Webspace issues?

Started by gyruss, Jul 11, 2008, 18:01:36

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Give support a mail and see what they say



I'd suggest you ask IDNet. I suspect I know the answer, but could be wrong.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Lance on Jul 15, 2008, 12:42:15
I've never used it, but this looks to do what you want. Once you've created the gallery, you just FTP it to your webspace. I'm sure there will be other programs that do the same if you google for them.

On the off-chance you have Adobe Photoshop, you can use that by going File > Automate > Web photo gallery

You can also do it with Photoshop Elements as well, Lance, that's how I did the one that's on my idnet web space

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: vitriol on Jul 15, 2008, 12:54:42
can't be enabled / disabled on a per user basis as everyone's webspace is on a shared server. 

Guess I'll look at alternative's .......
It can be enabled per user if the server is setup correctly. All idnet have to do is tell apache to allow htaccess to override Options +/- Indexes

That way, all the user has to do is put a .htaccess file into there root with Options +Indexes or Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks in the .htaccess file.


thanks for the advice there paul,

I wonder what security issues existed to prompt this change of configuration?


Probably a response to concerns from some customers. There's always a problem in balancing the needs of everyone on a service like this.

Those that preferred the previous approach should let support know, so that they can balance the opposing views.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Good advice as always Rik,

I've let Andrew in support know how I feel about this.


I will let support know what I think as well.

To be honest, I think they should have told us in advance before making a change like this. Or at least after they had done it, so we were not fishing around for answers.
I often need access to files stored on my webspace when I'm working away and that is not possible now.



Quote from: vitriol on Jul 15, 2008, 16:09:16
thanks for the advice there paul

No problem..

Here's an example.. my domain http://www.psp83.com has the same as idnet. indexes are turnt off.

So if you go to http://www.psp83.com or http://www.psp83.com/youdontsee you will get the "Forbidden" message.
But if you go to http://www.psp83.com/yousee you will now get the files/subfolders shown.

This is done by .htaccess as i said in my last post. So it can be done per user if the server is setup correctly.


Certainly on sub directories, you should just be able to change the permissions using your FTP program.

Edit: Actually, that may not be the case. If "permission denied" is just the wrong way of saying "direction listing denied" then I don't think it'll work. If it is actually about permissions, you should be able to change it yourself.


Quote from: vitriol on Jul 15, 2008, 12:32:36
I'd like to use the IDNet service if possible.

It would be on your IDNet webspace, if that's what you mean. It's simply a program that quickly and simply puts together a gallery from the files in a folder.


I just need the directory listing to be back, I'm in the same boat as cs, as I am required to travel and access to my webspace is important to me.  Not only do I use if for photo's, there are some files that I may need when I am working.

As things stand at the moment, I can't access it remotely via ftp (as it can only be used via your IDNet broadband connection) and now that directory listings have been disabled the only way I can access my files is directly.  So that will require me to memorise loads of file names.

Surely directory listings can be made optional.  When I emailed support about this I was told that personal webspace could be set up for me but I would be charged extra for the service......that's not an option imo.  I already pay for a premium service and I should be able to use all of the services provided to me.

I'll be taking this up further with support tomorrow.