slow internet speeds

Started by stirling, Jul 26, 2008, 20:11:38

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We have just had a small PPP outage, Stirling, but I wouldn't have thought it would have caused a resync.  Got any storms round your way?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


No storms forecast in north east tonight, not sure whats been going on but this is an ongoing issue Simon


ive just restarted router.... again, and it still seems to be up and down , this is starting to annoy me surely i wont have to wait up to 5 days again for the synch to catch up again?  the last 5 days have just passed, i got up to nearly 7mb but now it seems to be dropping like a stone again


Has the sync dropped as well? or are you suffering from local BT exchange congestion
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


That's what I was wondering, Steve. Could you post the router stats, or if not, do a BT speed test?


when i do tests in the am  the download speeds fine but later in day its always worse, as i said before not really a lot of good unless i want to get up at 5 am everyday to use net

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 8128 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  448 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 7000 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 6550 kbps


It sounds very much like exchange congestion to me (although your profile isn't right - it should be 7150 kbps - so there is potentially some instability on your line).

What's the VP status for your exchange?


 Virtual paths: Green

There are currently no known capacity problems on your exchange. There may still be an exchange problem, however BT are not currently reporting that they are aware of it. Please contact Support if you are having speed problems, who can advise further.

Record last updated: 28 Jul 08

Historical information for this exchange:

Status Date
21 Jul 08   
14 Jul 08   
07 Jul 08   
01 Jul 08   
23 Jun 08
may be having speed problems?  lol  if bt are aware why dont they sort it?



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: stirling on Aug 07, 2008, 10:39:17
  if bt are aware why dont they sort it?

££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££'s     ;D
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


o yea inactive, how silly of me to forget the ££££££££s, maybe if i go back to bt for my calls they would feel more inclined to help me.................  but then again maybe not.


Your upstream speed is very low, Stirling, I'm wondering if there's a clue in that.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


the upstream has stayed low all the time rik if ya check back from my postings  but the download is up and down like a fiddlers elbow, seems fine atm but i just know its gonna drop in next few hours


I've noticed the low u/s figure throughout, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's part of the story. Can you post your router stats?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


System Up Time 20:06:17
Port Status TxPkts RxPkts Collisions Tx B/s Rx B/s Up Time
WAN PPPoA 162254 225060 0 824 2243 20:05:40
LAN 10M/100M 201879 153787 0 2068 862 20:06:13
WLAN 11M/54M 25555 18124 0 245 27 20:06:03

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 8128 kbps 448 kbps
Line Attenuation 12 db 2.5 db
Noise Margin 12 db 28 db


Those speeds just don't make sense for those stats. You've got bags of headroom, very low attenuation. You should be going flat out. If it's not exchange congestion, I'm stumped. I'd suggest letting support have the figures and see if they have any other ideas.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


will do rik, ill call them in the morning,i just dont understand why the speed varies so much from 5 am to 10 pm, the last issue was solved by an engineer doing a lift and shift at the exchange but i only know that because support told me they were, even getting 3mb download speed is a damn sight faster than i ever got with my previous isp but i feel if im paying for more then i should be getting it


The timings are classic for exchange congestion, sadly. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


No BBCi player uploading? or Zyxel P660HW bandwidth restriction?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


only thing im runnin lately is msn and idnet forum, not downloading anything steve


I agree with Rik - it doesn't make sense. You've got a really good line, and should be seeing full speeds.


Thats why I wondered whether spyware or some live programs like chat/instant messengers, torrent clients, etc are unknowingly using part of your upload bandwidth.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.