Leaving Nildram

Started by GarryF, Apr 01, 2008, 14:06:18

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thanks for the help guys, making good progress here  :D I'll try and elimate the noisy devices as that would seem to be just good practise, I've ordered up the face plate and will report back when it's fitted anyways :)

I requested the MAC at lunchtime monday so I think I'll give them a stern reminder that they are halfway through their 5 days if nothing appears before 5PM tonight  ;D


Quote from: GarryF on Apr 01, 2008, 22:50:29

now if only I could get my MAC code....


I know the feeling, it'll all be behind you soon.


Quote from: GarryF on Apr 02, 2008, 09:37:13
I requested the MAC at lunchtime monday so I think I'll give them a stern reminder that they are halfway through their 5 days if nothing appears before 5PM tonight  ;D

It won't do any harm, Garry, especially if you mention Ofcom in the process. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


ho-hum, just got an email saying faceplates are back ordered, expected in on 4/4 (I bet :)) would have been nice to have it fitted before migration.


As ADSL max is rate-adaptive, it won't actually matter. There's no new training period as you're migrating, so it's not a problem if you don't fit it until after you're migrated. :)


Quote from: Sebby on Apr 02, 2008, 13:35:32
As ADSL max is rate-adaptive, it won't actually matter. There's no new training period as you're migrating, so it's not a problem if you don't fit it until after you're migrated. :)

Cool, that's good to know :)


Just one thing to mention; although the sync is rate-adaptive, you may have a wait a few days for the profile to update, but that would apply regardless of when you fit the faceplate. :)


Hi Gary

This may be of interest for your timeout issue, if you are a firefox user.



Though it tends to delete the contents of a post when it refreshes (if you haven't hit post beforehand...).

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


a hah, hasn't bitten me yet that one... cheers rik  :D


Guess who it has bitten. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


put the two phones back onto the house wiring and getting 6016 so almost the same as nothing plugged in. Then I plugged in the unused extension cable and it's now 6080 :)

I'll keep an eye on speeds until the faceplate arrives, then hopefully it's stay 7000+

After making a change I'm restarting the router, do I need to do that or will the speed drop etc automatically when it detects line interference?


You don't need to re-start for downwards shifts, Garry, only for upwards ones, so if you reduce the potential for noise, re-boot, otherwise you can let nature take its course.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: somanyholes on Apr 02, 2008, 15:38:07
a hah, hasn't bitten me yet that one... cheers rik  :D

that's cos you hardly ever manage to string more than a couple of words together  ;)


Quote from: madasahatter on Apr 02, 2008, 19:17:16
that's cos you hardly ever manage to string more than a couple of words together  ;)

OUCH..  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


MAC code was in my mail box this morning without having to prod them so not too bad :)

I signed up with ID net, didn't like the bit when I entered my line and they told me my max speed was 2 Mbs, I've assumed that's just them guessing.


It will be based on the checker database, it has no impact on your actual speed. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: GarryF on Apr 03, 2008, 08:11:20
I signed up with ID net, didn't like the bit when I entered my line and they told me my max speed was 2 Mbs, I've assumed that's just them guessing.

Take no notice of it, it's largely fictional. Plus, we know it's not the case. ;D


Quote from: GarryF on Apr 03, 2008, 08:11:20

I signed up with ID net, didn't like the bit when I entered my line and they told me my max speed was 2 Mbs, I've assumed that's just them guessing.

Mine said 2 as well, and I get 7.5!


Yeah, I thought they were playing it safe, other providers have quoted 6 so just thought it odd they quoted 2, I guess that way no one can complain if it's not faster than that :)

got their confirmation email, says it will be done by 6PM of the 8th which is next Tuesday, will it probably happen monday night?


It's not IDNet that are quoting 2Mb; the data comes from BT Wholesale's checker. It's strange that you got different results with different ISPs though. Still, it makes no odds anyway. :)

The 6pm thing is just so BT get the whole day, but usually migrations take place in the early hours, so you may well wake up on Tuesday and be able to connect to IDNet. ;)


Nice one, Garry, you won't regret the move.  :thumb:
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


adslnation emailed me saying filter went out last night and it arrived this morning  :thumb:

Just installed it and attached is the new stats, even higher than I got earlier in the week  8)

gigianews is getting 150-200kb/s, still pretty cr*p

and here's a speed test
pretty poor

Considering I used to get 840kb/s I'm kinda hoping a decent ISP will get back to 600+, time will tell though :)

So after I migrate on Tuesday is there anything else I can do to improve things or will my speed now gradually improve over the next week
What about noise margin, does it reduce automatically or can i request that lowered now I've improved things?

[attachment deleted by admin]


Can you get a BT speed test done, Garry? I suspect that your profile may give us a clue.

BT often refuse to reduce noise margin if it's been increased to stabilise a line, but given the improvement in your d/s synch speed, it's worth trying to get it down.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Your profile is going to need to update to match the new sync, which will take a few days. :)