Slow Speeds since I got the 8meg Max service

Started by hairyman, Aug 11, 2008, 21:48:47

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Will give you an idea of current service levels


The error count is low, at 0, so that's another possibility ruled out. For the exchange, take a look at Samknows.

Or what Vit said, but my link goes straight to your exchange. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: hairyman on Sep 05, 2008, 23:44:59
Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 5664 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  448 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 4500 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 481 kbps

Hi All
I have just come back from a weeks holiday - very relaxing - must do it more often.

To celebrate I managed to get a speedtest out of BT . Results shown above . Throughput worse than ever at 481kbps !!!!

I will ask IDnet to look at it again on Monday. Surely a throughput of around 10% of the Profile is wrong?

[confidential information removed]

SNR margins still are 16db on the downstream link and interleaved. Others locally get at worst 3meg plus on BT .

I therefore assume IDnet are hopelessly contended, as the throughputs I get now are far worse than with Eclipse a year ago, and they were bad but at least they were cheapish.             :bawl:

Hi Hairyman,

I have been taking a look at your posts so far, your problem does not appear to be related to any current congestion issues but will need further information to get to the bottom of the problem. Can i ask that you contact the support: as soon as possible with all your current BT test results and any ping graphs you might have so that i can look into this for you, I will also need your line number details.



get the bt engineer in this sort of situation, they will normally blag something if the line is ok so you don't get a bill, if they come out & there is a problem, no charge.
As for BT shaping or throttling or whatever, this is one of the greediest companies in GB who will use any & all methods to make as much money from as little cost to them as possible.
ISP's & BT blaming each other is justifiable really as there are few ways to find out who is the problem which can cost you years of bad connections trying to figure it out.
We can say it is not idnet but could be anything else, I would start with BT, Backward Twerps, poxy little lines connecting the country, interweaved with tree branches, put in some thick 25mm wires you donkeys, we are only one up from a length of string & 2 paper cups how it is now, could easily just be that but you need to really work BT into sorting it out, get them to put a new line, thruppence to them, with my bro they had to dig up concrete, install new equipment as he kept having problems but's that what it was, in any normal situation they wouldn't of done that, push the gits.


I take it you're not a fan of BT then? Neither are we. ;)


Hi Again Sebby and Signline

Taken a short break from the hassle of the slow net, plus some idiot totalled my car when was I was sat stationary in it on Sunday evening. Must be BT preparing a frontal assault?

I will call Idnet after the car insurance people get their calls to me over. Maybe tommorrow but I should really find time to do some work for my company as well!!

Tried a speedtest tonight got 654kbps , last few test were up to 2mbps plus but now its a weekday ( day or night ) the rates will go back to 500ish. I do seem to get better rates over the weekend at any time of the day compared to weekdays  ???

Yup BT seem not to give a s**t . Our cables are all underground over here, in the old part of the town they are all overhead and go back to the 1950s. wooden posts and climbing pegs etc

CU all tommorrow night, thank for yr support.
Ni illigitimus carborundom


I'm sorry to hear about your accident. :(

You must get in touch with IDNet when things are sorted with the car and you have some time. I know it must be really frustrating for you, and the cause really isn't clear, so IDNet will need some more information. :)


 Hi All
Sorry about the delay in getting back to you, I have been tied up with work and the insurance side of car damage. Result is the third parties insurance co have admitted full liability, my car is a write off though , shame as it was in fine condition and I would have driven it anywhere knowing it would get there. Good news I have found another car for collection at the end of this week. It should do over 50mpg solo, pull my small caravan easily and cost only £120 RFL I would still prefer to have the old one. Still a massive waste of time and a load of agro for my family and me. Could we all drive slower in future.  :no:  My first accident in 19yrs and 1 million plus miles though. :shake:

Thought I would celibrate with a bt speedtest which worked second time. This was done at approx 2200 hrs tonight. This is the best speed I have ever got on a BT test!!! I see some complain at 5900kbps throughput!!  My result is still slow and it will fall below one meg during the week if previous tests are anything to go by.

Think I will investigate NewNet which would at least cut costs a bit. My landline gets noisy at times now that the spell of dry weather is drying out the cables. I have only 2 disconnects in ten days with no significant errors though.

Trust you are all well. I will contact IDnet if I have time this week to ask them to run it all via BT again.

Results below.
Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 5984 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  448 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 5000 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 2862 kbps

If you wish to discuss these results please contact your ISP.

If you are experiencing problems with specific applications, servers or websites please contact your ISP for assistance.

Your test has completed please close this window to exit the performance tester.

Ni illigitimus carborundom


Sorry to hear about your troubles with the car, but I'm glad it's sorted now. :)

You'd never get close to 5900k as you profile is only 5000k. That said, your throughput is low, but given that you did the speed test at 22:00 it could be congestion. Could you run another one in the morning, perhaps?

We'll be sorry to see you go, and I'm not convinced that your speeds are ISP-related. You say yourself that your line is noisy, and the throughput issues could be caused by a high error count.

I would certainly run another speed test and then contact IDNet as if the problem is at their end, they can probably do something for you. ;)


Hi Sebby

Yes i realise that all I could get at best would be say 4500kbps with my profile locked at 5000. I was just saying that the other big post on this section of the forum someone is complaining about only getting 5900. I often get 590.

I have no data errors showing from my router stats over ten days up time, the line is noisy but the 14 to 16db SNR margin seems to sort that. The voice line is only noisy when the router syncs up. All the above have Not changed since 8meg Max came in here about 30mths ago.

Speeds are always worst during weekdays ( day and night) compared to weekends when I get better speeds in general.Week day rates are often still 700kbps !!

Would be happy to get the current speed on a regular basis. I think its trottling somewhere as on a longer download the speed varies up and down then tails off. Not implying its IDnet just why pay highish price for a top ISP racehorse when the BT donkey is in line all the time. May go LLU when my phone deal expires in 2009 .
Ni illigitimus carborundom


I don't believe it's throttling, but rather congestion. And that could be at the exchange or within IDNet's network. If it's the latter, there is something they can do about it, which is why you should get in touch with them. :)


Hi again

Managed another speedtest tonight. The BT speedtest site seems to be working better these days as I got in first time. unfortunately my throughput is back to normal at below one meg actually 700kbps.
IPprofile has dropped to 4meg , yesterday it was 5meg and last week 4.5meg.

I imagine it will be even less than this during weekdays.

I will contact IDnet and see what they can do, maybe they can put me on a 2meg service and I will maybe contact BT and try the " intermittant hearing of other voices on the line" type idea to see if another exchange pair would clear the dropouts.??

The line noise only occurs after dry spells , we have had no rain for nearly two weeks. The line attn fluctuates during these noise patches as do the SNRmargins. If I mention line noise to BTphone folk they come back saying it must be the BB and the BB boys say its a line problem.

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 5824 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  448 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 4000 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 726 kbps

If you wish to discuss these results please contact your ISP.

If you are experiencing problems with specific applications, servers or websites please contact your ISP for assistance.

Your test has completed please close this window to exit the performance tester.
Ni illigitimus carborundom


I see your profile has dropped since yesterday, and it's not correct for the sync, so that suggests some potentially significant instability. That said, I'm not convinced this is the cause of your low throughput, and I would get in contact with IDNet in the morning.


I think the trick with the bt voice people is to play the simple customer, and not even mention the broadband.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi All

Just had an email from James. They have checked their network and confirmed that my link into it was uncongested. On checking with BT service provider , they have firstly made adjustments to the line in order to settle my IP profile at 5mb as it seems to be bumping around, however after further investigation they have been able to confirm that my circuit is linked to a congested VP on their network and due to the severity of my problem they suggest that an upgrade to the capacity of this VP will be due very soon. Not totally sure what a congested VP looks like but if it needs petrol and a match ?

I dont hold out to much as the speeds have been poor since early 2006 when Max came in. As Orange and TT have appeared at my local exchange in the last few months I cant see BT spending to much if their customer base might be migrating. Still we shall see.

Will get onto BT ref the voice line approach. Meanwhile I will do a few speedtests.


Ni illigitimus carborundom


At least we know know that it is a Bt capacity problem. Its a shame Bt don't make this correct information more widely available, instead of reporting everything as ok.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi  Lance

I guess honesty is basically bad in industry or buisness?   ???

There are a few shining lights out there but sadly few.

I wouldnt claim to be one but always try to be straight when dealing with customers questions ( over 25yrs as a on site service and commissioning engineer) I have a clear conscience , but I am still an engineer not a manager/director actually I was a director for a while but gave up after being lied to by a dodgy fellow director shareholder who was stitching up both our customers and suppliers.  :rant2:

Thanks to Idnet and James for tracking down this, the exchange was showing red on one of the online checkers earlier this year until the early summer.

What do BT/Openreach do to resolve this? Add a extra box ?  :thumb:

Ni illigitimus carborundom


Well it's nice to finally know the real issue, but as you say, it's not certain anything will be done about it. Unfortunately, that's just BT for you. The only alternative is LLU, and that depends on whether your exchange has been unbundled.


Quote from: hairyman on Sep 22, 2008, 23:13:16
What do BT/Openreach do to resolve this? Add a extra box ?  :thumb:

That's exactly what they do. They seem never to learn that demand is growing, unfortunately, so they tend to fix the current problem rather than put in spare capacity. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Sep 23, 2008, 08:30:35
That's exactly what they do. They seem never to learn that demand is growing, unfortunately, so they tend to fix the current problem rather than put in spare capacity. :(
Well its cheaper to put in just one box when things grind to a halt than prepare in advance, god forbid that expense and have spare capacity when no one is complaining, Rik  >:D
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I think it could be cheaper for them if they did a bit more planning in advance. ::)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Gary , Rik and Sebby

Thanks for your advice on BT and my slow , slow connection. Did a speedtest again actual throughput was a hi for me 843kbps!!!  Nice!!!

I will try to press BT to look at my voice line again as I have high noise  ( I suspect broadband cross talk from other users with cable next to mine or poor joints rectifying my downstream signal ) . We have had little rain for two weeks and the line definitely gets worse during dry spell. I have 32 disconnects showing in just over 2 days uptime. Previously I had 2 disconnects in 14 days. My profile seems not to dropped so maybe BT have locked it at 4.5/5.0 meg as stated in my last email ( below in prev posts) from James at idnet. A few months ago my profile was driven down to 500kbps by the rubbish connection. If it goes that way I will ask to be put on a 2meg service which I understand has no profile formed.

We now have TT and Orange on our exchange ( added this year) that could avoid the profiling thing and the contention/congestion at the BT boxes. Maybe next year when my phone deal runs out? But the poor line may be the main issue there. A near neighbour has TT and I will ask what download rate he gets and double check he has been transferred to TT  LLU rather than TT BT as I know TT were marketing locally before the exchange activation with immediate internet access via some other providers gear.

The disconnects mess up the profile and make the voice line noisy but they dont add any errors to the router stats they are simple drop outs when the router cannot contact the exchange. Each dropout and reconnect takes approx 15secs thats all.

Speed test below.

comprises of Best Effort Test: -provides background information.

   Your DSL connection rate: 5248 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  448 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 4500 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 843 kbps

If you wish to discuss these results please contact your ISP.

If you are experiencing problems with specific applications, servers or websites please contact your ISP for assistance.

Your test has completed please close this window to exit the performance tester
Ni illigitimus carborundom


It's certainly worth getting the voice side looked at, but just be aware of the BT charge if the fault lies with your equipment. LLU is a good option, though avoid Orange like the plague! I think TT are okay these days, but you might want to do some research first! :)


Results Image not loaded
Hi from slowsville!!
Maybe a little faster than usual though at 1319kbps. Usually its around 600 to 800.
The connection has been like this for over 2 and a half years so I dont hold out much hope on BT doing anything about it soon. At least I know its most likely BT exchange congestion now but going back 2 years plus I dont think enough people were on broadband locally to cause congestion then. The voice line is OK at the moment as we have had quite a bit of rain which damps it down. The attenuation remains at 38db for only 400mtrs straight line to the exchange.

Not sure if the BT congestion is at the local exchange though as thinking about it neighbours get 3 to 4 meg actual download speeds on BT !!

Any thoughts why I get less than 1meg when others get more at similar syncs in the same town on the same network ( BT ) the only visible difference is I am on IDNET and they use BT themselves ????

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 6720 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  448 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 5000 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 1319 kbps

If you wish to discuss these results please contact your ISP.

If you are experiencing problems with specific applications, servers or websites please contact your ISP for assistance.

Your test has completed please close this window to exit the performance tester.
Ni illigitimus carborundom