Can't access certain sites?

Started by mistybear, Apr 05, 2008, 14:06:46

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Indeed it will. I remember how poorly implemented Supanet's proxy server was...
IDNet Customer (ex-partner's name): 6th January 2006 - 23rd March 2007
IDNet broadband Customer (my name): 11th June 2008 - 21st April 2010

Now with Be for internets, IDNet for phone.


Well, I have received a reply, but according to the fine print at the bottom of their emails, I'm not allowed to let anyone see it??

QuoteThis email and any attachments are confidential and may be subject to copyright, legal or some other professional privilege. They are intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s). They may only be copied, distributed or disclosed with the consent of the copyright owner.

If you have received this email by mistake or by breach of the confidentiality clause, please notify the sender immediately by return email and delete or destroy all copies of the email. Any confidentiality, privilege or copyright is not waived or lost because this email has been sent to you by mistake.

Now I don't wish to break any laws which could involve the forum, but if it's okay by the Admins, I'll share their reply.
Oh, and TPG's forum has locked the thread I started about this, very odd behaviour.  :eyebrow:
Those who make you believe absurdities,
while make commit atrocities.


I don't think it's an issue unless there's something particularly private in there. Others have posted replies in the past...

Otherwise, you could just summarise it for us. :)


No, I'd much rather copy and paste the lot.  ;D


It appears that the site is being blocked by because of
some of their unacceptable practice. The site admin will need to contact
Spamhaus to sort this out with them.

Should you have further inquiries, let me know. Thanks.
Those who make you believe absurdities,
while make commit atrocities.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ah, well, that would explain it.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'm glad it explains things, could someone explain it to me please?
Those who make you believe absurdities,
while make commit atrocities.


They're using an outside organisation (Spamhaus) to determine what sites to block. Spamhaus has decided this is a bad site, possibly because of the pop ups and pop unders, so it's blocked it. TBH, I think it's an overreaction, if it's true.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: mistybear on Apr 08, 2008, 09:11:52
I'm glad it explains things, could someone explain it to me please?

This sounds like a normal conversation here  ;)


Do they have a right to block sites, isn't that just a form of censorship. And what are the guidelines on what sites they deem "unacceptable". Is there a an actual legal document that all ISP's have to follow, or do they make this up as they go?

I just don't understand how they have the right to block sites, well that is stating the obvious. :blush:
Those who make you believe absurdities,
while make commit atrocities.


If you read the small print, MB, I'd guess they reserve the right to do pretty much anything they like. How long are you tied to them for?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Are their laws and guidelines for ISP's, or can they do whatever they like?

I don't think we are under contract to them.

Michael is looking into another plan as our speeds are ridiculously slow.

I'm drafting a reply to TPG, and I'm going to ask them why they use Spamhaus and what are their guidelines, and Spamhaus's. Any other suggestions as to what I could ask?
Those who make you believe absurdities,
while make commit atrocities.


I don't know the legal situation in Oz, MB, but here this kind of thing would be covered by the small print, I can pretty much guarantee it.

Try asking what their resolution process is when a site is wrongly blacklisted.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I think I will ask them send me a copy of their "small print".

But it's not them blocking it, they say loud and clear that they don't block sites, they get someone else to do it.
This reminds me of dealing with my landlord, but they had three layers of BS.
Those who make you believe absurdities,
while make commit atrocities.


If they are employing Spamhaus, they are choosing to block sites. What other reason do they have to employ them?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I didn't get all the answers I wanted, so I might ask But first I'll wait and see if they do unblock it.

QuoteHi Kate,

We utilize Spamhaus to filter out websites that could possibly cause problems. They have their own guidelines on what constitutes an unacceptable site.

We have already placed a request from them to unblock this site but we are yet to hear any feedback. We will let you know as soon as we get any.

A thing to note though, if upon being unblocked, in the future, the site gets blocked again by Spamhaus, we may not be able to do much. It may have to be the site's admin who will need to coordinate with Spamhaus.
Those who make you believe absurdities,
while make commit atrocities.


To be fair, if they use Spamhaus, then what they say is pretty much true. It is up to Spamhaus to block or unblock sites according to their own guidelines. All they can do is request an unblock, but if Spamhaus decide not to, then there is little really that they can do. With this site, it may well be Spamhaus system getting a little over zealous, which they will sort out.


Found an interesting diagram on their site that explains, I think, their filtering, blocking and who does the blocking.
Those who make you believe absurdities,
while make commit atrocities.


Things are often simpler as a diagram - thanks! :)


The thing that strikes me as odd is that an ISP would abrogate its own responsibility, and allow a third party to decide what is, and is not, acceptable. Personally, I'd be looking for a new ISP, MB.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I suspect a degree of laziness on their part, Rik. It's almost a half-hearted solution to a problem.


I agree, Sebby. That's why I'd be looking for another ISP - what other corners do they cut?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Quote from: Rik on Apr 09, 2008, 09:18:05
The thing that strikes me as odd is that an ISP would abrogate its own responsibility, and allow a third party to decide what is, and is not, acceptable. Personally, I'd be looking for a new ISP, MB.

Yes, we have been thinking about it, but I wonder where, in their fine print, do they say if they use "filtering".
I also looked at SpamCop, and they have a forum, haven't had the time to have a good look yet. I haven't had time to have a look around here yet.  :bawl:
Those who make you believe absurdities,
while make commit atrocities.