Another lost connection

Started by dlorde, Mar 28, 2008, 00:11:00

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Just to confirm, I had a lot of problems yesterday between about 10:30 am and 12 noon - couldn't send e-mails although I could receive them (both desktop and laptop).  Phoned support and James was pretty sure it was my AV (although it hadn't been updated that morning and I'd sent e-mails okay earlier).  I uninstalled AVAST from my laptop but that didn't solve the problem.  Then suddenly I lost my PPP session, which never happens.  Shut my router off and left it for 20 minutes, then turned it back on and all was okay.  Phoned IDNet to tell them everything was now working normally, and Tim's guess was that something had been going on at the exchange.  In fact, some of the e-mails I tried to send and thought had failed did actually go out, as I've received replies, but I've got no copies of them in OE.  So it does look like something intermittent was happening at the exchange.

P.S.  Forgot to say, I kept trying to post on Idnetters at the time to see if anyone else was having similar problems, but having typed out my post, it wouldn't load.


I noticed you starting a new thread, Krysia, but nothing ever appearing.

It sounds like your connection was intermittent at the time. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes, though I never lost sync and no lights were flashing while I was unsuccessfully trying to post and to send e-mails.


If BT were doing work on the 'far' side of the DSLAM, which appears to have been the case, then your physical connection would have been OK, but the PPP session would have dropped.

This is the work which was scheduled to run until March 20, overnight!!  :mad:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes, and it's just happened again, with sync rock solid, the PPP session dropping, but then the router hanging on 'checking username and password' when trying to reestablish connection.  I shut off the router for 15 minutes but still couldn't connect, so rang IDNet, saying I suspected a stale session.  Andrew checked the line, confirmed the stale session, and said he'd ring BT for them to manually clear it.  Two minutes later I was back on-line.  How's that for service?!! :thumb:  :thumb:


Not bad, Krysia, but BT should stop causing these problems for users - especially without notice and during the day. I'm beginning to think they have the same management team as BA and Network Rail.  :mad:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes, I'm on gw5 too.

I really don't mind a reasonably short period of disconnection - I understand the need for maintenance and upgrade - as long as I get some advance notice, so I can schedule downloads and remote sessions. Surely BT bringing down PPP sessions without advance notice breaches their SLA with the ISPs?

This is too much like our network people at work, who have remote access to our work PCs to install updates, etc. They are strangely reluctant to email us of impending upgrades involving a reboot - GOKW, so those of us working from home, or at weekends, or late, risk being rudely interrupted without notice, potentially losing valuable data.

I hope this isn't going to be a persistent issue with IDNet - reliability and consistency of service were the main reasons I joined, but so far it's been less reliable than Pipex...  :(


The IDNet realm isn't the issue here, it's simply a case of BT 'unplugging' connections. I'm sure it wasn't restricted to IDNet customers, but all ISPs on the router or fibre. As to the SLAs, you'd have to ask IDNet themselves, I'm not party to such information, but BT did send email yesterday evening, after everyone had gone home. :( I do know, for certain, of other occasions where they have advised of the work after the event.

That said, I've been a customer for 17 months and have had no more than a few minutes of downtime.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


have been with IDNet 2 months, I see I fell out of all my chatrooms last night at 00:30, but the previous 7 weeks have been perfect.
There are 10 kinds of people, those who understand binary and those who don't.


Quote from: dlorde on Mar 28, 2008, 15:20:45
I hope this isn't going to be a persistent issue with IDNet - reliability and consistency of service were the main reasons I joined, but so far it's been less reliable than Pipex...  :(

It would be interesting to see which RAS you are connecting through, to identify whether that is where the issue is.

Check out Kitz site here:

If you are using a Netgear router, follow the link at the bottom to Jon Green's site.

(Or go straight there:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I dont like the way when people have a problem it is down to idnet all the time , I know i have had few issues but nothing major . I mean last night i was dl ing a new game from EA 2 gig and 300 meg at the same time one was dl ing @ 850 ks and the other @ 400 ks can any one tell me where you would get great dl speeds through another isp . dl (download)  not meaning  cable .................................... IDNET FTW .  :think:


It's possible for anyone, with any ISP, to experience problems, of course. However, I know from my own experience, and that of the bulk of the members here, that IDNet give an above average service. What is important, it seems to me, is to contact them if there is a problem, and let them take a crack at resolving it. Posting in here can establish some pointers as to whether the issue is likely to be localised, or widespread - we can often diagnose the cause when it's wiring or router-based - but if anyone feels the service isn't up to scratch, they should be talking to IDNet.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik.............. but if anyone feels the service isn't up to scratch, they should be talking to IDNet.

Or moving to Pipex or suchlike?  :whistle:

"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


Quote from: dlorde on Mar 28, 2008, 15:20:45
Yes, I'm on gw5 too.

I really don't mind a reasonably short period of disconnection - I understand the need for maintenance and upgrade - as long as I get some advance notice, so I can schedule downloads and remote sessions. Surely BT bringing down PPP sessions without advance notice breaches their SLA with the ISPs?

This is too much like our network people at work, who have remote access to our work PCs to install updates, etc. They are strangely reluctant to email us of impending upgrades involving a reboot - GOKW, so those of us working from home, or at weekends, or late, risk being rudely interrupted without notice, potentially losing valuable data.

I hope this isn't going to be a persistent issue with IDNet - reliability and consistency of service were the main reasons I joined, but so far it's been less reliable than Pipex...  :(

Oh i wish...people would read there femails...

i send out a company wide email saying   "The phone system is having a serious and essential update performed between  XXXX and YYYY tonight."

I get shi*t loads a calls while the system is down (on mobile or internal voicemail (if its still working)) all saying  did you know the phone system is down....... they all get the same reply..........sorry the phone system is undergoing essential maint....if you are an internal user please refer to email number XYZ sent out on ddmmyy else please leave a message after the tone.....and if your in sales  see item 1a.

and i shut down phone systems on about 5 companies a week and no they are not mickey mouse 5 employee companies a few are in the top FTSE 100....and yes they all get the same well honed voicemail. all but sales see the funny side-inc customers, managers & directors.

So next time your system is unavalible think....have they taken it offline for an urgent update that needs appying now................or you really need to work late or at weekend think about the poor sod (like me) who does not have a choice and has been told by his boss do it now mickeysoft say its imperative, i don't care if its 2am on a sat morning do it!!!!! and i dont care if xyz is trying to access his voicemail/emails/system just do it.



Rant over.

wheres the wine





Actually no rant not over.

Next time your laptop/computer/internet connection/toster/cooker/wife/hairdryer/hoover/vacum cleaner/phone/mobile/ipod/ipaq/kids/car/sat nav/toaster/flyswatter/candle/lightbulb/stereo/cd player/watch

Stops working do what i do.....

think do i really care?

then spend the next 10 m inutes moaning to wife

then think did that help?

then decide you can actually live without item and be a better person, put it to back of mind.......

in mean time wife has phoned support company and all is sorted within 1-2 minutes.

and if that doesnt help do what i do sleep on it for a week and if it's still not working in a weeks time.



Have one on me, Dean!   
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon on Mar 28, 2008, 21:13:25
Have one on me, Dean!   

I love sales &  project...TW*TS

not b****ered there so thi*k they wont be able to decip*er this message.

now onto the most important point


minor dissconnections are ineviatable.

Lump it or go madonna.

definately rant over......

and yes i just settin off for a late one Friday night suppossed to be out but now gotta go update a box coz its deemed important....


Have a good evening, Dean. Don't even give BT a second thought. ;)


Quote from: Rik on Mar 28, 2008, 15:31:24... I'm sure it wasn't restricted to IDNet customers, but all ISPs on the router or fibre.
You can probably understand that I'm sceptical that BT waited for me to join IDNet before starting work that disrupted connections to my network - especially since, looking back in the forums, other people on IDNet were having similar disconnection problems while I was still crawling slowly along with Pipex - without disconnections.

IDNetters are understandably defensive of their favourite ISP, but I'm thinking Occam's Razor here...


Quote from: g7pkf on Mar 28, 2008, 20:56:00
Rant over.

wheres the wine



Not quite sure who the target of that rant was - IMO it's commonsense to notify those who will be (possibly seriously) affected by scheduled updates. If I miss the notification through my own negligence, I can only blame myself, but I'm entitled to expect a notification. Obviously, in emergencies, it may not be not possible.


Quote from: RA-1972 on Mar 28, 2008, 18:38:58
I dont like the way when people have a problem it is down to idnet all the time
You may not like it, but if you switch from an ISP that has given you reliable and continuous connections (if slow) for several years, to a different ISP, when you immediately suffer several disconnects in a couple of weeks, and find that other joiners who also had reliable connections previously are now getting them, I think it is only reasonable to question whether there may be a problem with the ISP.

It's simply a question of identifying where the problem arises and who to notify to get it fixed. 


I think, rather than going round the houses with us, you might be better off talking to IDNet directly about this, dlorde.  If you had a stable connection before, it seems that your equipment is not at fault, and IDNet can carry out various line tests that we can't, and will hopefully get to the bottom of the problem more quickly.  You can email, which they may pick up over the weekend, or call them free on 0800 0267 237 on Monday.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


dlorde i was with toucan for 12 months of hell , lucky to 200 k  most nights , been with idnet since the end of january and now constant maxed out 7150 profile  , so for me backing idnet theres the reason . pipex is part of (toucan) so you can understand what iam saying . Idnet monthly contract if you dont like, you can leave . Toucan / pipex 12 months and you are stuck with what you have got .   :whistle:


IDNet couldn't inform customers, unfortunately, as they themselves were only informed after the office closed. :(