fwmon:  src= dst= ipprot=6 sport=3202 dport=135 Unknown inbound session stopped
INF  2008-04-08T14:39:18+01:00  fw,fwmon:  src= dst= ipprot=6 sport=3196 dport=135 Unknown inbound session stopped

INF  2008-04-08T15:02:46+01:00  hurl:  err=10 name=BB_NOT_UP detect
INF  2008-04-08T15:02:47+01:00  hurl:  err=0 name=PHY_NONE detect
INF  2008-04-08T15:07:04+01:00  hurl:  err=0 name=PHY_NONE clear
INF  2008-04-08T15:07:19+01:00  hurl:  err=10 name=BB_NOT_UP clear
INF  2008-04-08T15:07:22+01:00  hurl:  err=10 name=BB_NOT_UP detect
INF  2008-04-08T15:07:32+01:00  hurl:  err=10 name=BB_NOT_UP clear

It would appear that something happened a few minutes after 3 PM this afternoon.

What do you make of it?

The rate it has reconnected at is OK, it is why it happened that intrigues me.  ???




You lost the connection to the exchange, Les. There's no particular reason for this - it happens from time to time. It could be a noise burst, the router became over-loaded, BT messing around, and so on.

As it's reconnected at an almost identical rate as before, it's nothing to worry about. :)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Apr 08, 2008, 18:02:34
Is this an SBC firmware version, Les?

I don't believe so but I guess you will be able to tell from this:
Model: BT2700HGV
Serial Number: xxxxxxxxxxxx
MAC Address: --:--:--:--:--:--
Hardware Version: 2701-100588-005
Hardware Options: Wireless present
DSL Modem Type: ADSL
Current Software: 
DSL Modem: 7.2.2

I did wonder about your 12 day issue that I have read about but its only 11 days since I connected.



No, that's not SBC, Les. Probably just retrained due to a noise burst in that case.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: LesD on Apr 08, 2008, 19:16:54
I did wonder about your 12 day issue that I have read about but its only 11 days since I connected.

AFAIK, it's only the single SSID models running the SBC firmware that have this problem.


I have just run the BT speed tester  at  7:37 PM 8/4/8 with this result:

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    IP profile for your line is - 3500 kbps
    DSL connection rate: 448 kbps(UP-STREAM)  4352 kbps(DOWN-STREAM)
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 3252 kbps

So my IP Profile is still intact despite the disconnect.   :thumb:

I have Googled for "hurl:  err=10" that I see in the Event log but have found nothing useful.



Your profile should only suffer if you re-sync below 4000, Les.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


What Rik said. And even if that is the case, you've got something like half an hour to re-sync to see if you can get the sync up into 3500k profile territory before the profile adjusts.


Quote from: Sebby on Apr 08, 2008, 20:00:41
you've got something like half an hour to re-sync to see if you can get the sync up into 3500k profile territory before the profile adjusts.
Not that long when it happens at three in the afternoon and I don't get in until five at the earliest!
You just have to love BT don't you?  :)




Mine did the 300 hour re-sync overnight, so that's another five days to wait for the profile to recover. I must leave myself reminders to re-boot every 12 days...

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It's beginning to frustrate me a little, Rik, though I'm fortunate that mine tends to always sync about 4,544k (hence a 4,000 profile). I still think it's dying anyway, so I'm looking to get the dual SSID in the next couple of weeks.


I know what you mean, Sebby. The difference between a morning and evening re-sync is a profile step for me. Very irritating. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


OK look folks I have managed to leave things alone and not go tinkering for a whole 15 days!  :thumb:

System Time: Saturday, April 12, 2008
09:06:30 PM
GMT Daylight Time
Time Since Last Boot: 15  days  03: 32: 41

These are my stats this evening at just after 9 PM:

DSL  Down  Up
Current Rate:  4352 kbs   448 kbs 
Max Rate:  4352 kbs   1068 kbs 
Current Connection:
Current Noise Margin:  6.0 dB   25.0 dB 
Current Attenuation:  40.5 dB   26.0 dB 
Current Output Power:  19.1 dBm   11.9 dBm 

The Noise Margin in quiet daylight hours can be as high as 12 dB or occasionally 13 dB.

Should I go for a router reboot tomorrow morning because from experience Sunday mornings are when I often get my highest Connection Rates.

My concern, based on my experience with my Netgear DG384, is that if I sync too high at a good time things will go unstable in the bad times after dark and possibly trigger a reconnect, which will be at a lower rate, low enough to screw up my IP Profile that is currently 3500 kbps. What is the consensus of learned option should I throw caution to the wind and go for it  >:D   or chicken out and settle for what I have got?   :bore:

I have read how these 2Wires can provide a 1000 kbps improvement in IP Profile and so far all I have is a 500 kbps one.   :whistle:
