My previous ISP badmouthing IDNet!!

Started by cs, May 21, 2008, 01:31:07

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Like many others I believe, I moved to IDNet when Nildram went down the Ti$cali tubes. I have been having an on-going wrangle with them, to try and get them to stop billing me, which so far they are refusing to do.

I thought the IDNet staff might be interested to see the contents of an email I got from Nildram...I would certainly like to hear IDNet's thought on it....


It would appear that your new Internet Provider neglected to tell us that you had joined their service. As a result it looks like you are still with us, so that is why we are still billing you. This does happen sometimes, especially when customers migrate to Sky, O2 or TalkTalk. I am not sure who you have migrated to but they obviously don't mind you paying for two broadband subscriptions per month.

We have a method of refunding customers in this scenario. You will need to send confirmation from your new ISP of the date that you migrated over to their service, and then we will be able to refund payments we have taken since then. Please send this to and then you will be refunded accordingly.


What's funny is I know people who went to Enta and Zen are having similar billing problems with Nildram... So... They have problems with Sky, O2, TalkTalk, Enta, Zen and IDNet....  but anyone else is ok......LOL LOL...Isn't that just about all the major broadband providers????


P.S. Apologies if this is in the wrong section, wasn't quite sure where to post it. Feel free to move


IIRC, it's BT who are supposed to inform the old ISP. Nildram have really displayed how unprofessional they are in that email. You're better off out! :thumb:


It is BT's responsibility to confirm the migration, Sebby. That's appalling from Nildram. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


When I move suppliers be it phone,INTERNET or elec supplier etc, I always cancel the direct debit on line, I know the ask you not to because they do it their end, but take no notice, if it turns out you owe them a payment you can always send a cheque but if they take an extra payment by mistake it can take forever to get a refund and sometimes a lot of hassle.
EX Orange and proud of it.


With nildran now being part of the tosscalli dogpoo, it's no wonder they haven't a clue whats going on.  :mad:



We hear this quite often from customers who have migrated to us from Tiscali/TalkTalk etc.

There is no mechanism for a gaining ISP to inform a losing ISP that a customer has migrated. It is the losing ISPs responsibility to determin when a migration takes place. It is trivial for any ISP to find out if a line is still tagged to them or not. Nildram are leading you down the garden path. You have every right to cancel whatever payment method you have in place and to demand a refund for any charges levied after your migration (within the terms of any agreed contract, that is). If you do not receive satisfaction from Nildram then go to your bank/card issuer/ofcom if necessary to get your payment(s) refunded.

Best of luck.


Did you pay by Direct Debit ?

If so, contact your bank for an immediate refund from the bank under the Direct Debit Guarantee
Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?


Hello CS,

I moved from Nildram to IDNet on the 14th April and I too am having billing issues with Nildram.  I PM'ed HelenH on the thinkbroadband forums and asked her to investigate.  A few days later I got a call from a member of Helens team at Nildram, saying that I will be refunded.

I'll be keeping an eye on my account that's for sure.

It's really sad what is happening over there, they used to be a great ISP before the giant tiscrapli corporation moved in.

That being said I'm really loving the IDNet service.  I was looking at my router stats the other night and I've been connected for over 700 hours (basically since joining).  Toward end of my Nildram time I was having to reboot the router nearly every night between 11pm - midnight.  I always get great speeds between 6.0 - 6.9 meg (usually 6.9) and the ping in games is great.


I took the precaution of emailing Nildram as soon as I had a migration date. Credit card statement arrived yesterday and happily they refunded the part-month I was due. Hopefully that'll be the end - knowing my luck they will start billing normally against next month! :fingers: Director General | Team Shark Online Racing - on the podium since 1993
Up the Mariners!


Quote from: Simon_idnet on May 21, 2008, 09:37:53
We hear this quite often from customers who have migrated to us from Tiscali/TalkTalk etc.

Have you complained to thier legal department? this sounds like libel/slander to me.

* Simon fixed quote.


Thanks for your replies everyone.

It is all sorted now regards the payment, but also only after I posted on TB and HelenH stepped in to help out.

I thought what they were saying was hogwash but I thought you guys might like to hear what they are saying!

Telling an outright lie when they clearly know better is one thing, but the wording of their email is bordering on libellous and if it was my company they said that about, they would be getting a very stern letter from my solicitor at the very least.




Thanks for confirming the situation, Simon.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


glad you got it sorted,

little update, I have been refunded by Nildram for the extra billing.  Case closed.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.
