What games do you play?

Started by stevie0573, Oct 20, 2006, 12:43:24

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Ok its pretty clear that most of the member are totally addicted to the word games on the forum :)

Im just wondering what other games you are playing?

At present im playing

City of heroes/villains
Company of heroes
Ghost recon advanced warfighter
Call of duty2
and just waiting for the postie to bring my copy of BF2142

games im waiting for

Armed Assault
Enemy Territory : Quake Wars


Presently playing CoD2 on-line and sometimes BF2 & Red Orchestra, ( but that a bit too damn tough).

In the past have played RtCW, Medal of Honor and BF Vietnam in on-line clans

Recently completed the Half-Life 2 episode 1 expansion and am eagerly awaiting  episode 2.  HL and HL2 are the best games I think I have ever played.

My son downloaded the BF 2142 demo a couple of days ago and he may buy it so I will let him spend his dough before deciding on that one ;)

If The World Didnt Suck, We'd all Fall Off


Are all these battlefield games different from each other?

I'm wondering whether just because I had to resort to shooting my own side in Ghost recon advanced warfighter, that means I'd fail miserably at them all.

Actually when I got ghost recon I thought it was going to be planes shooting at each other.  There don't seem to be any of those about.


All the Battlefield games, ( 1942, Road to Rome, Vietnam etc etc, as well as the BF 2 series) are primarily on-line games.

The single player maps in these games are really just for practice with "Bots" and only come to life when you play against other people.

The Call of Duty series on the other hand have excellent single player stories/games as well as the on-line capability.

Shooting your own side, (or TK'ing) in on-line games is frowned apon and will likely get you booted from the server :laugh:

If The World Didnt Suck, We'd all Fall Off


Quote from: zimmerframe on Oct 20, 2006, 14:07:49
will likely get you booted from the server :laugh:

Oh no, not somewhere else to get banned from  :police:


The call of duty series are very good, i play the single player mode far more that online but still enjoy it every now and again.

Ghost recon advanced warfighter (GRAW) is more of a tactial shooter which means it tries to aim for realism which makes things alot harder because you really have to think about what you are doin and where you place team members but its very rewarding when your plan works. Another game that is like GRAW is Operation FlashPoint, altho its gettin old now (and soon to be undated by Armed Assault) it has everything the ghost recon series miss i.e tanks,planes, helichopters and theres a million mods and addons avalible.


BF* stable for me...Sims for the missus.
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


I'd forgotten about the Sims - I read about it a while back.  I've done Civilization, which is more my pace with no shooting, but must have a look at the Sims.

Is there a plane-flying one to test my graphics?  I saw a WW2 plane demo when I ran 3DMark03, but didn't see what the game was called.


Mostly Call of Duty 2 , i occasionally play CoD UO as there are still a few good servers running.


Quote from: Nerval on Oct 20, 2006, 15:58:13
.............. Is there a plane-flying one to test my graphics?  I saw a WW2 plane demo when I ran 3DMark03, but didn't see what the game was called.

Possibly one of the IL-2 Sturmovik series.

Maxping; I have the COD and COD2 plus most of their expansions.  The same with MOHAA.  All brilliant Single-play, and good fun online.
Far Cry I have.
I also have BF1942 Anthology which includes "Road to Rome", and "Secret Weapons of WWII", but I find them heavy going after COD.  Probably an age thing  ::) but I find the interface too fiddly!!  :P

I am playing "Sniper Elite" at the moment, on the highest/hardest setting.  VERY difficult to beat.  Saw it going cheap so bought it out of curiosity really.  It's turned out to be quite good fun!  Tried to play online last night and it 'hung up'.  Will try again perhaps.

I am also half-way through "Half-Life2 - Episode One".

"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


No shooting for me, I use driving games;

rFactor - the best so far
Nascar 2003

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The IL2 sturmovik series is probably the best fighter flight sim out there its also quite cheap now http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ubisoft-Air-Combat-Collection-PC/dp/B000EYAEN0/sr=1-3/qid=1161420152/ref=sr_1_3/026-2212079-9090801?ie=UTF8&s=videogames

There are also some other good games like Falcon 4 and Lock On but if your not looking for a fighter sim then i dont think you can go wrong with Microsoft flight simulator which has just been updated.

I have sniper elite but altho it got mixed reviews at the time i still like the sneakyness off it and the bullet sequences always make me wince.

If anyone is looking for a none fps with sneaking around in a world that goes on for ever the i highly recommend The Elder Scrolls Oblivion but check your specs before you buy this because its a system hog and you need a good graphics cards to run this, totally amazing game and a open world to get lost in


IF you like sneaking games Thief got rave reviews and you can can probably get it for a fiver.

You are Garrett, a Master Thief, rarely seen but never caught. Moving silently through the shadows, you are able to sneak past any guard, pick any lock, break into the most ingeniously secured residences. Stealing from the wealthy is all in a night's work.
In this intense thriller of murderous conspiracy you must use your stealth tactics to uncover a sinister secret that lies within the city walls. Will your skills be enough to save the dying city, can you survive betrayal, assassins, and war in the labyrinth of city streets?


Tension-fuelled Stealth as enemies see and hear, track evidence, search for intruders, give chase and fight to the end.
A variety of gameplay - Break & Enter, Steal, Combat, Ambush and Assassinate.
Darkness is your weapon; conceal your presence, sneak silently past guards and strike from the shadows.
A huge Arsenal of Thieves' Tools at your disposal; Mechanical Eye, Flash Bombs, Fire Arrows, Wall Climbing Gloves to name but a few.
Fully supported 1st and 3rd person perspective - it's your choice!

Windows 2000/XP (95/98/ME/NT Not Supported)
Intel Pentium IV 1.5GHz or AMD Athlon XP Equivalent
100% DirectX 9 compatible sound card
3 GB Free Hard Disk Space
Mouse and Keyboard
DVD-ROM Drive Required
Supported Graphics Chipsets:
ATI Radeon 8500
ATI Radeon 9 Series (9000, 9200, 9600, 9800)
nVidia GeForce 3TI Series
nVidia GeForce 4TI Series
nVidia GeForce FX Series
nVidia GeForce 6 Series
Graphics cards must support Pixel Shader 1.1.
Unsupported Graphics Chipsets:

nVidia GeForce 4MX (460, 440 & 420)
nVidia GeForce 4 Go
nVidia Quadro FX Go
nVidia GeForce nForce2 & nForce3


Depends on what mood I'm in as to whether I want to shoot people or scream around a track sideways.

Shooting has to be something from the HL/HL2 series. Be it CS, CSS, HL Deathmatch, etc etc

Driving I quite like Live for Speed I have tried GTR and GT Legends and I've just found out that you can play revolt online. So if anyone's up for some fun racing with radio controlled cars maybe we could get that setup. Revolt and LFS are free, well LFS has a free demo version to get you going.


Quote from: stevie0573 on Oct 21, 2006, 09:54:26
i highly recommend The Elder Scrolls Oblivion but check your specs before you buy this because its a system hog and you need a good graphics cards to run this, totally amazing game and a open world to get lost in

You've not seen me play!  I thought it would be a good test for my graphics card, but couldn't get out of the first prison cell.  I really must research the instructions before I do it again. :laugh:

I appreciate all  the tips anyway. Don't know about anybody else, but I've got quite a few to look at now (that won't result in me shooting my man in the back)  :out:


I play Tiddlywinks sometimes i can stretch to Snakes and Ladders if pressured  :out:


I used to play chess with my friend next door, but he moved. :'(




Theres something oddly perverse about a dancing banana  :crazy:


i play mainly cs:s, cs 1.6. I do also play ut2004, cod2 (single player), command and conquer (all of em  8) apart from red alert 1)
the only thing worrying about battlefield 2142 is the bundled spyware
QuoteIn an update to yesterday's article regarding the shock many received when it was leaked that Battlefield 2142 may incorporate spyware into the game, we now have an image of the disclaimer inside the box. With the release of the game today, it helps to actually be able to see and read it. While full of doublespeak, it helps a lot to understand what is exactly EA wants to do. It does look at lot less worse than it seemed yesterday. You can read the disclaimer for yourself in this image. The original image was found at this digg thread. It still doesn't sound pretty, however. Luckily, it seems like the mechanism is more or less IP based and used only when the game is running, to deliver in-game ads. However, there is a huge gaping hole that leaves it open to abuse:

"When you use the Software while connected to the Internet, the Advertising Technology may record your Internet Protocol address and other anonymous information ("Advertising Data")."
What exactly does "advertising data" entail, and where does it stop? Cookies? Web sites visited? Hours of the day spent online? Your age? They don't give you much choice at the bottom. It isn't opt-out, it's their way or the highway. Should you choose not to have this wonderful in-game advertising, you are choosing not to play. Does this still sound too invasive? Luckily, some answers were provided from an official source. Justin Townsend from IGA, the company behind the advertising tool has come out to say that really it is quite harmless, and not as bad as everyone puts it:

Specifically, IGA's software uses the IP address for geotargeting of in-game ads (so that European ads are not shown to those in the U.S., for example). It also creates a unique user number that's generated locally, and is able to re-identify the gamer when he next appears online.


Ive read the disclaimer in the box, its a worrying way that some games are changing these days to add advertising into games. I remember that when we beta tested the game the boards became alight with posts about this but to be perfectly honest im far to busy playing the game to even notice any adverts.

Its a shame you can choose to not install any software that does this but (altho its early days) i havent received any emails for companies and am abit more comfortably knowing that its not mallicious.

Also i seem to remember that steam records all data when you are logged on and think ive seen a artical in pcgamer showing recorded data. Im sure some one will correct me if im wrong but its not that dissimular to the idea behind what ea has implemented


Quote from: stevie0573 on Oct 21, 2006, 17:10:32
Theres something oddly perverse about a dancing banana  :crazy:

Yeah...kinky innit !  :P
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


Hi all,

just wandering the forums and thought i would throw in my 2 pence....i play alot of online FPS:

Novalogic series; DF2, BHD & Joint Ops

all good fun for a quick blast after work....also another little FREE gem u guys should try is WARROCK....it's a beta game but very good....online only FPS....google it for the d/l page and give it a whirl....FEAR also does a free d/l multiplayer version which was very good as well....lol....and when i get a chance to squeeze them in i spend 2 mins with the wife 'n' kids....but to be honest only really at the weekends.... ;D

can i ask what u guys pings are like on UK servers especially those on Max products....thinking about coming across to IDNet so any feedback would be great....cheers



DF was the frist fps i played online (oh thoose were the days)

I tried warrock awhile back but didnt like it that much but (probably coz i was cr*p) but beeing free its a good fps to try out, didnt get on with AA either.

I get pings on uk servers between 14-18 most the time but i think the usual is 20-30.


Hi Steve,

thx for the info....Ahhhhhh DF/DF2....those were the days....i started a clan with an american guy probably 10yrs ago, in the original DF game and it's still goin strong, still playin matches admittedly not as often but there's nothing like getting 8 peeps on TS and playin a match....great fun....check out our site


these great sounding Max pings are sorely tempting me to move....;-)



Loved DF2 and was forever getting sniped then knifed is i tried to snipe (BAH!!!) lost my way with BDH tho, it just didnt feel the same. Its true theres nothing like a good match and slaggin each other of on ts or vent lol i was with a clan called Global Strike Unit back a few years a go with a game called soldner (bug ridden and died a death) but had some brilliant times playing that.

Will take a look at the site m8 :) see if any names ring a few bells