Webspace issues?

Started by gyruss, Jul 11, 2008, 18:01:36

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Quote from: vitriol on Jul 12, 2008, 12:52:19
it had been working since it came back up after the email dramas.  It's only since yesterday that I haven't been able to access.

Yepp. That's what I am finding also. Until yesterday, surfing to my webspace showed a listing of a few gif and jpg files I have there. Since yesterday it produces the 403 error. I presently don't have an index.htm or index.html file there.

By including the jpg or gif filename appended to the URL they display normally. Just a server config change I'm sure.


'Keyboard not detected ~ Press F1 to continue'


It certainly sounds that way to me, JB, and we do know it's a new server.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yep, it definitely looks like a configuration issue. I know that some servers will show the directory listing whilst others won't, and it's just a setting (or is it directory permissions?).


This works : Clio

This doesn't : Forza index

Definately looks like there is something wrong with the directory structure on the server.


Definitely looks like a job for IDNet, then.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


doubt nothing is wrong its probly just Options -Indexes is set for all accounts.

Just ask them if they could enable folder indexes so you can see the list of files for that folder.


FWIW I can ftp in, and have an index.htm file present, but get a 403 error message if I browse there. No problem ATM as it's only a holding page - my site is hosted elsewhere.


I am having the same issue. (apologies for starting another thread - I did look but somehow missed this one)

I mostly use my space as a file transfer dump so I need the server to show the directory listing.



It obviously seems as though there are some issues.  As it doesn't seem to be affecting everyone, the only thing I can suggest is for you guys to contact IDNet, so that they can look into this.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I've emailed IDNet support about this.


emailed support too and pointed them to this thread.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I've read the post, not sure I understand it though,  do I need to have an index.html file in every folder that I upload to now?

care to elaborate a bit, feeling a bit slow this morning!


Basically, as it's been relayed to me, if there's no index file, you will get the permission denied message. However, it did specifically say parental folder, so it may not be required for sub folders.


I've been told it does apply to sub-folders.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks for the update Rik.

Unfortunately, unless they can turn that off for selected users I think it renders the webspace pretty much useless for me  :mad:

If they allowed external ftp access, that would be something but annoyingly, they don't.


how would you go about creating this index file?


As a block to browsing:

<title>No Browsing</title>
<h1>No Browsing</h1>

As a 'page shaper', it depends what you need to do.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I just want to show my .jpg pictures in an index, so I can click on them and see the pictures.


vitriol, try using http://www.ph2web.com/. It takes but a moment to stick up a gallery in a directory of your choice.


I'd like to use the IDNet service if possible.


Just got an email through from support, looks like that a directory listing is now not possible due to security concerns that some users have.

Have just asked if the "tweak" can be enabled / disabled on a per user basis.


Quote from: vitriol on Jul 15, 2008, 12:32:36
I'd like to use the IDNet service if possible.

I've never used it, but this looks to do what you want. Once you've created the gallery, you just FTP it to your webspace. I'm sure there will be other programs that do the same if you google for them.

On the off-chance you have Adobe Photoshop, you can use that by going File > Automate > Web photo gallery

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: vitriol on Jul 15, 2008, 12:38:54
Just got an email through from support, looks like that a directory listing is now not possible due to security concerns that some users have.

Have just asked if the "tweak" can be enabled / disabled on a per user basis.

I suppose that unless the per user basis can be brought in, then it is impossible to keep every user happy. IDNet have to choose between those who want it and those who don't, and in this day and age you can't blame them for going with the more secure option!!!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


can't be enabled / disabled on a per user basis as everyone's webspace is on a shared server. 

Guess I'll look at alternative's .......


That is terrible news and a big headache for me.

What are the chances of getting external ftp access instead?