IP Profile Falling

Started by ST Driver, Jul 04, 2008, 18:48:18

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ST Driver

Does anyone have any idea why my ip profile should have fallen by 1000K in a month.

I have had no more than the odd resync, than when I joined in Jan when my sync was
a solid 8096. Now it seams to sync at 7235 or less until I restart my router.

My router stats for 03/06/2008 and 04/07/08 are below


IP Profile 7000K   

Stream Type

Interleaved Channel Data Rate
Up Stream  448 (Kbps.)  Down Stream 8096 (Kbps.)


Noise Margin
Upstream 26 dB  Downstream 8.5 dB

Output Power
Upstream 11.5 dBm  Downstream 20 dBm

Upstream 21.5 dB  Downstream 35 dB


IP Profile 6000K   

Stream Type

Interleaved Channel Data Rate
Up Stream 448 (Kbps.)   Down Stream 7616 (Kbps.)
Noise Margin   
Upstream  25 dB   Downstream  10.5 dB

Output Power
Up Stream  11.5 dBm      Downstream 20 dBm

Up Stream 22 dB        Downstream 35 dB



Grandad Racer


Hi Steve

The figures suggest you've had more than one disconnection, your noise margin has been increased and your profile is lower than it should be for the current sync speed. Does your router log disconnections?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


What Rik said, although I must say that your SNRM doesn't look particularly high. The target could well still be 6dB. That said, with attenuation so low, you should expect full sync.

Could you reboot the router now and repost the stats straight away?

ST Driver


The stats for today were taken at diner time today straight after a reboot, as I lost ppp just after
midnight. this was the first time this had happened for 4 or 5 days. If I loose ppp it will always happen
during the night, this has always been the case since I got adsl 4 years ago.

Grandad Racer


That's normal, Steve, ADSL uses the MW radio frequencies, so noise is highest at night. If you then re-sync during the day, you'll get higher speeds but less stability.

Have you removed the ring wire from all sockets? Do you use an extension lead to connect the router? If so, is it flat or round?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

ST Driver

The router is pluged straight in to the main BT socket, thro' a filter.

The lead to the router is flat and only runs from the BT socket nd the router.

Over the last few weeks I have tried differant filters just in case.

Grandad Racer


That should be OK, Steve. Do you have any other phone sockets? If so, removing the ring wire from terminal three on all sockets may give you a big boost.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Could you try the test socket (behind the faceplate)?


Why didn't I remember to ask that?  :stars:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It's been a long and hard day, Rik. You're forgiven. :P

ST Driver

Rik.  That is the only phone socket in the house.

Sebby. Will try the test socket and get back to you.

hopefully I will be back on my system by then and not using the wifes laptop.

Must go the boss wants her laptop

It has been a long day I was at work at 04:30 this morning so if I stop replying I will
have fallen asleep. ;D

Grandad Racer


Quote from: ST Driver on Jul 04, 2008, 19:51:44
Rik.  That is the only phone socket in the house.

Sebby. Will try the test socket and get back to you.

In that case, the test socket shouldn't make any difference as there are no extensions.

The only other thing it could be is a deteriorating line (physically), which there's nothing you can do about. :(

ST Driver

thanks for the help Rik and Seb. I will keep monitering things and and hope thing don't get much worse.
Still not as bad as F2S/tiscali  :D :D
Grandad Racer


Have you tried a pro modem cable and a different router just in case either of those is "going soft"? How is the ventilation round the router and the temperature in the room? Could the router be overheating? You said you tried different filters what kind of filters are they and how old are they please?


ST Driver


Both router and filters are about 4 years old. Will try a new filter  the present ones are Belkin.

The router is also a Belkin and apart from an occasional hiccup it has been no problem.

A new router and pro cable will have to wait as there is no money in the kitty for them yet.

There is plenty of ventilation and it is cool as it is in the coldest room in the house

( the wife's study ). :whistle:
Grandad Racer


I'd seriously suggest the ADSL Nation xf-1e, Steve:


I've never found better.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


ST Driver

Thanks I will get one next time I get paid

Grandad Racer


They're available slightly cheaper here, and with free delivery. I've bought from them before and they were quick to deliver. :thumb:


Good luck :)

The good news about the cable is that they're only about £3 from www.adslnation.com  for a short one.

If you think your router may be dodgy I would try to borrow one off a friend, someone on here or I once heard someone here mention that they thought support may have a loan unit.



I can always lend a unit, support will also lend one out.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

ST Driver

have got a router on its way from my eldest son should be here by the end of the week.

I have convinced the better half to let me get a new filter (which has been ordered) and
a new lead which I will order this morning.

When eveything is in place I will let you know the outcome

Thanks again steve
Grandad Racer



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Have you made any changes to your phones recently, like new phones, moving your cordless phone if you have one? (is it near the modem?)

Does every phone and anything else plugged in (like a fax or Sky if you have it) have a filter?


ST Driver


No changes to phones only have one pluged into main socket thro' a filter
and the base unit is about 6 foot away from the router, the phone will be anyware
in the house but not on the base station, untill it goes flat.

If we need to pleg the sky box in it is with an extention lead that runs
across the floor and is put in a draw when not  in use, and unplug phone to do so.
Sky box has not been pluged in for about 3 months.

Grandad Racer