Slow Speeds since I got the 8meg Max service

Started by hairyman, Aug 11, 2008, 21:48:47

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Thinkbroadband test
Speed Test Results
Date 21/10/08 21:08:45
Speed Down 457.14 Kbps ( 0.4 Mbps )
Speed Up 367.33 Kbps ( 0.4 Mbps )
Port 8095

   Hi All

Only 7 days until BT promised to update my exchange , looks like they have taken on a shed load of new customers all downloading TV as they are nearly the lowest I have seen, ever. Even slower than when Broadband was enabled here and I was one of the first customers about 5.5yrs ago.

   Two speedtests above number one from Thinkbroadband the other They broadly agree.

   I see in other forum threads that may be inaccurate all I can say is that at my fairly slow rates they report similar results to thinkbroadband or BT . This is doing one after the other within a few minutes of each other.

Maybe at higher rates things differ? The tests from think and seem to take about the same time. Also Think have a section where you can simply download various files up to one gig in size and see what your download monitor sees or Netmeter type indicator picks up.

I am wondering how slow my connection will go until BT slam in a DSLAM within 7 days?

Ni illigitimus carborundom


I think it's anyone's guess. All you can do is sit tight, I'm afraid.


Only 5 days to go until promised BT upgrading the exchange here. Speed still sub one meg even now at 22.30 hrs , they were below 400kbps at 1900hrs .

Rates do improve in the small hours but sadly I dont want to browse the net then as I must get some sleep on my bat connection which I am well hung from ( see previous posts for explanation or further confusion).

Thinkbroadband test as below-
Date 23/10/08 22:20:21
Speed Down 647.71 Kbps ( 0.6 Mbps )
Speed Up 374.97 Kbps ( 0.4 Mbps )
Port 8095
Ni illigitimus carborundom


I hope to Christ this works, after all the build up, Hairy!  ;D
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



So you dint like the dramatic style the long slow build up etc!?  :whome:

I think my IPprofile has dropped way down again even though I have had the router off to save power etc. I have only seen 4 disconnects in two weeks at my end though. :comp:

I wont hold anyone to blame if it doesn't improve ( except those lying BT folk, just look at their share price £10 each eight yrs ago down to bu**er all now, which shows how not to manage a business  more especially how to demotivate staff). :dig:

Thanks all
Ni illigitimus carborundom


I hate to bring bad news but my exchange was supposed to be upgraded.  IDNet told me on the 8th October that it would happen in the next two weeks.. and it hasn't happened yet.  Speed at 8 this morning was 6200 and now at 2 it's 300.  So don't be disappointed if it doesn't actually happen.   :'(


BT are great at delivering just now, Ann. We're all watching November 4 with bated breath.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Ann

I will come as no suprise if my evening rates stick at sub 1meg rates, I am forever hopefull but I am fairly sure that BT have no concept of the truth as we see it ( along with 95% of other UK businesses might I controversially say).


Best of luck if yr exchange is still slow, mine runs at 500kbps during weekday evenings even though it is only 400metres away from here!! Weekends its better than weekdays or weekevenings strangely enough must be some business user flooding the system ?

Syncs currently at 6700k and download test gave 890k a few minutes ago but I got a speedtest at 2700k this morning ( Saturday) . These are typical figures for a Saturday .

Lets see what happens with IDnets new BT link the day before Guy Fawkes night.  :dig:

Ni illigitimus carborundom


Did I already ask you about LLU options at your exchange? I think I did, but I do lose track. :P


IIRC, Hairy is tied into BT for the line.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Quote from: Rik on Oct 26, 2008, 09:54:04
IIRC, Hairy is tied into BT for the line.

Perhaps that's been the problem all along - hair on the line? :)x  :out:
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Quote from: Simon on Oct 26, 2008, 12:01:26
Perhaps that's been the problem all along - hair on the line? :)x  :out:

Makes a change from leaves. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Or drunks. Or sheep. Or a broken down train. All of which I've had recently  :rant2:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Have you moved to Wales then Lance?... ;) :out:
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I can understand about "having" sheep and drunks but with trains thats disgusting even worse still with a broken down one :nono:
Ni illigitimus carborundom


No real improvement yet see above. Tried as BT speedtest but it "froze up" after entering the username section.

Something has happened though, as my router now syncs at 7616kbps with downstream SNRs varying about 8db whereas before it sat at 6500kbps at 12db SNR . I suspect it will drop to the lower rate soon when noise/crosstalk pops up on the line.

Maybe my profile has been reset if new hardware is installed?    :basil:

Line attns in both directions have not changed. If new exchange hardware has caused the reprofiling the bottleneck is still there or elsewhere.

Maybe they have simply removed the old exchange box that had "missing VPs" with one of better spec rather than uprate the exchange properly  at all.

Maybe they have done nothing yet or never will ?   :fingers:

Ni illigitimus carborundom


It's possible that the target SNRM has been reduced to 9dB as things have been stable. It's difficult to say whether the work has even gone ahead.



Still no improvement in speed , thats no suprise. The BT speedtest site locks up repeatedly during the authentication process I guess its busy ( a bit like BT bl**dy exchange!!) 

  BT said the exchange would be upgraded within ten days I think that is probably up.

Congestion seems as bad as ever , lets see what happens over the weekend as I always seem to get appalling rate weekday daytimes with a slight improvement in the evenings but somewhat better rates Friday evening to Monday morning.

Overall rates are now about half what they were with Eclipse Internet a year ago an ISP not noted for speed.

Looking at the stats it seems the speed variation from best to worst BT based ISP is very small mostly its down to the local infrastructure.


Never mind beating the BBC up about J.Ross and Master Brand I think they should be shot over the BBCi Player. The infrastructure cannot cope with streaming of any serious sort unless its all fibre even then think how often the server farms will doubling in size!!

Ni illigitimus carborundom


I just don't know what more you can do. You can go to another ISP, but I really don't believe the problems lie with IDNet, so it'll be the same. And, as far as I remember, you don't have any LLU options. :(



I will give it a few days and see what happens.

Yes I am in a BT phone deal until next year, so I will see what I can do to not waste cash on a good ISP like Idnet when the system is powered by the BT three legged donkey. Other BT isps probably are worse than Idnet but with my local exchange in line it seems anyone will do.

They have TT and Orange on the exchange with O2 rumoured to be adding on a full speed service next year. Maybe go with them as they are very good on the neighbouring exchange and I have have a O2 mobile.

Thanks for yr help.

Ni illigitimus carborundom


If O2 come to your exchange, make the move.