best speed

Started by merlin, May 01, 2008, 21:07:53

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i have a friend who is a member of idnet, but not a member of the forum, (he's too shy ??)

can someone please look at these figures and tell me if he can do better ???

since joining idnet the best speed he,s ever got is around 1500kps

these are some figures i,ve managed to collect, if you need more please let me know , and if possible Where to get them .

best effort test, ip profile 1750kbs
connection rate 448kbs (upstream) 2304kbs (downstream)
actual ip throughput during test was 1544kbs

line attenuation 58 dB
upstream 15.5dB
noise margin 9dB
upstream 20dB

theres something wrong there i've got two upstreams and no downstream ?????



Tell him there's no need to be shy around here. ;)

I would hazard a guess that the figures provided are as follows.

Downstream attenuation: 58dB
Upstream attenuation: 15.5dB
Downstream noise margin: 9dB
Upstream noise margin: 20dB

There may be room for a very small improvement, but given the 58dB attenuation, it must be a very long line, and as such it's going to be difficult to sync much higher.

It looks like the target SNRM is 9dB, probably caused by instability at some point. Were this 6dB, he may get ~3Mb sync, but it's difficult to say.

Realistically, the only things he can do in the hope of improving the sync is fit a filtered faceplate (or if not feasible, remove the ring wire from all sockets) and get a router that is known to be good with a long line, such as a 2Wire 2700HGV. Or move closer to the telephone exchange. :P

I hope this helps. :)


thx sebby, i think of the options the 3rd wire will be the best for now
as for the noise/attenuation he's on the edge of a very big house building project, about 1500 houses.they are making a new town .

also the line is about 3 km long and a temporary one until they build their own exchange .

once again thx for your help sebby


Ah, that would explain it. Once they get their own exchange, things should be significantly better! :)


I'm betting that's a Netgear router and the u/s attenuation is 31db.

D/s attenuation is not much higher than mine (1-2db) and the NM is the same, so I'd expect significant gains from a 2700.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


rik , i should have said from the outset (always give as much info as pos) yes its a netgear 454g or something like that ,has four ethernet ports. but no wireless. i think thats it ??? bought from idnet

no he's not having my BT badged 2700, not even as a trial !!!


That would be a DG834G, Bob. They are perfectly adequate routers, but on a long line, I haven't found anything to match the 2700.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.