IDNet on Kitz' site

Started by Noreen, Jun 11, 2008, 10:06:06

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I see that we have dropped to second place. :o


Which just proves how farcical these rating sites are.. >:(
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


Unfortunately it's the only way most people can compare ISPs.


Fast were in first place with two votes last time I looked. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


not a massive sample pool then, how can that place be taken seriously :/


It can't - but some people will. If I were Kitz, I would have set a minimum vote count before an ISP became listed.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


We've also lost half a star on ThinkBroadband and dropped from fifth to seventh place on DSL ZoneUK. I think that we had an influx of refugees from other ISPs because they had problems and they can't accept that the problems aren't necessarily the ISP's fault. Also IDNet's slightly higher prices offend some of them, they don't understand value for money.


I see no point in rating VFM on an ISP. If you're not happy with the cost, move.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Agreed Rik, of course there are many that simply do not understand what the word " value " actually means.
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well to be perfectly honest the problem lies with the pathetic quality of jounalism offered by the BBC.

All they ever focus on is SPEED. No concept of anything else in terms of broadband.

I cannot actually read the technology section of the BBC anymore because it is of that poor quality.


I agree. Some of their "technical expertise" is a bit suspect too.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I think that some people might look down the list reading: Speed, Support, Service, ah ... Money - right that means cost....

There was a post over on TB the other day that said "All they do is just give you bandwidth." (referring to ISP's using BT IPstream as opposed to LLU operators). Which is a rather narrow view, concerning itself (as it does) with the 'last mile' only. This view pays scant regard to the quality of the connection to a far away server in say, Germany or the US. We work hard to establish peering arrangements in as many different places as possible with as many different networks as possible in order to get your traffic to its destination via the shortest (quickest) path.

The 'big-6' ISP's consider themselves too large to peer with smaller networks. Consequently their traffic invariably traverses more networks (hops) to reach the destination. My guess is that the bean-counters' view is: fewer suppliers means lower costs which mean cheaper prices to consumers which generates larger numbers of customers and therefore brings greater profits. Our view is that, any fool can compete on price, but to provide true value-for-money you have to provide better quality and at a reasonable price point.


And that is why most of us are here!

Thanks for your input, SImon :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


So you're not going to do anything foolish, Simon.  :thumb:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon_idnet on Jun 24, 2008, 14:16:20
........Our view is that, any fool can compete on price, but to provide true value-for-money you have to provide better quality and at a reasonable price point.

Agree with Lance, I think that is why the majority of people are with iDNet, although I have to admit I'm not.  Looked at as an outsider I think you do offer good value, certainly my sister who moved from the Pipex/Tiscali shambles having been with Pipex from when they were a good outfit, thinks the service is great.  She moved about 3 days before the great Docklands switch disaster and when that happened wondered why I'd suggested you.  Then, having reported the connection was down, she got a phone call from either you or Tim explaining exactly what was happening. 

Now she recommends iDNet to whoever she meets.   ;D

As I've said before, good service sells itself.....



I don't think we should lower idnet to even consider entering into these badly setup, trashy, what amounts to a competition, merry go rounds.

as Tacitus said good service sells itself, which of course includes quality, when for instance did you last see any form of advertising for Rolls-Royce cars ?????

yes use them as abit of fun, but don't take them seriously.

we all know we,re in the best isp's hands ,and do'snt it show ????



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks for your post Simon.  Personally i think IDnet have the balance spot on and i suspect the majority of their customers think so.
Quote from: Rik on Jun 11, 2008, 11:17:03
I see no point in rating VFM on an ISP. If you're not happy with the cost, move.
Correct. I know IDnet are only my fourth ISP in eight years, the other three gradually deteriorating in every department especially the last one after changing me onto their LLU system. I know i pay that tiny bit extra now but it's WELL worth it.Keep up the good work IDnet.  :thumb:   

Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.


Thanks for your comments, Simon, and as are most of us, I am in full agreement with your views.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Hello People

This is my first post here so please be gentle lol

I migrate over to IDnet on the 26th, and I notice Simon mentions below a quote someone made on TB the otherday... well that was aimed at me after slating o2's new IP Stream package...

All this cheap broadband, speeds, ects is nice but not always the case. I spent 6 weeks going back and forth with o2 support who by the way do not know the difference between LLU and IP Stream I had to send them clips from DSL zone about how Max works...

The guys on TB who were rather rude to say the least and did not understand... I wasnt complaining about speed but about why my line profile had a lower threshold that it had weeks before. Then I had issues with the flakey DNS and to top it off when I tried to migrate out they put a cease on the line as well as a Mac request.... My argument was not about cost or speed but how once a problem is reported how they resolve it.. seems most ISP's just hide the fact they have an issue until they have to resolve it o2 will not even put a service status page on its website. I then pointed out that the product manager then called me as I had to call ofcom regarding how they messed my mac code up and how they wouldnt sort it out... he admitted that all the issues I had were the ISP not BTW issues. and o2's responce to me was... bare with us were new at this....

So when it comes to value and unlimited downloads.... it means nothing if you do not have the support to back the product... and from what I have seen IDNet seems to have it all... tied together with a bow  :D

So now I have shopped around... but this time not based on price or unlimited downloads but on how IDNets users have commented on the service they get. I do appreciate that no ISP is 100% but I get the feeling from the comments posted that IDNet listen to its customers...

I'm going back to the old saying quality over quantity...

Simon_idnet Said:

I think that some people might look down the list reading: Speed, Support, Service, ah ... Money - right that means cost....

There was a post over on TB the other day that said "All they do is just give you bandwidth." (referring to ISP's using BT IPstream as opposed to LLU operators). Which is a rather narrow view, concerning itself (as it does) with the 'last mile' only. This view pays scant regard to the quality of the connection to a far away server in say, Germany or the US. We work hard to establish peering arrangements in as many different places as possible with as many different networks as possible in order to get your traffic to its destination via the shortest (quickest) path.


:welc: :karma:

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Enjoy IDNet - I'm sure you will. They are an ISP that truly care and actually understand the technical side of it. :)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.