Setup guides for single and dual SSID 2700s

Started by kinmel, Feb 01, 2008, 16:44:34

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Dual SSID 2700HGV quick set-up guide.

The 2700HGV manual can be downloaded from 2Wire


It is NOT necessary to "trick" this router into working with IDNet, you simply provide the router with your IDNet login details using the built in set-up wizard.

Here is how........

1. Make the following 3 cable connections to the router - ADSL phone line, Ethernet cable, Power cord.

2. Power up the router and wait 3 minutes; then leaving the power on, press the recessed reset button for
   30 seconds and then allow the router to re-boot

3. Start your Internet Browser and enter HOME into the address bar.

4. When the page opens, click on Run System Setup Wizard in the box at the bottom right hand corner of
   the page.

      The new page asks for a KEY CODE, the correct code for the UK is:
      528Y - 27G4 - A222 - 22BJ - B22V.

       Click NEXT to continue...
      The next page allows you to select the time zone,  then click NEXT to continue....

       Enter your IDNet username ( eg. someone@uk.idnet.dsl4 or GW5 ) and password in the boxes and
       then click NEXT to continue.....

       Your router will now connect to IDNet and a summary will appear.

5. Firewall Settings -

Open page and then from the  menu list select Firewall, Advanced Settings
      Under Security tick the Stealth Mode and Block Ping boxes

      Under Inbound and Outbound Control untick Remote Management

      Click the SAVE (or Submit) button in both boxes

6 Wireless Settings -

        Open Page again and this time select Local Network,

        Tick the Enable Wireless Network Security box and then set Authentication to WPA2-PSK

        Enter your Password choice and then SAVE the page

7. Router Password -

        Open page HOME and then from the Network at a Glance section select Change System Password

        Under Password Protection  tick the ENABLE box.

        Enter your Password in the 2 boxes and add a Hint if you wish.

That's it!

For additional help please post any query Here

You can download a pdf of this guide from here
Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?


Single SSID 2700HGV quick set-up guide.

How I set up my single SSID 2Wire 2700HGV using information picked up from threads on this forum and with particular help and advice from Rik, Lance, Sebby, Ted and Alan to name but some.

Note my 2700 as it came contained this information:
Model: BT2700HGV
Hardware Version: 2701-100588-005
Hardware Options: Wireless present
DSL Modem Type: ADSL
Current Software: 
DSL Modem: 7.2.2

With my 2700 disconnected from my PC and the ADSL (telephone) line I switched it on let it boot up.
After about 2 to 3 minutes when I was sure the boot up was complete I did a factory reset.
The factory reset is achieved using the end of a paper-clip in the hole at the back to keep the reset button depressed for between 20 and 30 seconds. After the factory reset button was released the 2700 rebooted.

I then connected the RJ45 LAN Ethernet interface cable between my PC and one of the ports on the 2700.
I left the RJ11 connection from the 2700 to the ADSL (telephone) line disconnected.
Next I booted up my PC to the Desktop and started my browser, Internet Explorer.
In the browser's address bar I entered:
This brought up the Management and Diagnostic Console complete with the System Summary.

In the vertical rectangular box on the left is a menu pick-list of facilities that can be accessed.
Under Broadband Link I selected Configure and entered:
My Username and Password as provided to me by IDNet.
Other settings on this page were:
ATM Circuit Identifier: VPI: 0, VCI: 38
ATM Encapsulation: Routed VC-Mux
ATM PVC Search: Disabled
Broadband connection: Enabled
Connection Type PPPoA
PPP on demand: 0 Minutes
Of the remaining settings the ones I have selected are:
Use the built-in hardware address.
Obtain Internet address automatically.
Obtain DNS information automatically.

Note when this configuration data is complete do not click the Submit Settings button at the bottom of the page.
At first this is what I did and it does not work.
Instead in your browser's address bar type: javascript:document.pagepost.submit() and press enter.
This saves the correct details but bypasses the validation present in the BT firmware.

Back in the vertical rectangular box on the left, from the menu I picked Firewall and selected Advanced Settings:
Under Security I ticked the Stealth Mode and Block Ping boxes
Strict UDP Session Control I left un-ticked.
Under Inbound and Outbound Control I left all boxes ticked except the Remote Management and both NetBIOS ones.
Under Attack Detection I left all boxes ticked.
Under Full Logging I left this option box un-ticked.
When this page was completed I clicked the Submit Settings button.

Back in the vertical rectangular box on the left, next from the menu I picked Local Network and selected Wireless:
Here I ticked the Enable Wireless Network Security box and then set Authentication to WPA2-PSK.
Everything else I left unchanged.
When this page was completed I clicked the Submit Settings button.

Back in the vertical rectangular box on the left, next from the menu I picked Advanced and selected DNS Resolve:
One by one I entered the following pairs of DNS names and IP Addresses into the Define a Name and Address to resolve boxes and clicked the ADD button:
DNS Name                                                 IP Address                                                             

This is the procedure that is known as "Poisoning the DNS".

This is the setup pretty much done but there are two more things to attend to.

Back in the vertical rectangular box on the left, from the menu pick System Summary at the top of the box.
Make sure that under Configuration that you see:

Key Code:               528Y-27G4-A222-22BJ-B22V

My key code did not need to be changed but if yours does run the Setup Wizard as follows:
In your browser address bar enter:
On the right hand side of the new page select Run System Setup Wizard.
On the page that opens enter the key code as shown above and click Next.

Next in your browser address bar enter: once more.
Under, Network at a Glance click Change System Password and follow the prompts to setup up a password of your choosing.
Make sure that you tick the ENABLE box by, Check ENABLE to require a password to modify settings.

Now connect the RJ11 cable between the 2700 and the ADSL (telephone) line making sure that all telephony equipment is connected by suitable ADSL filters. This includes all extension telephones, fax machines and Sky boxes in particular.

If it works for you like it did for me you will connect to IDNet with no trouble at all.

If you want to change your MTU go back to the vertical box on the left of the System Summary page.
In this box pick Advanced and select Configure Services.
At the botom of the page at Force Upstream MTU: enter the MTU you want, say e.g. 1458 or 1500 and click the Submit Settings button but makes sure you understand what you are doing before changing this value.

Finally back in the vertical box under Broadband Link click on Statisics to see you Connection Rates, Noise Margins, Attenuations etc.

This guide can be downloaded in PDF form from the link below.

[attachment deleted by admin]



Our existing 2700HGV guides do not cover the V6 firmware, and knowledge on V6 is still being gathered. Possibly the best advice we can offer for the moment, therefore, is that members refer to Tripod's excellent article which is being constantly updated.

The direct link to Tripod's up-to-date set-up information is

and to the whole of his guide on 2700HGV is

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


If you have previously connected successfully to IDNet, then after updating to V6 your router keeps it's old PPP settings and you will remain connected as before.

However, with a new router, or one that was not already set up to connect to IDNet, the following has been found to work.........

Set up a desktop or shortcut link to and  make a note of the default WEP code off the side of the hub.

Go to Settings > diagnostics > Resets Click "Reset to Factory Default State" (or use the reset on the back of the router).

When the power light on the router goes red then close the browser.

When the router has rebooted click on the previously created shortcut link to so the browser connects to the hub without trying to connect to the internet.

The default system password for brand new hubs is the serial number of the hub.  The serial number can be found on the label attached to the underside of the hub.

If you need to change the system password, go to Settings > System Info > Password, click on "I've forgotten the password" and then "I've still forgotten the password", use the default WEP code as instructed to reset the password to one of your choice.

Open page http://home/xslt?PAGE=HURL13 and fill in the details for your Idnet Username and Password and then the Router Password and select Submit, check the link settings in Settings > Broadband > Link Configuration.

Thanks to Alan (Kinmel) for this.

It is also necessary to check that the Firewall, Wireless Security and Router Password have sufficient security for your needs.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.