New super fast Broadband ?

Started by old Bill, Mar 23, 2008, 20:31:39

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old Bill

Have just run two speedtests with Sky Download Speed: 55528 kbps (6941 KB/sec )   Upload Speed: 627 kbps (78.4 KB/sec )


what kind of connection was this?! it looks to me like the speedtester was acting screwy.


I have had some incredible results from that speedtester too.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Captain K

Having anti-virus software running distorts the results for

For example, this is what I get with Kaspersky running:

And this is with Kaspersky disabled:

To be honest, is the least reliable of the testers.  Go for the BT speedtest if you can get it to work.  It has just given me this result, 4 minutes after the above results from :

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    IP profile for your line is - 7150 kbps
    DSL connection rate: 448 kbps(UP-STREAM)  8128 kbps(DOWN-STREAM)
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 5166 kbps

I don't trust Camels.  Or any other creature that can go a week without a drink.


I agree with you, Bruce. has some very strange ideas at times.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I tend to avoid; I find it tends to be inaccurate. I prefer the Namesco speed test as it is always closer to the BT speed tester. :)


I suspect is not doing a long enough test to get a clean result.


I tried it yesterday and got speeds in excess of 15Mb. :P



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Now what we really want is speeds in excess of 15MB... ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Mar 25, 2008, 08:56:21
Now what we really want is speeds in excess of 15MB... ;D

Anything's possible with ;)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Dont mention Talk Talk !!

My experience with speedtesters is that the ones i avoid using are bbmax and, dismally inaccurate readings or so I have found. I find they are usually about 500k over the true reading. DSLZoneUK speedtester is pretty good as is ThinkBroadband, experience has shown them to be pretty close to the BT Speedtester. I have also found various sites such as hosting a speedtester to be wide of the mark also.



Quote from: Rik on Mar 25, 2008, 08:56:21
Now what we really want is speeds in excess of 15MB... ;D

After my recent problems - I'd quite like a speed in excess of 256k :(
Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's

Dont mention Talk Talk !!

Quote from: D-Dan on Mar 25, 2008, 20:32:58
After my recent problems - I'd quite like a speed in excess of 256k :(

crikey Dan .................what caused that monstrosity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got me a dual ssid 2wire 2700HGV from ebay £30 quid, and its been Ferrari F40 speeds all the way dude, what modem or router you using to get 241k out of.



Don't ask - there's another thread devoted to it. Until Friday I was getting a solid 5,800 Kbs - then the disconnections started and my IP profile is crippled. This is all down to BT's "helpful" error correction.

I'm waiting for it to start to come back up.
Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's

Dont mention Talk Talk !!

there definitely seems to have something going on lately, i was a regular 6500k -- 6900k getter and my down speed slid right down the porcelain throne too. Since the scheduled BT work finished , mine has been superb and I got a speedtest of 7006k to underline that fact.

Im 640 metres as the crow flies to my exchange, how far away is yours dan ? Its peculiar because several idnet users from all over the uk were having similar snails pace down speed, my low was 1900k  :puke:



It certainly looks like the BT maintenance was to blame, James. Hopefully users that are experiencing speed problems will also see a fix pretty soon. :)


I'm between 2.5 - 3 miles - and always considered my speed pretty good given that. I really hope it's a BT glitch - but I'm getting more convinced that my profile is now stuck at the lowest common denominator.

Unfortunately - I can't cry wolf yet - as for totally unrelated reasons - I had to power down all electrical equipment (except essential like fridge, and alarm - and of course - my getting up alarm) last night - so I'm right back to day one on trying to improve things :(

Even so - that shouldn't flag as an error - and it concerns me that my profile hasn't improved in 36 hours.
Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


You really need to give it 3 days, Dan, and you should see it return to its correct level then.