BT scores one over Virgin

Started by Rik, Jul 02, 2008, 11:51:53

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The BBC is reporting that "A complaint lodged by BT about the speeds of Virgin Media's broadband service has been upheld by the Advertising Standards Authority.

The challenge centred on its advertisement Hate to Wait?, which ran in the national media and featured download times for songs and TV shows.

BT argued that Virgin's usage caps meant that downloads during peak times would be slower than advertised.

The ASA has agreed and ordered Virgin to make it clear that speeds will vary."

"On a secondary issue, Virgin admitted that it wrongly used the term "megabits" when referring to the size of the files being downloaded and agreed to change it to the correct "megabytes" term." :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This makes me happy. Their lying adverts get on my nerves. ;)


Quote from: Sebby on Jul 02, 2008, 14:45:11
This makes me happy. Their lying adverts get on my nerves. ;)

[rant on]For some reason, the internet industry is immune to the standards that we apply to others. I am really fed up with seeing "unlimited", but having to go look for the fine print somewhere to tell me what the FUP is.  Don't get me wrong... everyone should read the fine print, but this is advertising we are talking about.[rant off]

That's why I appreciate ISPs like IDNet who you know what you get up front before you even go to the fine print. :)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.