Bras profile

Started by D-Dan, Jun 19, 2008, 23:49:56

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I shouldn't complain really. However, my bras profile has been 6000 since I switched to the new super duper all singing all dancing high speed IDNet package (I'm sure it has a shorter name - but I can't remember it) 2 weeks ago.

However, my sync has been stable at 7552 ever since, too, which means I should have a bras profile of 6500.

Any ideas why it may not be?

I've had no disconnections, and can't really say I'm not happy (I'm pretty ecstatic about my connection ATM), but I am human (just about), and human nature says "I want more".

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


It sounds like a stuck profile, Steve. Drop support an email, and they should have this sorted for you in no time. :)


I may - I'm actually scared to in case it goes the wrong way :)

But - it's nice to be complaining that 6K is too slow lol

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


Don't worry - I believe the fix for a stuck profile is fair safe. :)


Just a quick update - after an exchange of emails with James over the last couple of days, it's now sorted.

I'm still a little confused as to what happened. Yesterday he replied that it had updated and he was showing 6.5k there. A quick test here (on two PCs and via Ubuntu) and I was still on 6k.

I posted the results. He "had a chat" with BT (I think there may have been an iron bar involved), and replied it was now really fixed. A quick speedtest later - and my profile is up to 7k - which is higher than I was expecting.

I think we should have a button to Karma IDNet on the forum. I think I owe them 6 now :)

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


Glad you got there in the end!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Glad it's sorted. BT may have set the profile too high (which can happen, believe it or not). :thumb:


Well - ssshhhh - I won't tell them  >:D

As it happens - I fired a thank you off to James at IDNet, and included a note that I will expect it to drop to 6.5K. I'll just enjoy my superfast connection until it does :)


Edit: So what's all this complaining people do that because they are more than a couple of hundred feet from the exchange they are doomed to dial up speeds. I'm between 2.5 - 3 miles from the exchange - and as you can see, enjoying a connection most only dream of. Of course, when I was with Orange I had a feeling that that particular excuse was just so much BS ;)
Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


Distance is the first thing that we consider because of the effect that it has on attenuation. But, what we don't always think about is the quality of the line, whether it is copper or aluminium, the number of joins, and so on. This differs from area to area.

Ultimately, it depends on the line. :)