Are Carphone Warehouse eyeing any other ISP`s to take over ?

Started by Dont mention Talk Talk !!, Mar 25, 2008, 20:29:24

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Dont mention Talk Talk !!


What do Onetel, Talk Talk (  :bawl: ) , AOL have in common ?


They are all owned by Carphone Warehouse and currently reside at the bottom end of customer satisfaction reports, literally sliding off the page.

3 companies, 3 knackered train wrecks, customers getting ripped off and lied to  x  3,  keystone cops customer support  x  3 and all under the big umbrella of Mr Charles Dunstone  :dunce:

Im sure Mr Dunce-stone has his eyes on weaker ISP`s that are ripe for buying out and adding a 4th ISP nee to become 4th train wreck under his control, but ....................which would it be ? :think:

With  companies like Tiscali took similar approach i.e the mugging of Pipex, could we be left with an ISP market comprising IDNet and two giant , steaming turds known as Tiscali conglomerate and and Carphone Warehouse conglomerate, that is........ assuming one of those giant turds didnt swallow up IDNet ....:out:

Can you identify another ISP that Dunce-stone may have his beady eye on and imagine through multiple take overs our ISP market in the UK looked like this in 5 years time.

.................Carphone Warehouse Conglomerate

................ Tiscali Conglomerate

food for thought for us all !!



There are plenty of quite mainstream ISPs that I could see being taken over by Carphone Warehouse, but it's difficult to predict.

It's a shame for ISPs that were once quite specialist, such as Pipex. I remember when I migrated to them, and the MD (David Rickards at the time) actually dealt with my migration. Unfortunately, that kind of service gets lost, and instead it's all about proving a below-average service for a low price.

We could probably come up with potential targets all day, but I prefer to sit here feeling quite confident that IDNet won't it happen to them.


Quote from: Sebby on Mar 25, 2008, 21:42:09
Unfortunately, that kind of service gets lost, and instead it's all about proving a below-average service for a low price.

There's the rub though Sebby - once 2 or 3 have 99% of the market sewn up, then prices will start to rise because of much less competition, while the level of service provided will not.   >:(


I'm banned form the carphone warehouse, not allowed to buy off them after I stood in a shop with Justina and quoted our rights on a full refund for a sim free handset, even asked if they wanted to talk to trading standards on my phone, had to do that twice with them, then they refused to serve me any more  :evilb: Happy days
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


If Simon and Tim wanted to sell IDNET I'm sure they would pick the company that offered the best result for it's customers as well as the best price for themselves and also the futures of their employees.

That's a dream I don't want anymore. :eek4:
Alf :)


Quote from: cavillas on Mar 26, 2008, 09:49:39
If Simon and Tim wanted to sell IDNET I'm sure they would pick the company that offered the best result for it's customers as well as the best price for themselves and also the futures of their employees.

That's a dream I don't want anymore. :eek4:

Perhaps IDNetters could buy it if push came to shove. :whistle: :whistle:


It's an interesting thought. Maybe IDNet could offer a share option to give us a stake in the company?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: cavillas on Mar 26, 2008, 09:49:39
If Simon and Tim wanted to sell IDNET I'm sure they would pick the company that offered the best result for it's customers as well as the best price for themselves and also the futures of their employees.

That's a dream I don't want anymore. :eek4:

Not wanting to besmirch Simon and Tim in any way, but if they wanted to sell up I'm sure they would go for the best price - it's only human nature. Sure, they may well TRY to get assurances re their employees, but if there's enough money on the table............



Quote from: Sebby on Mar 26, 2008, 18:27:13
It's always a possibility.

Not one that I like the sound of Sebby, but we ARE all human at the end of the day  :sigh:


OTOH, all a prospective buyer has to do is look in here to realise that we'd all have our MAC requests in within the day...

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yep - but by the time it happens will there be anywhere else to go that isn't already in the proective buyers pocket?  :eek4:


That's always the question, unfortunately. Personally, I am optimistic. The niche market ISP will, I believe, always have a place.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


You're probably right - there will always be the more discerning customer to cater for who is willing to pay that little extra for a better service.  ;D


I believe so. The attraction for the takeover merchants is grabbing a large chunk of market share. They won't get it with a niche market company and, I hope, they are bright enough to realise that the customers would be on their way before the ink dried.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I see what you mean, but as more of the big boys get bought out, more peeps flock to places like IDNet, meaning their subscriber numbers grow fast, which leads to them becoming ever more of a appetising target for the big boys, which leads to.......................................


Again, I don't see it happening. To keep their promise of no congestion on their network, Simon & Tim have to limit the number of new customers they take one at any time. Over the months I've worked with them, I have found them to be extremely ethical men, who believe in what they are doing. My view is, therefore, that IDNet will grow organically, but never fast enough to become take-over fodder.

I hope... :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



I hope so too Rik. The cynical side of me just can't help rearing it's ugly head every so often  :(


One day, I'm sure Simon and Tim will have had enough - but I don't see any sign of it yet, and I don't think it will happen for a long time.  :fingers:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


And until that time comes, I'm happy to stay where i am  ;)