Have just received my first spam on IDNet's e-mail

Started by rickus, Oct 22, 2006, 07:43:32

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I had not had any spam for ages, neither on Hotmail nor e7even.

Have been with IDNet for about 3 months and no spam until a couple of days ago.

Since then I have received several from different addresses. The mails have been titled

Has anyone else suddenly started receiving such mails?
Is there a filter I can use? Block sender is not use as they all come from different addresses.




When i was with Orange i used to get at least 100 ish spam emails a day ive had none since i been with IDNet i also use the alias feature if i have to put an email addy on sites im not sure of, i ain't worked out how the disposable addresses bit works yet.


My former Metronet email was clean for years, then soon after Plusnet took over the deluge began - every day I was invited to meet Olga or Natasha and to try various remedies for physical shortcomings.  There was also a spate of banks verifying their databases etc etc.

Since IDNet (an address which I never give on websites) there has not been any spam.  Interestingly, a gmail address I have, which I do use whenever I need to on the internet, has not attracted any spam either.  Gmail is said to have very good spam filters.


So that's a benefit of Plusnet then - improves your social life and gives you ready access to pharmaceuticals.   :laugh: :laugh: :banana2:


Quote from: jupiter on Oct 22, 2006, 11:15:30
every day I was invited to meet Olga or Natasha and to try various remedies for physical shortcomings. 

Not all bad then  :D


I also use gmail without spam but dont you think gmail is slow i do takes a while for the recipient (another posh word) to recieve them


Never had a problem with gmail being slow.  I use nothing else now.
I started using it because Plusnet's email was so slow, and then kept going down, so it became even slower. :'(


If i send an email via IDNet mail its instant if i do it thru gmail it takes several minutes mind you its still quicker than a letter and wasn't complaining.

I still have some to give away if anyone wants one give us a shout     ;)


Have had literally dozens of spam emails from of the 'financial advice' variety via IDnet email address.

Not a problem, use the excellent programme 'Mailwasher' to delete and bounce the culprits from whence they came.

Gmail is absolutely great with a superb spam filter. Also, remember that if you use a favourite username@gmail.com you will never, EVER   (I mean EVER) need a new email address EVER again even if you change ISP and hopefully we will not EVER be changing from IDnet!

To sum up.....Mailwasher great.......Gmail great!



Yes, stevelondon

I signed up for Mailwasher some seven years (plus) ago when they were just starting from a small base in New Zealand. They offered free updates for life then if you made a donation and have been true to their word ever since, a great honest company. Well worth a try for anyone with spam problems. Go for the 'Pro' version.....outstanding!


quandam .... do you use GMail as is, or via pop3 and Outlook Express or somesuch??

I have a Gmail a/c but don't like the interface.  Also I get quite a few Viagra spams there (none on IDNetfreemail), and can't see how to use the filters to stop them.

"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."



I use Gmail via Pop 3 and Outlook Express.
You have the choice within the Gmail programme to forward messages to a Pop 3/OE account or simply leave them on their server.

I opt to keep messages on their server and also have them forwarded to my IDnet email account. A bit of a belt and braces job but the messages are always safely gathered in on the Gmail server whatever actions I may take in OE.

With regard to spam, I too receive  the regular rubbish but have found that the Gmail filters remove most to the 'rubbish bin' without me having to set things up. If you do get spam in your account simply check (mark) the message and click on 'report spam' and it is removed to the 'rubbish bin' and the Gmail spam 'database'.

These days with rapid migrations between ISP's I think the wise move is to adopt a 'permanent' Gmail address and place the Pop3 details in OE and obviate the need for any change of email address in the future. I would add that I have Mailwasher as a 'back up' as well. Another belt and braces job I hear you say!!

Another nice feature of Gmail is the facility to search for an old email. Feed in  some 'clue' words and up pops all the emails relating to your 'clues'.

Overall, I find that Gmail used in conjunction with Pop3/Outlook Express makes a nice email package.


Agree with that entirely quandam.

I started using Gmail with OE when my ISP's email kept going down or getting delayed by up to 48 hours!! and was essentially a waste of time.

Initially, it sent all the spam on as well as the proper messages, but now just separates them out.  Very little escapes their filter, and if you do happen to want some Viagra, you know where to look (joke :laugh:).

The OE interface means you send and receive by Gmail just like any normal mail, and so far I've not noticed any drawbacks to it. :banana2:


I use gmail thru outlook express too.

Ive heard that if you use viagra you have to swallow them quick or you get a stiff neck



Thanks for the replies fellas.  I think I will give sending GMail to OE a go as you all seem happy with it.

quandam;  MailWasher ....... I don't get enough emails to warrant using it, but I have several friends who wouldn't be without it.
Spam ........ Sorry, I mislead you there.  Their filters DO bin the Viagree ones in the spam folder, what I was trying to get them to do was KILL them automagically!! Seeing as how I'm lazy, and get fed up deleting them. 

Quote from: stevelondonIve heard that if you use viagra you have to swallow them quick or you get a stiff neck

At least I would then be able to give the trouble & strife a good stiff talking to if nothing else!!!  :D
"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


I have also received several spam emails from my Idnet email address relating to Viagra.

The address has never been given to anyone or entered anywhere on the internet but it is used as a forwarding address from my .co.uk address. So how can anyone get hold of it ?


I take it phil that you've only just joined IDNet, so they were quite quick in spamming you.

I've been here nearly a week and had none - though I don't use the address so far.


i use a idnetfreemail address but as of yet haven't had any spam!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I use mine as me main addy and so far (3 months) had none makes a change from my last provider i was getting over 100 a day easy, i think the aliases are good ive been using that for companies im not sure of.